It is of course unfeasible physically to move cities such as Tokyo and San Francisco that have been built in earthquake zones .
当然,要把像东京和旧金山这类建在地震带上的城市 换个 地方 是 完全 行不通的。
In this case the time required to record the steps for all of the test cases might be unfeasible .
在此情况下,需要记录所有测试用例步骤的时间可能不能 实行。
Though divorce is no long a cultural taboo among young Iranians the convoluted divorce laws and the financial pressures of single parenting make it an unfeasible option for many women .
虽然离婚对伊朗年轻人来说不再是宗教文化禁忌。复杂的离婚手续和经济压力使离婚对许多伊朗年轻妇女 而言是一个 艰难的选择。
For intensity checking problem of complicated weldment it is difficult to get available result with conventional checking method and sometimes it is unfeasible .
复杂焊件的强度校核问题,采用常规的校核方法计算过程将非常复杂,并且计算结果 不 可靠,有时常规的校核方法 并不 可行,不能获得有效的结果。
But the government which had unveiled the project in 2004 said any last-minute changes would be unfeasible and all proper consultation procedures had already been observed .
但是,香港政府表示,任何最后一刻发生的改变都是 行不通的,2004年公布的这项计划经过了一切必要的磋商程序。
When the quantity of nodes is large the static method of address allocation is unfeasible so the network should have the ability that it can assign addresses automatically .
当节点数量很大时,静态设置地址的方法是 不 可行的,这就需要网络具有自动分配节点地址的能力。
Early divisible e-cash system turned to be unfeasible due to difficulties of complicated technology realization and heavy calculation duty .
以往的可分电子现金系统由于技术实现复杂,计算量大等原因, 难以 投入 实用 阶段。
However as both my designer and my accountant tell me – her name is Mei and her advice to me regarding tax problems is Make more money ! – this is economically unfeasible .
然而,我的设计师和我的会计师均告诉我,这在经济上是 不 可行的。我的会计师叫Mei,她给我提供的税收方面的建议是:多挣钱!
This is bound to form a set of unfeasible methods of the design of digital art .
这样必然 导致难以形成一套 切实 可行的数字艺术设计方法。
Limited by the requirements of insulin resistance evaluation the definition proposed by WHO is somewhat unfeasible for practices .
WHO定义因其对胰岛素抵抗评估的要求,实用性 差;
Encoding method and operating manner of switches are combined organically to avoid unfeasible solution appearing in the optimization process to improve the efficiency of the search algorithm .
将编码方法与开关状态有机的结合,避免寻优过程 不 可行解的产生,提高了算法的搜索效率。
The board said the idea was unfeasible .
董事会认为这个提议不 可行。
Three lasers scanning ground in order to gain the information of ground height and identify feasible grid and unfeasible grid the algorithm determines whether it is a feasible region or not and converts the question to find a solution of optimal direction by establishing navigation evaluation function .
该算法利用三个激光扫描地面,获得地面高度信息,然后得到可行栅格和 不 可行栅格,进而确定可行区域和不可行区域,并通过建立导航评价函数转换为求解最优方向解的问题。
The weather made it unfeasible to be outdoors
这样的天气不能 出门。
We are trapped by our handouts and welfare support and the price is unfeasible budget deficits and mounting debt .
我们的政府救济和福利制度 让我们 无法 脱身,而代价就是 不 可 维系的预算赤字和不断攀升的债务。
This method has made many food products whose development was thought to be technically unfeasible possible today .
这种方法使原来很多种食品 原先 由于技术 原因 不能 生产而现在成为可能。
Refloating the sunken ship proved impracticable because of its fragility ; a suggested reform that was unfeasible in the prevailing circumstances .
因为过于脆弱打捞 沉船是不切实际的;一个在主流环境中 不 可 实现的改革建议。
Two arrangements for the outlet of dried materials were examined theoretically and experimentally and it was found that the outlet by flooding was unfeasible .
实验和理论研究了干物料出口的安排,表明溢流 方式 不 可行。
PSO algorithm only keeps the optimal information and lacks of the intelligent judgment and reservation mechanism for the unfeasible solutions adjacent to the optimum so it cannot get a satisfactory results in multi-objective optimization .
粒子群算法只保留最优信息,对邻近最 优点 的 不 可行解缺乏智能性的判断和保留机制,在解决多目标优化问题中效果不理想。
In the report the group said any effort to give the government exceptional access to encrypted communications was technically unfeasible and would leave confidential data and critical infrastructure like banks and the power grid at risk .
这些专家在报告中表示,任何赋予政府获得加密通讯信息等特殊权限的做法,从技术层面 而言都 不具有 可行性,而且会使机密数据及银行和电网等基础设施 暴露在风险 之下。
The formal answer is that since Eurobonds require joint and several guarantees they are politically unfeasible .
官方的回答是,由于欧元债券要求各国共同提供多项担保,因此在政治上是 不 可行的。
The algorithm makes some computations practically accessible that were previously entirely unfeasible .
这个算法使得之前完全 不 可行的运算 变得实际可行。
In general science and technology is one kind of mixed goods which make it unfeasible to be offered simply by the market or the government .
科学技术总体而言是一种混合产品,单纯由市场或政府提供都是 不 可行的。
The process unit model finds the yield limitations caused by unfeasible plans .
加入了 判断 生产计划 是否 可行以及求解 不 可行物流的收率限制。
The conflict vacancy and unfeasible solutions may appear when the traditional genetic algorithms are applied into the optimizing allocation .
在把传统的遗传算法应用于优化分配问题时,会出现冲突、空缺和 无解等现象。
However when it comes to the non-linear control system it is unfeasible to apply the linear self-adapting filter to the non-linear modeling for adaptive inverse control requires the modeling of forward model and inverse model .
但是,在控制非线性对象时,自适应逆控制需要建立对象模型和对象的逆模型。实践 证明,用线性自适应滤波器对非线性对象建模是 不 可行的。
Although applying K fertilizer can solve this problem the increase in cost of production and the limitation of the resource of K in China and the world make it unfeasible since the exhaustion of this resource will be a severe obstacle to agricultural sustainable development .
施用钾肥固然能解决水稻缺钾问题,但使用钾肥一方面增加生产成本, 另一方面由于我国和世界钾资源有限,资源 耗竭将成为农业可持续发展的严重障 害。