


  • In other areas however unilateralism is less productive and co-operation not just valuable but essential .

    然而,在其它领域, 单边 主义没有成效,合作不仅有用而且重要。

  • The heavy shadow of America 's unilateralism is also visible on the unresolved question of Palestine which is one of the gravest tragedies of the20th and21st centuries .

    美国 单边 主义的沉重阴影在仍未解决的20世纪和21世纪最大悲剧之一的巴勒斯坦问题上也能看到。

  • In the process a central lesson of this crisis is being forgotten : that co-ordination works better than unilateralism .

    在此过程中,人们忘记了此次危机的一条核心教训:协作比 单边 主义更有效。

  • The method meliorates the problem such as unilateralism and faultiness in the traditional calculational methods and improves the precision and recall in the ontology mapping .

    设计了一种改进的相似度的计算方法。改善了相似度计算中存在的 片面 和不完善 问题,提高了本体映射的查全率和查准率。

  • We all need peace multilateralism and dialogue instead of war unilateralism and confrontation .

    要和平不要战争、要多边不要 单边、要对话不要对抗是双方的共识。

  • And just like you I didn 't find he mentioned any country when he referred to unilateralism .

    我也和你一样,没有发现他在 单边 主义的时候提到任何国家的 名字

  • But the Clinton era also contained signs of resurgent unilateralism .

    其实克林顿时代美国也出现过 单边 主义的迹象。

  • An advocate of unilateralism .

    片面 的鼓吹者。

  • Absolute unilateralism by the United States is the salient element of the new system adopted by the U.

    美国的“绝 单边 主义”是美国政府采用的针对世界发展的新体系中突出的要素。

  • Unilateralism slope first dig shallow lots then deep one to increase the excavation scale .


  • The action of international unilateralism often belongs to that of politics or force .

    国际 单边 主义 行为 表面上多属于政治或军事范畴,事实上也 存在 经济学 原理上的 支撑

  • But if China really does want to promote the renminbi and reduce the space for us economic unilateralism it is these questions and not toothless agreements about using the Renminbi for bilateral trade that it needs to address .

    但如果中国确实希望提升人民币地位,减少美国经济 单边 主义的空间,就需要应对这些问题而不是签署在双边贸易中使用人民币结算的没有真正作用的协议。

  • I believe that unilateralism is too expensive and open dialogue is too slow .

    我认为 单边 主义代价太高,公开对话效率太低。

  • The irony of this exercise is that small countries have long been the strongest supporters and adherents of multilateral co-operation while big countries have often disregarded international law or even heralded unilateralism .

    这种做法的讽刺意味在于:长期以来,这些小国向来是多边合作最有力的支持者和拥护者,而大国常常无视国际法,甚至会 推行 单边 主义

  • Unilateralism is very difficult to have a market .

    单边 主义是很难有市场的。

  • This is a substantial positive the future A shares will be down from the pattern of unilateralism .

    这是一个相当积极的,未来的A股将会从 单边 主义的模式了。

  • In a sense unilateralism is another reprint of the hegemonism .

    一定意义上讲, 单边 主义是霸权主义的另一翻版。

  • The struggles between multilateralism and unilateralism kept on going in the UN .

    联合国内多边主义与 单边 主义的斗争持续不断。

  • In effect US unilateralism aims to break the constant collaboration between monarchical and aristocratic forces that we said is characteristic of Empire asserting the autonomy of the global monarch .

    实际上,美国的 单边 主义旨在打破我们前面在提到帝国特性时所说的君主式和贵族式力量的不断协作和融合,而强调全球君主的自主权。

  • On foreign policy . I believe that unilateralism is too expensive ; open dialog is too slow .

    提到外交政策,我认为 单边 主义代价太大,开放对话进程缓慢。

  • Only unilateralism emphasizes the foreign behavior hegemonism stresses on the action goal even more .

    只不过 单边 主义强调对外行为方式,霸权主义更强调行动目标而已。

  • Americans have tired of unilateralism and of preventive war .

    美国人已经厌倦了 单边 主义与先发制人的战争。

  • American diplomacy is shifting towards unilateralism bringing about strong impact on international relations .

    美国外交向 强化 单边 主义调整,对国际关系的影响和冲击最大。

  • But the effectiveness was blunted by the unshakeable legacy of the first term unilateralism .

    但布什在第一个任期 实行 单边 主义不可动摇的地位,削弱了上述策略的效果。

  • But an erratic mix of trade unilateralism and manifest US impotence looks even less promising .

    但贸易 单边 主义与美国显见的无能为力构成的古怪结合,似乎更加没有希望。

  • Mr Obama who has properly denounced unilateralism should also not be the president who undermines respect for the rule of law that the WTO embodies at the multilateral level .

    曾对 单边 主义进行过恰如其分的谴责的奥巴马,也不应成为这样一任美国总统破坏世贸组织所体现的在多边层面上对法治的尊重。

  • Like America China can still display a penchant for unilateralism that undermines all its careful diplomacy .

    象美国,中国仍然显示出对 美国 单边 主义可能破坏中国小心翼翼的外交的一个倾向。