


  • Even today the influence of the heavens on the days of the week is unmistakable .

    即使今天也 不会 弄错天体对一周内的 天的影响。

  • He knew that it was not so because of her unmistakable agitation when she handed him the note .

    他知道这不可能,因为她把纸条递给他时, 明摆着激动不安。

  • That is why we offered Iran 's leaders an unmistakable opportunity .

    这就是为什么我们向伊朗领导人提供了一个 明白 的机会。

  • I knew who you were . it 's unmistakable .

    我可知道你是谁, 不了

  • He didn 't give his name but the voice was unmistakable .

    他没留下姓名,但是那个声音是 绝不的。

  • She rejected him with an inflexible and unmistakable determination and she barred the door of her bedroom forever .

    她怀着 不可动摇的决心拒绝了他,永远门上了门。

  • They would often look at us with unmistakable contempt .

    他们惯用 明白 的轻蔑眼光打量我们。

  • There is an unmistakable note of nostalgia in his voice when he looks back on the early years of the family business

    他回忆早些年的家族生意时,无疑是带着一种 怀旧的语气的

  • You can hear the barking of dogs and the unmistakable sound of hostile searchers nearby .

    您可以听到附近的狗叫声及 清晰的敌方搜寻者的声音。

  • He succeeds though here and there his own wry presence is unmistakable .

    他成功了,尽管很多地方他自己的陈述是 不会 弄错的。

  • I remember as a child seeing them through my small backyard refractor and it was unmistakable .

    我记得小时候用我的小折射镜看它们,是如此的 明显

  • These systems show unmistakable signs of unregulated growth and repeated expedient repair .

    这些系统显示了无 规则发展,重复 临时修复的符号。

  • Irish English @ is unmistakable too .

    爱尔兰式英语也 不会 搞错

  • Gareth 's urgency was unmistakable .

    加勒思的迫切心情是 明显的。

  • She said appliances would not transmit the unmistakable kimchi smell through rooms .

    她还宣称这种 空调不会将 泡菜独有的气味散播到房间中去。

  • They believe it has a subtle but unmistakable impact on the way the nation is governed .

    他们相信,这对国家的统治方式有微妙却 不言而喻的影响。

  • An unmistakable message had passed between them .

    他们两人之间交换了一个 无可置疑的信息。

  • The contrast here with the earlier feast of King Herod is unmistakable .

    这场宴会和在此以前希律王办的宴会的反差是 清楚的。

  • The effect of a house of this character on its owner is unmistakable .

    这种 格局的房屋对于屋主人的影响是 明显的。

  • The speaker sailed into his opponent showing the weaknesses of his argument in an unmistakable way .

    那位发言人抨击他的对手, 反驳 指明了其论点中的 各个弱点。

  • It is unmistakable with its golden crest and rump and bright red body .


  • You believed that you had seen unmistakable documentary evidence proving that their confessions were false .

    你以为你看到过 无可置疑的物证,可以证明他们的口供是假的。

  • The signs are unmistakable that the tide is turning against Iran .

    各种迹象已经 清楚显示出,国际 政治潮流开始对伊朗 不利

  • You saw it right ? Unmistakable .

    你们看到的对吧, 确实

  • His opposition to slavery was unmistakable .

    他对奴隶制的反对是 清楚 明白的。

  • India is famous for indian english and irish english is unmistakable too .

    印度的“印度式英语”很出名,“爱尔兰式英语”也 不会 搞错

  • The winged spacecraft is unmistakable an engineering marvel .

    有翼航天器是 无与伦比的,是一个工程奇迹。

  • At the moment the two countries are on a slow but unmistakable collision course .

    中美两国目前正处于缓慢的、但 明显 冲突的路线上。

  • The strong unmistakable expression in his whole air and person was a negative one .

    他的整个神态 仪表显露的强烈而 难以 弄错的表情, 人以否定的答复。

  • Black clouds are an unmistakable sign of coming rain .

    乌云是下雨的 明显 先兆