The quality English teaching and the national studies dissemination 's union is one kind of win-win pattern attempt .
将高职英语教学与国学传播的 结合不失为一种双赢 模式的尝试。
Under the instruction of ecological principle the landscape ecological principle as well as the ecological engineering principle union target localization takes the landscape ecological security pattern analysis and the ecological suitability analysis as the main methods function districts were definited .
在生态学原理、景观生态学原理以及生态工程学原理的指导下, 结合目标定位以景观生态安全 格局分析和生态适宜性分析为主要方法确定功能分区。
Nowadays most scholars at home and abroad orient the procuratorial power according to the constitution of three powers or Soviet Union pattern .
当今国内外学术界多数学者依据西方国家三权政制构架或 苏联 模式来定位检察权。
Main findings in under : ( 1 ) According to systematic theory union coupling theory I have designed three agricultural ecology pattern .
根据系统学理论 结合耦合学说,设计了三种农业生态 模式。
Union superiority interdiscipline development construction education pattern .
结合上风跨学科发展的建筑教育 模式。
The human nature management and the institution management best union is the universities library management effective pattern .
人性化管理与制度化管理的最佳 结合是高校图书馆管理的有效 模式。
We should draw lesson with the advanced union abroad bank management control pattern needs to change the management control pattern improves loan risk control level .
结合国外先进银行的经营管理 模式,要转变经营管理模式,提高个贷风险管理水平。
It has designed the union pattern of distributional and central memory of historical data .
设计了历史数据分布式存储和集中式存储 结合 模式。
The transfer of European monetary system into European Monetary Union has exercised far-reaching influence on the global financial pattern and trade characteristics .
欧洲货币体系转变成欧洲货币 联盟,对全球金融 格局、贸易特点产生了深远的影响。
During the cold war period the conflict and relaxation between America and the Soviet Union determine the evolution of the world pattern .
冷战期间,美 苏两极对抗与缓和决定着世界 格局的演变方向。
The collapse of the Soviet Union from the whole world has changed the pattern of the disintegration of the Soviet Union for the study of forming a plurality of different outcomes and among them the most important is the socialist ideology of Soviet collapse further understanding .
前 苏联的解体从整体上改变了世界的 格局,对其解体的研究形成了多方面的不同成果,其中最重要的便是对社会主义苏联意识形态的崩溃的深层次解读。
If you would like to have NaN as part of the value space define a union type that includes a NaN only datatype ( by specifying a pattern facet with a value of NaN ) .
如果想要在值空间中包含NaN,可以定义一个 联合类型,其中仅包含一个NaN数据类型(通过指定值为“NaN”的 模式facet来实现)。
The union period and presence of consolidation problems were correlated with fracture pattern ( transverse / non-transverse ) presence of soft tissue injury patients ' profession and type of plate .
与评价指标相关的因素为: 骨折 类型(横形骨折/非横形骨折)、患者类别、软组织损伤情况和钢板类型。
Assets reconstruction is not only a strategic decision for the strong union among enterprises but also an economic operation pattern which makes enterprises extricate from predicaments and achieve maximum capital increment .
资产重组是企业间强强 联合的战略决策,也是使企业摆脱困境,实现资本最大增值的经济运行 模式。
Discussion on the honey 's Fe content demanded by European Union and the pattern of discoloring the tea drinks
欧盟监控蜜样的铁含量及引起茶水变色 规律之初探
This thesis studies emphatically the pattern of international regional monetary cooperation and make a comparative analysis of three different patterns the Euro-pattern of single currency union the Dollarization pattern of currency substitution and the 10 + 3 pattern of East Asian monetary cooperation .
本文重点研究国际区域货币合作的发展模式,对单一货币 联盟的欧元 模式、货币替代的美元化 模式、10+3的东亚货币合作模式分别进行了比较分析和研究。
She still will begin law of formulate European Union in order to eliminate a network retail in inequitable commercial pattern .
她还将着手制订 欧盟法律,以消除网络零售中不公平的商业 模式。
Finally the union military network system pattern characteristic the operation way the system system structure through the analysis comparison proposed above the meteorological data transmission application system information encryption technology implementation plan by achieves the protection meteorology information security transmission the goal .
最后, 结合军事气象网系统的 模式特点、运作方式、系统体系结构,通过分析比较,提出了在气象数据传输应用系统之上的数据加密技术的实施方案,以达到保护气象信息安全传输的目的。
At the same time public space union method basic pattern have carried out investigation and discussion on public space of entity and the information network virtual the body the interactive environment of space has designed the exploration providing one kind of prevision for information commonality .
同时对实体公共空间和信息网络的虚体公共空间的 结合方法、基本 模式进行了探讨,为信息化的公共空间互动环境设计提供一种预见性的探索。
How to consider the crisis of constitution of European Union which is a kind of choose to pattern of theoretical analysis to some extent .
如何看待所谓的 欧盟宪法危机,在很大程度上是一种理论分析 形态选择的问题。
First compare the two constitutional procedure modes . However the union pattern has not been able to solve the problem completely which the administrative law appears .
然而,严格规则 模式与正当程序模式的 结合并没能完全解决行政法出现的问题。
For America it is a triangular pyramid pattern about interest group ( capital ) media government and the public ; for Soviet Union it is a triangle pattern of media government and the public .
在美国,是利益团体(资本)、媒体、政府、民众四者 组合的三棱锥模式,在 苏联,则是媒体、政府、民众组成的三角 模式。
This paper illustrates how to do well in English vocabulary teaching from three aspects : the tone-shape union pattern grouping and checking at random .
根据认知心理学中记忆规律、遗忘规律和英语词汇本身的特点,从音形 结合、 模式组块和随机检查三方面对如何搞好英语词汇教学进行了阐述。
美[ˈjunjən ˈpætən]英[ˈju:njən ˈpætən]