


  • Those who have infringed on human rights due to unpremeditated crime in medical service should be held responsible for relevant crime laws Hospitals and doctors undertake to provide the patients and their families with all the true information of treatment and to ask them for promise .

    医疗服务 过失构成 特殊 侵权的,应当承担相应的民事法律责任;医院和医生负有向患者及其家属提供治疗的全部、真实信息和征求患者与家属作出同意承诺的义务;

  • On the Institution of Unpremeditated Joint Crime

    论共同 过失犯罪制度的 选择

  • The Exploration on Unpremeditated Fault Duty of Concluding a Treaty on Construction

    建筑 活动中缔约 过失责任的探讨

  • There was fire in her and throughout her ; she seemed the unpremeditated offshoot of a passionate moment .

    浑身上下有一团火, 发散着,象是在激情时刻不 而孕的一 个子

  • Second along with the development of society and the application of modern scientific and technological achievements not only danger sources but also the dangerousness of unpremeditated crimes is increasing greatly .

    其二,随着社会的发展和现代科技成果的广泛应用,不仅致险源在 激增,而且 过失犯罪的危险性也大大增加了。

  • Love certainly is the authentic experience built on the perception of soul such as unpremeditated lost .

    爱,一定是建立在灵魂体味上可信的经验,比如 毫无 准备 痛失

  • Legal Problems of Unpremeditated Crime in Medical Service

    论医疗服务 过失 侵权 若干法律问题

  • The unpremeditated fault duty is a new stipulation in The law of contract of People 's Republic of China .

    阐述缔约 过失责任的 概念、特征、主要表现 形式、与违约责任的 区别,及《合同法》这一项新规定在 建筑 活动中的重要意义。

  • Preliminaries on Unpremeditated Crime Review on the Criminal Legislation of the Involuntary Dangerous Behaviours

    过失危险行为 罪研究

  • An Unpremeditated Error Detecting Method Based on the Functional Connected Neuro-Network

    一种基于函数型连接神经网络的 过失误差检测方法

  • Although the introduction of unpremeditated liability and the establishment of the liability insurance system and social security system pose a challenge to the tort law the fundamental principles of the law remain unchanged .

    过失责任的引入,责任保险制度和社会保障制度的建立,给侵权法带来了一定的冲击,但侵权法赖以 生存的基础尚未 受到 动摇

  • Under the influence of ideology of harsh sentences in China imprisonment penalty becomes an important means of punishing crime while non-imprisonment penalty is not paid attention so there rarely is non-custodial sentence for unpremeditated crime .

    我国在重刑主义思想的影响下,监禁刑成为惩治犯罪的重要手段,非监禁刑一直得不到重视,对 过失犯罪非监禁的研究较为少见。

  • It is commonly believed overseas that medical accident crime is one of unpremeditated professional crimes which is more serious than general unpremeditated crimes while it is just contraty in China .

    当代各主要国家的刑法典均对 医疗 事故罪进行了规定,国外的通说认为,医疗事故罪作为业务 过失犯罪的一种,其处罚应当重于普通过失犯罪。

  • The fly moved creepingly up a hill and Clare watched it go with an unpremeditated hope that Tess would look out of the window for one moment .

    马车慢慢地向山上爬去, 克莱尔望着马车,心里突然产生了一个愿望,希望苔丝也从马车的窗户里看看他。

  • The nature of offense of major labor security accent is unit crime and unpremeditated crime .

    重大劳动安全事故罪在性质上是 单位犯罪;

  • As a kind of typical professional unpremeditated crime like traffic accident and other professional accidents crime of medical accident occurs frequently in our daily lives .

    医疗事故罪作为一种典型的业务 过失犯罪,与交通事故等相关的业务活动中的事故一样,已成为人们日常生活中经常发生的事。