


  • Unquestionably I have had the irreplaceable beautiful time but I fear the time returns .


  • But we should all realize that the new system of socialism will unquestionably be consolidated .

    但是,我们大家都应该看到,这个社会主义的新制度 一定会巩固起来的。

  • Unquestionably grief over all of this trouble contributed to her death .

    毫无 疑问,因这一切烦恼而引起的悲伤促成了她的死亡。

  • We are now unquestionably in the worst financial crisis since 1929 .

    目前,我们 无疑已陷入自1929年以来最严重的金融危机。

  • This is a serious business unquestionably .

    毫无 疑问,这是一种严肃的事。

  • The world in which we live today is unquestionably a free one .

    我们今天生活的世界 无疑是一个自由的世界。

  • Unquestionably health has much more attention and far more resources than in the recent past .

    毫无 疑问,卫生现在得到的关注和资源远比不久前要多。

  • Virtualization unquestionably saves a lot of money on power and cooling .

    毫无 疑问,虚拟化可以节省电力和冷却成本。

  • I think that means he is unquestionably the most successful Arsenal manager .

    我想这意味着, 毫无 疑问他是最成功的阿森纳主教练。

  • To Constantine the country seemed a good place because it was the scene of unquestionably useful labour ;


  • Unquestionably yes : used ruthlessly it will eliminate deflation .


  • They have unquestionably streamlined operations saved money and led to great efficiency gains .

    它们 无疑简化了业务活动,节约了资金,并取得了更大效益。

  • Unquestionably some people have become very rich through the use of borrowed money .


  • Unquestionably Red Hat has been the Linux market leader through the years particularly for big business .

    毫无 疑问,RedHat是近几年Linux市场上的领先者,对于大企业市场尤其如此。

  • Unquestionably real collaboration and interaction are much harder using digital devices instead of face-to-face contact .

    毫无 疑问,使用数字设备而不是面对面交流来进行真正的协作和互动要难得多。

  • Unquestionably some inventor-entrepreneurs are treated as mad because their schemes are too radical for the mainstream .

    毫无 疑问,一些发明家兼企业家被视为疯子,因为他们的计划对于主流而言过于激进。

  • The Millennium Development Goals are results-oriented and time-limited and have unquestionably spearheaded much progress .

    千年发展目标注重成果并有时限,毫无 疑问已促成了很大进展。

  • The war unquestionably wrecked the cream of the Iraqi army .

    这场战争摧毁了伊拉克的精锐部队,这 勿庸 置疑的。

  • - it is unquestionably the global media capital .

    -毫无 疑问纽约 还是全球的媒体中心。

  • Unquestionably lead to the loss of many more American lives .

    毫无 疑问将导致更多美国人民的死亡。

  • Our cause must succeed and we shall unquestionably attain our goals .

    我们的事业一定要胜利,我们的目标 一定 能够达到。

  • This was unquestionably the right policy .

    毫无 疑问,这是正确的政策。

  • Unquestionably a variety of thorny statistical issues are involved in the analysis of data obtained by the authors .


  • But he had seen it unquestionably he had seen it !

    但是他已看到了, 毫无 疑问,他已看到了!

  • In some cases the sector concerned is unquestionably mature but it can still offer huge opportunities .

    在一些情况下,相关行业 无疑已经成熟但仍能提供巨大机遇。

  • Tony Blair has unquestionably been the most remarkable politician of his generation in the UK and across Europe .

    无论在英国还是在全欧洲,托尼布莱尔(tonyblair) 无疑是他这一代最杰出的政治家。

  • Unquestionably the government is becoming more open but western officials concede there is still a long way to go .

    安哥拉政府的 态度 无疑正变得更加开放,但西方政府官员承认,在这方面依然存在很大欠缺。