unit of production

[ˈjunɪt ʌv prəˈdʌkʃən][ˈju:nit ɔv prəˈdʌkʃən]

[经] 产量单位

  • Operation unit of production on wheat germ oil with enzyme

    酶法 生产小麦麦胚油操作 单元 研究

  • The household contract responsibility system in agricultural production and market-oriented reforms of agri-products circulation system from late 1970s to early 1980s make farmers become the basic organizational unit of agricultural production and circulation .

    20世纪70年代末80年代初的农业生产家庭联产承包责任制和农产品流通体制的市场化改革,使农户成为了农业 生产和农产品流通的基本组织 单元

  • The total investment of the first period of project is 123.09 million manufacturing capacity is 18.25 million m3 / year the average unit cost of water production is 0.596 yuan / m3 .

    一期工程总投资12309万元,年制水量1825万m3,平均 单位制水成本 0.596元/m3。

  • Determine water requirements for each unit of production and check usage frequently .

    计算每个 生产 单位所需的水量,并经常查验耗水量。

  • Rural household is the basic unit of production activities the level of productivity development of which directly determines the economic development in rural .

    农户是我国农村 生产活动的基本 单元,其生产力发展水平直接决定我国广大农村的经济发展水平。

  • Even China and India who resist ceilings have said they can commit to lower carbon intensity ( emissions per unit of production ) or to curbing emissions growth from business as usual .

    就连反对设置上限的中国和印度也已表示,他们可以承诺降低碳密度( 单位 产出的碳排放量)或遏制“正常情况下”的排放量增长。

  • Economic calculation shows the treatment cost is 7.6 yuan / m3 . The unit cost of production is 7.78 yuan / m3 if considering equipment depreciation .

    对其处理费用及基建投资进行经济核算表明,每吨水的处理费用为7.6元/m3,考虑生产设备的折旧,每吨水的 生产 单位成本为7.78元。

  • Furfural refining unit is the key unit of lubricating oil production system .

    糠醛精制装置是润滑油 生产单元的关键 装置

  • The paper analysed the methods procedures and main results of clean production audit for experimental unit enterprises of clean production demonstration in Shaoxing City .

    对绍兴市清洁 生产示范项目的 试点企业清洁生产审计方法、程序及初步成果作了系统的分析。

  • The mathematics model proposed by the paper will use LOT as the basic unit of production process which is very quickly to convert demand of products in market to demand of tool groups inside ATM factory .

    用LOT作为 产品 生产的基本 单位,从而快速地把市场对产品的需求转变为工厂对工具组的需求。

  • After improving the overall process the problems are mainly concentrated in the production and distribution process and packing for the unit of production and distribution process lack of theoretical basis this paper sets up a coordinated production distribution model of the packing process .

    在总体流程改进后,该单位的问题主要集中在生产配送和装箱的过程中,针对该 单位 生产配送过程缺少理论依据的问题,本文建立了一个考虑装箱过程的生产配送协同模型。

  • Straw xanthate was prepared by using straw as raw material and taking effluent from chromium hydroxide reaction unit of metal chromium production as alkali source .

    以稻草为原料,用金属铬 工业 生产中氢氧化铬反应 工序排出的废液作碱源,制成稻草黄原酸酯,并用其处理模拟含铬废水和实际含铬废水。

  • At this moment the family is still the basic unit of social production and matrimony as the major way to raise a family will be certainly influenced by market factors and make people carry out courtship behavior in light of the logic of market .

    此时家庭依旧是社会 生产的基本 单位,婚姻作为组建家庭的主要方式,势必受到市场因素的影响,使得求偶活动围绕着市场的逻辑而展开。

  • LOGO is an universal logic module developed by Siemens which is a new controller between the conventional RELAY and PLC technology . It can be applied in the distribution unit of MPS automatic production manufacturing system .

    介绍一种由西门子公司研制的可编程序逻辑控制器LOGO,将这种控制器应用于MPS自动 生产加工系统供料 单元的控制系统中,使得控制系统的接线简单、成本降低、编程更加容易。

  • Corrosion in conversion unit of MOP production and its protection

    氯化 转化 系统的腐蚀与防护

  • Science fertilization is the important technical measures to maintain soil fertility regulation of nutrient balance and improve per unit area of wood production .

    科学施肥是维持土壤肥力,调节养分平衡,提高 单位面积木材 产量的重要技术措施。

  • To change this situation many paths can be used Workshop as the basic unit of production it is the priority condition to clarify the production and logistics system .

    改变这一情况的途径有很多,车间作为 企业 生产的基本 单元,其好坏是衡量生产物流系统优劣的先决条件。

  • The paper introduces a valid method of optimization for fresh film recoiler . The method has been applied successfully to the recoiler unit of a new production line in a steel works .

    介绍了对保鲜膜重卷机进行优化的一种有效方案。该结构已在某冷轧厂新建 生产线的重卷 机组中得到成功应用。

  • Because there is not enough incentive to reduce the amount of pollution per unit of production insufficient resources and effort are devoted to this objective .

    由于缺乏足够的动力去减少每一 产出 单位的污染量,为这一目标而付出的资源和努力也不充分。

  • Application of the home-made CN-14 catalyst in a commercial unit of hydrogen production

    国产 CN-14预转化催化剂在 制氢工业装置上的应用

  • From a sociological point of view since ancient times the family is the basic cell of society is composed of a basic unit of social production and life .

    从社会学的角度来说,自古至今,家庭都是组成社会的基本细胞,是社会 生产和生活的一个基本 单位

  • However because most parts of our country is still in the family as a unit of agricultural production patterns the degree of organization is not high not economies of scale .

    但是由于我国大部分地区还处于以家庭为 单位 农业 生产模式,组织化程度不高,不能形成规模经济。

  • The marshalling station is the core position of the whole railway Terminal it is the main grass-root production unit of transportation production operation .

    编组站在整个铁路枢纽中处于核心地位,是进行运输 生产作业的主要基层生产 单位

  • In China tea plantation area is wide output is large but the unit of production is not high .

    在中国,茶叶种植面积广,产量大,但是 单位 产量不高。

  • The unit yields of the production planning model were corrected based on the obtained yields operation .

    对某炼油厂气体分离 装置 生产计划 工艺条件进行集成优化。

  • An industrial unit of production equal to the work one person can produce in an hour .

    工时一种计算工业 产量 计量 单位,相当于一个人在一个小时内可以产出的工作量。

  • The controlling system in the distribution unit of MPS automatic production manufacturing system is improved by using mi-cro - controller to decrease the cost of whole controlling system .

    本文 MPS自动 生产加工系统供料 单元的控制系统中进行了改进,采用单片机作为控制器,使得整个控制系统的成本大大降低。