Current anti-jam technique in sine-waveform exciting mode is complex and of fallibility which is the reason for unpopularity of this exciting mode .
现有的正弦波励磁下的抗干扰技术复杂且 并不可靠,难以保证流量计的零点稳定性和 精度,这 也正是 正弦波励磁技术退出 主流行列的原因。
It would be as na ï ve to hold that unpopularity is synonymous with truth as to believe that it is synonymous with error .
认为与 世 不合就是真理的同义词,与认为与 世 不合是谬误的同义词一样幼稚。
It is thought that the main reasons of unpopularity are undesirable water - based visbreaking performance and imperfect process conditions .
分析认为:水基降 粘剂性能不佳以及工艺条件不完善是造成其 推广 受阻的主要原因。
They argue that the commission should risk courting unpopularity and push on with its legislative programmes .
他们认为委员会应该 甘 冒 不 受 欢迎的风险来推进其立法项目。
Despite its unpopularity in some places the appeal of the vuvuzela appears to be spreading .
尽管在某些地方 不 受 欢迎,呜呜组啦的吸引力似乎不断上涨。
The initiative reflected the increasing unpopularity of the IMF and the World Bank among many South American countries .
这一动议反映出很多南美洲国家对国际货币基金组织和世界银行的日益 不满。
Massive assistance to the financial system was necessary and Mr Obama delivered despite the unpopularity of these measures with voters .
金融系统需要大量援助,奥巴马给了尽管选民们对这些措施 非常 不 欢迎。
Luxun-style essays saw a brief period of popularity in the springs of 1941 and 1942 and unpopularity again in Yanan Liberation Area .
延安解放区鲁迅式杂文在1941年至 1942年春,出现了短暂的繁荣期,接着归于沉寂。
Tech journalists and tech investors have spilled thousands of tweets over the years in attempts to account for the general unpopularity of Twitter .
数年来,科技界的记者和投资者已经发表了数以千计的推文,试图解释Twitter总体上 不得人心 的 原因。
Economic woes contribute to the unpopularity of incumbents but investors are more worried about the other direction of causality will weak governments be bad for the economy and finance ?
经济灾难使得 弱政府 俱乐部的现有 会员 不 受 欢迎。但投资者更担心的是另一个因果关系:弱政府会不会对经济和金融不利?
Every society has notions of what one should believe and how one should behave in order to avoid suspicion and unpopularity .
每个社会都有一套观念,应该相信什么,如何待人接物,否则 就会遭到怀疑, 不容于 众。
Bowing to pressure from within his own Labour partly because of the unpopularity of the Iraq war Blair has said he will leave office within a year but he is widely expected to go around May .
屈从于工党内部 反对伊拉克战争的压力,布莱尔已经表示他将在一年内离职,但他最早也得在明年5月份左右辞职。
The year ahead promises to see the coalition tested in a cauldron of unpopularity .
未来一年,联盟政府 必将 遭受 民心所 背 的 考验。
Given the unpopularity of inflation why don 't elected leaders always support efforts to reduce inflation ?
假设通胀 不 受 欢迎,为何民选领导人并不总是支持治理通胀。
A second factor is the continuing weakness of the opposition Socialist Party which has helped to offset his own deep personal unpopularity .
即便萨科奇深陷个人 民意 尽失 的 泥沼,反对党的羸弱也 着实 拉了他一 把。
The company says that the model was designed originally for emerging markets and the disappointing sales were a result of the general unpopularity of small sedans in Japan rather than the cars ' foreign provenance .
本田表示,上述车型最初是针对新兴市场设计的,销量不佳是因为小型轿车在日本普遍 不 受 欢迎,而不是 因为该车型是在国外制造的。
Putin is seeking to reclaim his old Kremlin job in the March presidential election but is wrestling with growing unpopularity .
普京希望在3月的选举中 胜出, 重返总统宝座,但他也将面临越来越大的 阻力。
Obama could get elected President Bush 's unpopularity and the financial crisis broke out had played a very significant role .
奥巴马能够当选,布什总统的 不 受 欢迎以及金融危机的爆发,就发挥了很大的作用。
Addressing the decision from the White House Mr. Obama declared victory while vowing to improve the law a nod to its unpopularity among much of the public .
得知这一裁决后,奥巴马在白宫声称自己取得了胜利,同时誓言将完善 医改法案, 他的 这一举动 相当于承认了该 法案在很大一部分公众中 并不 受 欢迎。
A government at the nadir of its unpopularity .
处于最 不得人心 时刻的政府。
Snubs hurt him and the merest suspicion of unpopularity in any quarter rouses him to bitterness .
冷落会使他伤痛,就是某处的一点点 怠慢, 也会让他痛苦不堪。
But there are two wild cards the considerable political skills of Alex Salmond the SNP leader and Scottish first minister and the unpopularity of the UK coalition government in Scotland .
但有两个可能改变大势的因素苏格兰民族党党魁、苏格兰首席大臣 亚历克斯萨尔蒙德(alexsalmond)高超的政治手腕,以及英国联合政府在苏格兰的惨淡人气。
But the NAMA plan the budget outlook and Fianna Fail 's unpopularity could cause problems .
然而,NAMA计划、预算前景以及共和党的 不得人心或许会引起麻烦。
But given the unpopularity of what the government is already committed to doing it is almost a bagatelle .
但是,鉴于政府已经承诺要做的事也难以让人欢呼,这几乎就是一件微不足道的 琐事。
The unpopularity of the tax has caused complete disarray in the government .
这 项税不 受 欢迎, 把政府 搅得乱作一团。
The question is whether fed unpopularity matters .
问题在于,美联储 不 受 欢迎 这 件事是否重要。
The opinion polls reflect the current unpopularity of the government .
民意测验反映出政府目前 很 不得人心。
In this subtle way the unpopularity of the Bush administration undercut Mr McCain 's advantage in seniority .
以这种微妙的方式,布什政府的 不 受 欢迎削弱了麦凯恩在资历上的优势。