


  • The taxi industry in China started late and it developed from scratch unreason to standard and formed many differences management systems with local features .

    出租车行业在我国起步较晚,其发展经历了 从无到有从不规范到 逐渐规范的过程,并逐步形成各具地方 城市特色的多种出租车管理制度。

  • Life and death attack and freedom emotion and will power are core elements of unreason .

    生和死、攻击和自由、情感和意志是 理性的核心要素。

  • Internal Tension of the Two Worlds and the Dynamic Construction of Reason - Unreason & On G.W.F. Hegel 's Fragments of Historical Ideas

    两个世界的内在张力与理性- 理性动力结构&黑格尔历史理念片论

  • A momentary lapse of unreason - reversing sterilization in Asia

    暂时的 合理过失&扭转亚洲的 冲销

  • When designing a planet gear box the power must be analyzed to make sure if there are unreason - able and circle power .

    行星变速箱设计过程中,在挂 不同 时, 功率流向是否 合理,是否存在循环功率 ,是工程技术人员必须加以解决的问题。

  • When adopting unreason - able processing parameters the forming defects such as the piling fracture stagger and uneven depth of the gear teeth along the circumferential direction tearing of the gullet may occur .

    当工艺参数选择 当时,可能出现表面隆起或破裂、轮齿周 向错移、周向高度不均和齿槽撕裂等缺陷。

  • At the same time with economic increasing the problems such as environmental pollution short of resources and the unreason of personnel structure expose to us which become the bottleneck of economic increasing of Beijing .

    同时,伴随着经济的增长,日益严重的环境污染、资源短缺以及人才结构 合理等问题都暴露出来,成为北京城市经济增长的瓶颈,对于实现北京城市经济可持续增长有很 抑制 作用

  • Therefore the author tries to use contradiction analysis method the dream and painting works Dali real reason and unreason reality and surreal & decomposition revealing the Dali painting works of contradiction .

    因此,笔者试图运用矛盾分析的方法,将达利绘画作品中的梦幻与真实、理性与 理性、现实与超现实一一分解,揭开达利绘画作品中的矛盾性。

  • The existence of unreason principle makes the value of the theory of the juristic acts of real rights be challenged .


  • The unreason of urban system also caused slow development of the urbanization level .

    城市体系的 合理也造成了城市化水平一定程度上的缓慢发展;

  • Impossible to escape the ways in which some fantasy some prejudice some unreason some ignorance some fear and who knows what else have woven their way into our every feeling and sense impression .

    无法逃离一些幻觉,一些偏见,一些 理性,一些物质,一些恐惧,还有,谁知道,一些其他的编织出他们的方式,进入到我们的感觉以及感官印象中。

  • If my shoemaker turn me out an excellent pair of boots and I in some mood of cantankerous unreason throw them back upon his hands the man has just cause of complaint .

    假如我的鞋匠给我做出一双极好的靴子,而我却因为心情不好,缺乏 理性,猛地把它们扔到他手上,那么他是有正当理由抱怨的。

  • By analyzing to maximum amount mortgage in this part and examining provisions of the sixty-first forbid primary contract creditor 's right assignment in our countries law relating to guarantees pointing out unreason of this provision .

    该部分基于对最高额抵押权特征的分析,对我国《担保法》第61条禁止主合同债权转让的规定进行了 检讨,指出该条规定的 合理

  • To be loyal to rags to shout for rags to worship rags to die for rags-that is a loyalty of unreason .


  • We have acquired great achievement in recent years but single forestation tree species simple structure pattern unreason forest category position difficulty renovate still exist . These problems restricted the building and development of coast shelter forest .

    近年来,沿海防护林体系建设已取得了很大的成就,但仍存在造林树种单一,结构模式简单, 林种 布局 合理,更新改造困难等一系列问题,严重制约沿海防护林体系建设和发展。

  • The third is the lack of the defensive right of obligor . The fourth the definition to act of disposition is unreason after registration .

    第三、义务人抗辩权的缺失。第四、 预告登记之后的处分行为的界定不 合理

  • Modern witness swearing system anastomoses procedure and belief reason and unreason .

    现代证人宣誓制度,是程序与信仰,理性与 理性 融合

  • We will notbedriven by fear intoan ageof unreason .

    我们不会被恐惧驱使进无 理性的时代。

  • The heavy industrial configuration directly leads the unreason of employing configuration .

    东北 地区重型工业结构直接导致就业结构 合理,从而 延缓城市进程

  • We consider that herding is a mixed product of reason and unreason and reason is the dominant . Only in a few cases can it fully be the result of unreason .

    文章认为,羊群行为往往是 交易者 理性 理性的混合产物,其中以理性 成分,只有在极少数情况下它才完全是非理性的结果。

  • Reason and Unreason : Criticism from a Developing Perspective

    理性与 理性:发展视野中的批判

  • From the theory on juristic acts we know that the Unreason Principle is the basic nature of juristic act of ownership .

    物权行为 ,是法律行为理论 体系赋予 物权行为的基本特性, 存在任何一种形式的物权行为。

  • The unreason action of registered agency leading to the damage is the precondition of registered responsibility of compensation . In the judicial practice the causal relationship of executive compensation and tort compensation should be considered .

    登记机构的 违法登记行为与损害后果之间存在因果关系是其承担赔偿责任的前提,在司法实践中应当综合考虑行政赔偿的因果关系和民事赔偿的因果关系。

  • The intuition is one factor of the unreason and one aspect of spirit quality .

    直觉是 理性因素之一,是人的精神素质的部分,在人的 主体 结构和人的 认识 发挥重要 作用

  • The article analyzes the significance and revelation of Hegel 's philosophy of history from the aspects of reason freedom the dynamic construction of Reason - Unreason conception of state and historical ideas of the two worlds .

    本文从理性、自由、国家观、理性- 理性动力结构、两个世界的历史理念等方面解读了黑格尔历史哲学的意义或启示;

  • The forces of unreason destroy one another in futile strife .

    那些 理性的力量 在无益的倾轧中互相毁灭。