Relative normalized unit labour cost
相对正规化 单位 人工 成本
In this article the author tried to establish an analysis index of China-US manufacturing relative unit labour cost so as to clarify the above issue .
本文试图通过构建中美制造业相对 单位 劳动 成本这一分析指标来使这些问题得以澄清。
Ireland has carried out an internal devaluation with unit labour costs falling by 15 per cent since 2008 achieved at the terrible cost of a rise in unemployment to 15 per cent .
爱尔兰已推行内部贬值, 单位 劳动力成本自2008年以来下降了15%, 代价却是可怕的&失业率上升至15%。
This means that although real income has been increasing this has been more than offset by productivity gains and unit labour cost for companies has actually been falling .
这意味着,尽管实际收入一直在增长,但生产率增长远远抵消了其影响,企业的 单位 劳动力 成本实际上一直在下降。
Product upgrades and productivity gains have countered the rise in the unit labour cost .
产品档次提升和生产率提高抵消了 单位 劳动 成本的上涨。
One-size-fits-all requires downward unit labour cost adjustments in countries with high unemployment and major competitiveness problems ; it requires all national fiscal and supervisory policies to avoid any build-up of imbalances and boom-bust cycles .
一刀切的做法,需要那些高失业率和存在重大竞争力问题的国家下调 单位 劳动 成本;它需要所有国家制定避免失衡累积和兴衰周期的财政及监管政策。
From 2000 to 2008 the Greek unit labour cost rose 24 per cent while that of Germany rose a mere 4 per cent . Then came the crisis and austerity .
从2000年到2008年期间,希腊 单位 劳动 成本上升了24%,而德国仅上升了4%。
美[ˈjunɪt ˈlebɚ kɔst]英[ˈju:nit ˈleibə kɔst]
[经] 单位人工成本