unit of measure

[ˈjunɪt ʌv ˈmɛʒɚ][ˈju:nit ɔv ˈmeʒə]


  • Make sure the Unit of Measure ( UOM ) that defaults is correct .

    确保 计量 单位(uom)默认是正确的。

  • By analyzing the dynamic measurement method of ball screw unit errors the design project of measure device control system is given in this paper . It is emphasized on the study of computer aided automatic measure system of ball screw unit errors dynamic measurement .

    通过分析丝杠 程误差的动态测量方法,给出了 测量仪控制系统设计方案,着重研究了计算机辅助检测分析丝杠动态测量检测系统。

  • Current Current is the flow of electric charge . Its unit of measure is the ampere .

    电流电流是电荷的流动,以安培为 单位

  • The instantaneous unit hydrograph parameters of measure period are bigger than base period . ( 6 ) Recession coefficients are compared during the base period and measure period .

    措施期次降水形成的瞬时 单位线n、K值较基准期大。(6)对比分析基准期和措施期退水参数。

  • Grain yield per mu is a unit of land area production rate a measure of the level of agricultural development is an important indicator of its consideration at that time in a sense become a core level of productivity .

    粮食亩产量是 单位土地面积的产出率,是 衡量农业发展水平的一个重要指标,对其的考量,在某种意义上便成为研究当时生产力水平的一个核心。

  • An ancient Hebrew unit of dry measure equal to ! / 10 homer or about one bushel ( 35 liters ) .

    伊法希伯来古干 单位,等于十分之一霍默,约合一蒲式耳(35升)

  • Design and usage of unit of measure in ERP systems

    ERP系统中 计量 单位的设计和使用

  • I also need to support pounds as a unit of measure so I also define a family of pound properties .

    我还需要支持磅作为 度量 单位,因此我还定义了一个pound属性家族。

  • The most common unit of measure for the capacity of a dewar is the liter .

    测量杜瓦瓶的容积最常用的 单位是升。

  • Unfortunately the monetary unit of measurement is not a stable measure in times of inflationary or deflationary price changes .

    然而,在通货膨胀和通货紧缩时期货币 计量 单位是不稳定的。

  • An ancient Hebrew unit of dry measure equal to about a bushel .

    古希伯莱干 单位约合一蒲式耳。

  • The unit of measure is the ampere or amp with currents usually expressed in amperes ( A ) milliamperes ( mA ) microamperes (μ A ) nanoamperes ( nA ) or occasionally picoamperes ( pA ) .

    测量 单位是安。通常电流用安、毫安、微安、表示,偶尔也可以用皮安来表示。

  • A South African unit of measure equal to about 2 acres .

    南非使用的土地面积 单位约等于英亩。

  • The requirement and important influence of unit of measure was analyzed to design the data structure and system realization in ERP systems .

    主要 ERP系统中 计量 单位的使用需求及重要影响进行分析,设计 计量 单位的数据结构及系统实现方式。

  • The page is the basic unit of measure .

    页面是基本 衡量 单位

  • The unit of measure is ohms and it is usually specified as a maximum rating .

    在电感设计中,直流电阻愈小愈好,其 单位为欧姆,通常以其最大值为标注。

  • Used in front of a unit of measure to mean ` every '

    用于 量度 单位前,表示‘每一’

  • These criteria are used in the thrust calculation which is the sum of the following forces . Unit of measure is Ibs . of thrust . The result of this method confirmed by the practice .

    这些用来计算推力的因素是下列力的合力。推力的 计算 单位是磅。计算结果分析表明,与实际采动滑坡有较好的一致性。

  • A unit of measure for capacity officially adopted in the British Imperial System ; British units are both dry & wet .

    英国法定单位制采用的官方容积 单位;适用于液态和固态。

  • This type of container is non-pressurized . The most common unit of measure for the capacity of a dewar is the liter . Five - to 200-liter dewars are available .

    这种容器是不加压的。 测量杜瓦瓶的容积最常用的 单位是升。5到200升的杜瓦瓶都有。

  • Money provides a unit of account that serves as a standard to measure value .

    钱是一种计算 单位,用这个计算 单位可作为 衡量价值的标准。

  • Form words on the scope of classification of sub-divided into natural units quantifier to borrow units Classifier and the system unit of measure word three .

    封物量词的次范围进行分类研究,分为自然单位量词、借用单位量词和制度 单位 量词三种。

  • A unit of dry measure in the U.S. Customary System equal to2 pecks ( 17.6 liters ) .

    称料斗美国干 单位,相当于2配克(17。6升)

  • We might use scenarios as the unit of measure or look at each step that describes system behavior as a feature .

    我们可以用场景作为我们 度量的一个 单元,或者将描述系统行为的每一个步骤作为一个特性。

  • Include a unit of measure in your goal .

    为你的目标制定一 测量 系统

  • The high-speed input HSI unit of 8098 single chip microcomputer was applied to measure the phase-difference frequency of the two-path alternating signal that came from the transducer and so the torque rotational speed were measured .

    它是利用8098单片机的高速输入HSI 部件对传感器输出的两路同频交变信号进行比相和 频来获取转矩转速信息。

  • Specifies an inch as the unit of measure .

    将英寸指定为 度量 单位

  • A unit of dry measure in several countries of the Middle East standardized in Egypt to equal198liters ( 5.62U . S.bushels ) but varying widely elsewhere .

    阿戴布中东一些国家的干物 计量 单位,标准为在埃及等于198升(5。62美国蒲式耳),但在其它地方相差很大。

  • MACH SIZE : List the size in tonnage or other unit of measure for any machinery involved in the process step ( i.e. : 3000 ton ) .

    机器规格:以吨或其它 计量 单位列出工序中所涉及到的所有机器的规格(如:3000吨)。