zero load

[ˈzɪro lod][ˈziərəu ləud]


  • Zero Line and Active Electricity Omission in Low-voltage Load Measurement Wiring

    低压 负荷计量接线中的 线与有功电量漏计

  • This paper presents a control mode of STATCOM which has a fast dynamic response zero static error compensate unsymmetrical load .

    提出了一种动态响应快, 静态误差,可用于补偿不对称 负载的STATCOM的控制方法。

  • In the first stage the layered copy algorithm is compiled to the source code of Xen in the zero load conditions and the time performance of VM dynamic migration is measured in the case of high-rate dirty pages and low-rate dirty pages .

    第一阶段,在 负载情况下,将分层拷贝算法编译到Xen的源代码中,分别在高脏页率和低脏页率环境中,测试实施动态迁移的时间性能。

  • In order to reject the zero sequence and negative sequence disturbance due to unbalanced load a solution using two-stage four-leg matrix converter based on carrier modulation strategy was proposed .

    为了抑制不平衡 负载 、负序扰动,提出一种基于载波调制的双级四脚矩阵变换器解决方案。

  • The arrangement of the safety valve makes the barrel body form zero load when the tyre pressure reaches the set value .

    设置安全阀可使得在轮胎压力达到设定值时,筒体形成 空载

  • If available RAM is approaching zero at any time during load your system performance is limited by RAM .

    如果可用RAM在任何时刻接近 ,则系统性能将受到 RAM的限制。

  • Wiring of Zero Sequence Power Direction Element and Its Measurement with Load

    零序功率方向元件接线及带 负荷测试

  • Traditional textbook considers that the maximal current instantaneous value occurs in three-phase short circuit of Infinite bulk electrical power system only when the phase voltage instantaneous value is zero and there is no load before short circuit .

    现行电力系统分析教材未经过严格证明,就认为短路前 空载且该相电压瞬时值为 ,是无穷大电源有最大三相短路电流瞬时值的条件。

  • The servo system ′ s stability analysis based on the Lyapunov stability theory proves that its tracking errors may converge to zero and that the servo system can control the oscillation of flexible load .

    基于Lyapunov稳定性理论的系统稳定性分析,证明系统跟踪误差将收敛至 ,同时控制了柔性 负载的振动。

  • The Current Source can implement zero voltage and zero current soft switching in a large load range and has a high efficiency .

    电路在很宽 负载范围内实现了零电压 电流软开关,大大提高了变换器工作效率。

  • The findings offer the reliable foundation and effective method to the design of the zero even negative voltage regulation on rated load .

    这为设计额定 负载 甚至 电压调整率的永磁同步发电机提供了可靠的依据和有效途径,减小了设计中的盲目性。

  • Research into the Zero Stability of Mine Strain & gauge Tupe Load Sensor

    矿用应变式测 传感器的 零点稳定性研究

  • When circumjacent load makes the lowest natural frequency zero critical load is obtained .

    当周边面力使夹层圆板的最低固有频率 零时,就可获得临界 载荷的值。

  • Considering the complication of engineering the zero load method was found to ensure the reliability of the combined method .

    同时考虑到实际工程的复杂性,提出了保证混合法可靠性的 荷载检验方法。

  • By analyzing the basic principle of Voltage Space Vector PWM a method is proposed to choose the zero vectors dynamically according to the power factor angle of the load and the concept of the lag angle of non-switching sectors .

    在分析了空间矢量PWM基本原理的基础上,提出了一种根据 负荷功率因数角动态分配 矢量的方法,并引入了不开关扇区滞后角的概念。

  • This paper presents a scheme of auxiliary rectangular axis excitation for synchronous motor which is able to keep power factor to unity and load angle to zero as load changes .

    介绍了一种使同步电动机在发生变化时 输入功率因数保持近于1并且 负载角(或功角)也保持 接近 的附加交轴励磁控制方案。

  • The assistance network can switch at the zero voltage in a large range of load and the power switch semiconductor of the lag arm can be turn on and turn off at the zero voltage with light load .

    辅助网络使滞后桥臂能在较宽范围内满足 电压开关条件,滞后臂功率开关管可在轻 实现零电压开关。

  • The simulation results in const load throat zero load and sine load were given .

    给出了该模型在节气门角度为常数外部 负载 以及负载为正弦输入时的仿真结果。

  • At zero applied load the crack is closed along the perimeter of the specimen but open in the center .

    在施加 载荷处,试样周边的裂纹是闭合的,而中心则是张开的。

  • In the inverter only one switching device is used to produce zero voltage instants under all load conditions .

    该逆变器只采用一个开关器件来产生所有 负载条件下的 电压开关(ZVS)间隙。

  • So in the analysis of the static properties of the trusses on the basis of the process which the trusses undergo three states zero equlibrium state intial equlibrium state and load equlibrium state in the process of analysis of the trusses are defined .

    所以,在分析斜拉空间桁架静力性能时,根据斜拉空间桁架的受力状态,将其受力状态分为: 状态、初始态和 荷载态。

  • Calculation shows that the load-displacement relation at the contact place is strongly nonlinear . At the beginning of loading its rigidity is zero and it will increase as the load increases .

    计算表明,加载处的载荷挠度曲线呈现很强的非线性性质,其刚度在开始加载荷时 ,然后随 载荷的增大而增大。

  • The back analysis model of elastic-viscoplastic parameters for geomaterials is developed based on the characteristic that the elastic plastic solution can be obtained for the elastic-viscoplastic problem when all strain rates are equal to zero under constant load .

    根据常 荷载 作用下当所有应变率为 零时,弹-粘塑性问题可得到弹塑性解的特性,建立了岩土弹-粘塑性参数反分析模型。

  • State Painting The model is based on physics laws and covers the entire operating range from zero to full load in a power plant .

    该模型基于物理基本定律,并适用于电站从 空载满载的运行状态。

  • Zero voltage switching is realized for all switches over a large load range by using an inductor and the leakage inductance of a high frequency transformer . The diode reverse recovery is also reduced with zero current switching with pulse-width modulation control .

    在电感和变压器漏感的作用下,变换器中的开关元件能够在较大的 负载范围内实现 电压开关,同时在脉宽调制的控制下,二极管实现了零电流关断。

  • An improved adaptive off-time control for soft-switched flyback converter which regulates the output down to the zero load and maintains soft switching at all loads is proposed .

    介绍了一种自适应开关管关断时间的软开关反 式变换器优化改进方案。

  • Conversion and Estimation of the DC Zero - load Voltage in Traction Transformer Substation

    牵引变电所直流 空载电压的换算与估算

  • A method with adding virtual zero load measurement to enhance the observability for state estimation is also proposed .

    文中还提出一种通过添加 虚拟 负荷量测提高数值可观性的方法,使原本不可估计的网络能够进行状态估计。