Unlike the previous new world order the latest iteration is not based on a unipolar world centred around the US and dominated by the west .
和上一个新世界秩序不同,这个最新版本不是基于以美国为核心的 单极世界,也不是为西方所主导。
The unipolar moment if it ever existed has passed .
如果说 单极 世界真的曾经存在过,那它如今也已成为过去。
His comments echo Mr Putin 's speech and reflect widespread unease at what is seen as Washington 's attempt to create a unipolar world and a readiness to use force as in Iraq .
科萨切夫的言论与普京的演讲相互呼应,反映出对美国做法的普遍不安,即认为美国正试图创建一个 单极世界,并且随时准备像在伊拉克那样动用武力。
A comparison of genetic effects between the early and late onset unipolar depression weird clothes hairstyles taste
早发型与晚发型 抑郁症遗传效应比较古怪的衣物、发型、口味
Think back also to all that stuff a few years ago about the unipolar moment and the new American imperium .
再让我们回想一下几年前关于 单极时刻和新美国帝权的说法吧。
Research of inverter power system based on unipolar & frequency multiplication SPWM
基于 单极 性倍频SPWM调制的逆变电源系统研究
This mood marks a complete break with the aggressive confidence of the Bush years and the unipolar moment .
这一情绪标志着彻底告别布什(bush)时代的盛气凌人和“ 单极时刻”。
Indeed it was never as great as those who spoke of the unipolar moment believed .
事实上,它的实力从未达到过那些谈论“ 单极时刻”的人所相信的高度。
Multipolar military orders are more unstable than unipolar ones because there are more points of interaction where miscalculations can occur .
多极军事格局比 单极 格局更不稳定,因为相互作用的点更多,发生误判的几率相应也就更大。
Objective : To study the difference in the clinical feature of unipolar and bipolar depression .
目的:探讨 单相 抑郁与双相抑郁障碍的临床特征的异同。
In short Japan is getting real-life experience of what maritime Asia would be like without unipolar America power .
简言之,日本正切身体验到,没有 单极美国强权的情况下,亚洲沿海地区将会怎样。
Unipolar induction is a special electromagnetic induction phenomenon which occurs when a cylindrical magnet rotates around its symmetrical axis .
And the unipolar bipolar is having one or two power centers in the hegemonic system .
所谓 单极、两极, 实质上就是一个或两个权力中心的霸权体系。
Objective : To investigate the possibility of X-linked dominant genetic model in unipolar depression .
目的:探讨 单相抑郁症X连锁显性遗传方式的可能性。
Unipolar field effect type transistor
Correlation between Clinical Symptoms and Brain Function Change in Unipolar Depression : An fMRI Study
But if ever there had been a unipolar moment it had now passed .
但即使有过 单极时刻,现在也已经过去。
Isolating switch for double column type structure make unipolar form .
隔离开关为双柱式结构,制成 单极形式。
The unipolar moment soon passed .
这种 “ 单极时刻”很快就过去了。
The structure feature and fabrication technology of a special-shaped LHe dewar for superconducting unipolar motor are described .
本文叙述了超导 单极电机液氦异型杜瓦容器的结构特点和制造工艺。
Three unipolar limb leads are conventionally employed in clinical electrocardiography .
有三个 单极的肢体导联习惯上用于临床心电图。
Controlled Study of Memory Function about Unipolar Depression and Bipolar Depression
Comparison of unipolar and bipolar hemiarthroplasty in elderly patients with femoral neck fracture
We have never had a more unipolar world than we have today .
当下的世界是最为 单极的世界。
Most sufferers having other close relatives with either unipolar or bipolar depression .
大多数患者有 单极 性或双极性抑郁症与其他近亲属。