The network protocol is typically an Internet Protocol ( IP ) which requires that each program runs on a computer with a unique IP address .
网络协议一般指internetprotocol(IP),这要求每个程序在有 惟一IP 地址的计算机上运行。
In this sample it is assumed that every contact record has a unique e-mail address that is used as the Key column .
在这个示例中,假设每个联系方式记录都有一个 惟一的e-mail 地址,作为“Key”列。
Every computer or mobile device that can talk to the Internet needs a globally unique address .
每台能接入互联网的计算机或移动设备都需要一个全球 唯一 的 地址。
DHCP automatically hands out a unique network address to each device on the network-a feature that makes setting up any network device including a WebCam much easier .
动态主机配置协议为网上每个设备自动分配 唯一的网络 地址,有了这种功能,设置包括网络摄像机在内的任何网络设备就变得简单多了。
Every device in an Ethernet network has a unique MAC address .
Ethernet网络内的每个设备都具有 惟一的MAC 地址。
Static IP addressing means manually assigning a unique IP address to each computer in the LAN .
静态IP地址分配意味着为局域网上的每台计算机都手工分配 唯一的IP 地址。
VRN considers control components as resource each component has unique address and other resources access it only through its network source name and need not know where it lies exactly .
虚拟资源网可使控制组件网络化,每个组件有 唯一 地址,网络中的其它资源不需要知道它的确切位置,只根据网络资源名就可以访问它。
When some mobile devices need to get a lot of resources from the Internet they must be configured a unique IP address and maintain communications with the corresponding nodes through the gateway .
当移动设备访问互联网海量资源时,它们必须配置 唯一的IP 地址,才通过网关与对应节点通信。
Enough IP addresses need to be assigned to each IP Group such that each of the virtual machines in each of the applications can have a unique IP address .
需要为每个IP组分配足够的IP地址,以便应用程序中的每个虚拟机都有一个 惟一的IP 地址。
You can think of a port number as a unique address .
可以把端口号看作一个 惟一 的 地址。
The DHCP / BootP service is a program or device that will act as a host with a unique IP address .
DHCP/BootP服务可以是程序或设备,但必须在拥有 唯一IP 地址的主机上运行。
Security system protects communication by using measures such as key management authentication encryption and entities such as unique Bluetooth address different link key and encryption key etc.
系统通过密钥管理、鉴权和加密等具体措施以及 唯一的蓝牙 地址、不同的链路密钥和加密密钥等实体来实现对通信安全的保障。
If you connect computers together on a network each computer must have a unique address which could be either a word or a number .
若将多台计算机连接到网络上,每台计算机须有 惟一 的 地址, 地址可以是一个字或一个数字。
Within the Ethernet network system ( and others ) all devices on your network have a unique address associated with the hardware network device .
在Ethernet网络系统(或其他系统)内,网络上的所有设备都具有一个与硬件网络设备相关联的 惟一 地址。
On the condition that duplicate address detection algorithm ( DAD ) is applied this protocol can allocate unique IP address to each node in mobile ad hoc networks .
摘要:提出了一种自适应动态地址分配协议,在利用重复地址检测算法(DAD)的情况下,保证了网络中节点IP 地址 的 唯一性。
A unique e-mail address could not be created .
无法创建 唯一的电子邮件 地址。
The client then uses its Mac address ( or a random number ) to fill in the bottom part of the address giving a unique address on the local system .
接下来,客户端会使用其Mac地址(或是随机数)填充地址的底部,赋予本地系统 唯一 的 地址。
This way each cell can be easily located in the memory because it has a unique address and all the memory cells follow a successive pattern .
这样,每个单元可以很容易的在内存中定位,因为它有一个 唯一 的 地址,而且所以单元遵循一个连续的模式。
Each computer 's network adapter card is the card has its own unique address .
每台计算机的网络适配器,也就是网卡都有自己 独特的网卡 地址。
Each virtual machine must have a unique MAC address and failure to provide a unique MAC address to each clone can cause network problems .
每个虚拟机都必须具有 唯一的MAC 地址,如果不能向每个克隆提供唯一的MAC地址,则会导致网络问题。
Compared with other Address auto-configuration protocols this protocol assigns unique address to node rapidly without performing duplicate address detection .
与其他 地址自动配置协议相比,本文提出的策略可以快速完成地址配置,不需要进行重复地址检测,开销很少。
In TCP / IP every host ( computer or other communications device ) that is connected to the network has a unique IP address .
在TCP/IP协议中,连接到网络上的每个主机(计算机或其它通讯设备)都有一个 唯一的IP 地址。
Every set of the VDM equipment has unique IP address in the local area network which can be recognized and parallel controlled by the computer .
每台VDM在局域网中都有 独立的IP 地址,实现了VDM设备的 地址识别与联网控制。
Every byte has a unique address .
每个字节具有 唯一 的 地址。
Starting from IP address the paper analyzes the corresponding relation between IP address and domain name the function of domain name server system and how a unique address is provided to each computer in internet .
从IP地址的角度,介绍IP 地址的构成,IP地址与域名的对应关系和域名管理系统的作用。从而给予了每台计算机 惟一 定位。
By the address setting module the wireless alarming device sets a unique address for accepting alarm ;
Please note that each Fun & Downloads account must have a unique email address .
请注意每个娱乐以及下载的帐号必须有一个 特别 的 电子邮件。
The membership provider instance requires a unique e-mail address .
则成员资格提供程序实例需要 唯一的电子邮件 地址。
美[juˈnik əˈdrɛs]英[ju:ˈni:k əˈdres]