


  • Many are even proud of this in the same way some New Yorkers are actually proud of living in the most unlivable city in american .

    许多人甚至为此而感到骄傲,这 正如一些纽约 人为居住在纽约而感到骄傲一样,而事实上纽约是 美国最 适宜 居住的城市。

  • I think the world would be unlivable without art .

    我认为这个世界没有艺术就 居住

  • Harmony can keep society safe and stable while clashes make a country unlivable .

    和谐能保持社会稳定而冲突则导致国家 动荡

  • If we treat the earth like the city dump it becomes dirty and unlivable .

    如果我们把地球当作城市垃圾堆一样对待,地球会变得肮脏 不堪无法 生存

  • Unlivable substandard housing . fit or suitable to live in or with .

    不适于居住的 不合标准的住宅。

  • As native Athenian Panos Demestiha observed : athens by day is unlivable but it 's magical at night .

    雅典本地人帕诺斯德默斯蒂亚说:“白天的雅典是 适于 居住的,但夜晚的它是迷人的。”

  • On the basis of urban ecological background values the paper analyses in detail why Guangzhou city that has ever been an unlivable city could win the title of international garden city .

    文章以城市生态背景值为依据,较为详细地分析了广州市何以在 时间 一个“ 适合 居住”的城市变为“国际花园城市”的原因。