


  • Whatever the cultural differences between them they both sniff in any official world the smell of an unreality in which persons are treated as statistics .

    无论他们之间有着怎样的文化差别,他们在任何官方世界里都能闻到一个 虚幻世界的味道,在其中个人被当作数据对待。

  • A sense of unreality was beginning to creep up on me .

    我开始慢慢 体验到一种 虚幻感。

  • During the months when the town accepted him Scarlett had been under no illusions about him . The moon had freed herself above the poplars . and poured her unreality on the garden .

    在亚特兰大城接待瑞德的那几个月中,思嘉对他没有存任何幻想。月亮已经从白杨树中挣脱出来,将一座花园 幻境 一般

  • The sense of unreality was completely unbearable .


  • As Lawrence Ferlinghetti put it in a Coney Island of the mind the pennycandystore beyond the El / is where I first / fell in love / with unreality .

    劳伦斯费苓赫特(lawrenceferlinghetti)在他的“心中的康尼岛”诗集中写道:“el后面的一分钱糖果店/是我的第一次/与 幻境坠入爱河”。

  • It actually reflects some usage characteristics of the place name which can be mainly concluded as reality unreality generality and so on .

    其实,这正反映了 唐诗在地名使用上的一些特点,主要可以归纳为实 泛指等几种情况。

  • History books often seem to be invested with an air of unreality . Distribution : Endemic to Hong Kong only known in a few localities in Mount Gough .

    史书似乎常被赋予几分 真实 色彩。地理分布:香港特有种。仅见于歌赋山。

  • He uses the same methods as his greek contemporaries to argue for the unreality of the objects in experience .

    他使用着同时代 希腊人的方法去证明,经验 范围内客观 外在

  • So this is why in my the road of life that feeling so much of unreality

    所以在人生的路上, 才会感到这麽多的 真实

  • The media have also abetted the feeling of unreality .

    媒体也在一旁对 这种 现实推波助澜

  • Certainly she will remember the unreality of the last weeks of this particular baseball season & from a communiyu counting magic numbers to a magic community feeling .

    当然,她会记住上周那 奇幻而独特的棒球赛&从不可思议的大众参与数字,到魅力无穷的大众感受。

  • You know when the everyday things surrounding you the leaves the shade of light in the sky a bowl of strawberries suddenly shimmer with a kind of unreality .

    当你周围每日可见的事物树叶、光影、一碗草莓突然之间闪现出 梦幻般的光芒,你知道这 就是

  • The'Capital'insisted that there should be'surplus value'when products been made that is unreality and write off the management by capitalist .

    硬要说作成产品了就赚钱是 现实的,其实是故意 抹杀资本家的经营管理的作用。

  • However unreality brings a higher share of risk to online shopping than real store shopping . In order to avoid risks many people still take a wait-and-see attitude towards online shopping and dare not buy .

    但却不敢买,是 因为 虚拟 给网购带来了比实体店购物要高的多的风险,为了规避风险,很多人对网购仍持观望态度。

  • I had a deep feeling of unreality of struggling in a dream .

    我深感 实在,好像是在梦中搏斗。

  • I saw him through a haze of drugs pain and the dreamy unreality that this could be happening to me .

    在药物和疼痛的作用下,透过朦胧的 双眼,我看到了他,那 景象如同 虚幻的梦境,我也 肯定 自己 究竟看到了什么。

  • By comparison with real market unreality is the most important feature of online shopping market .

    与实体市场相比, 虚拟 是网购市场最主要特性。

  • But the Gothic horror scenarios involved in British nuclear plans drawn up during the cold war which demand that the nation maintains the capacity to obliterate Moscow and eight other Russian cities have always had a certain unreality .

    冷战时期英国拟定的核计划要求英国保持摧毁莫斯科和另外8个俄罗斯城市的能力,这种哥特式的恐怖情景一贯带有某种 现实 意味

  • The ego rushes in frantically to establish its own ideas there fearful that the void may otherwise be used to demonstrate its own impotence and unreality .

    小我迫不及待地想在那儿建立自己的观念,不这样的话,它深恐虚无会被用来证明它的无能及 虚妄

  • The strangest thing is that my grandmother sustained the house with her sense of unreality .

    也想不到,外祖母正是 着她 脱离现实的 性格 得以维持 全家 生计

  • Reality and unreality & A Comparative Study on the Literary Works Concerning Chinese and Japanese Male Homosexual Relationships

    现实与 现实&中日男同性恋作品的比较

  • The moon had freed herself above the poplars and poured her unreality on the garden .

    月亮已经从白杨树中挣脱出来,将一座花园 幻境 一般

  • History books often seem to be invested with an air of unreality .

    史书似乎常被赋予几分 真实 色彩

  • The main psychological problems of art school students were hypomania ( 19.48 % ) unreality ( 19.01 % ) and depression ( 15.02 % ) .

    艺术类学生的心理问题主要是兴奋状态( 19.48%)、 脱离 现实(19.01%)和抑郁(15.02%)。

  • They were a satisfactory hint of the unreality of reality a promise that the rock of the world was founded securely on a fairy 's wing .

    它们令人满意地暗示现实是 真实的,它们表明世界的磐石是牢牢地建立在仙女的翅膀上的。

  • The Unreality of Selling Pollution Right and the Necessary of Levying Pollution Tax ;

    排污交易 绿色 证书 交易 缓解 资源和环境问题的重要 机制

  • It means that all countries are same except the environmental regulations which is unreality .

    只有环境规制的 差异,意味着各国除环境规制外,其他的 条件 状况完全相同,这在 现实 世界 难以 实现的。

  • I had a deep felling of unreality .

    我深有一种 真实的感觉。

  • Unreality cloaked their movements .

    他们的一举一动 好象都笼罩在 虚幻

  • China legal sense has a predilection for public power and the relationship between public power and private power has the phenomenon of inversion unreality behaving at will .

    中国的法治意识土壤中存在公权力偏好,在公权力和私权利关系上存在 倒置 和随意化现象。