Multiuser MIMO block diagonalization system with differential unitary space-time modulation
多用户MIMO块对角化系统的差分 酉空时调制
In the third chapter we start with the Poincare group and construct various unitary representations in suitable Hilbert spaces .
第三章我们从庞加莱群着手构造合适的希尔伯特空间的多种 幺 正表象。
We introduce some important matrices and their applications in quantum computation and quantum information including density matrix unitary matrix etc.
介绍了量子计算与量子信息中的一些重要的矩阵及其应用,包括密度矩阵、 酉矩阵等。
The foundation of a unitary multinational country accelerated the birth of the unitary national spiritual culture .
He viewed mind as an organized unitary and dynamic interplay of ideas .
他把心理看成是各种观念有机的, 整体的和能动的相互作用。
Unitary time evolution as precession among these states .
处于这些态中进动的 么 正时间演化。
By keeping quantum states as unit vectors the transformations are all unitary .
通过保持量子态是单位向量,变换就都是 幺 正的。
The criteria of success for IT project are not unitary .
对于IT项目的成功标准, 企业 界尚 缺乏 统一 的 认识。
This paper presents a new pressure calculating method of static gas column on unitary gas and discusses the application cases of the method .
对 单一气体静气柱压力计算新方法进行了推导,对该方法的应用进行了讨论并给出了计算实例。
Besides it suggests that Afghanistan cannot be a unitary state .
而且,它表明阿富汗不能是一个 单一的国家。
We have investigated the properties of entanglement by criterion of separability ( non-entanglement ) and equivalence of quantum states under local unitary transformations .
本论文从可分(非纠缠)性的判别及局域 幺 正变换下的不变量的等价类的角度来研究量子纠缠的性质。
By exploiting a general unitary transformation the fidelity of clones is derived .
利用一般的 量子克隆 幺 正变换 形式,得到克隆的保真度。
The company 's existing systematic product of office automation has unitary content and belongs to more early product .
公司现有的办公自动化体系产品内容 单一,且属于较早期产品。
This paper is a study on the invertibility of the commutator of scalar-idempotent elements and scalar-involutory elements of a unitary ring .
本文研究在一个有 单位 元的环中两个倍幂等元的换位子与两个倍对合元的换位子的可逆性问题。
In other words The Hermiticity of a matrix is invariant under unitary transformations .
换言之,矩阵的厄密性在 幺 正变换下保持不变。
Finally a guantum logical circuit which can carry out the unitary transformation is given .
最后,给出了实现这种传递的 里子逻辑电路。
Not definite modelling and succinct harmonious colour have also presented serious gentle frame under unitary light .
不确切的造型、洁和谐的色彩,在 单一的光线下也呈现出了庄重、和的画面。
Based on orthogonal space-time block code a scheme for constructing unitary space-time code is proposed .
提出了一种基于正交空时分组码构造 酉空时码的方案,证明了所设计的 酉空时码可以获得满分集。
The unitary ascription of responsibility and dual ascription of responsibility are discussed .
讨论了 一 元归责论和二元归责论。
It is a unitary dynamic structure .
是一个 整合的动力性结构。
The result is the function of medical image systems service not unitary variety rare and customer unsatisfied .
这就造成了服务网络服务功能 单一,品种较少,用户满意度低的现状。
Unit tests confirm that a unitary code component provides the correct output for a given input .
单元测试确认一个 单元代码段针对一个给定输入正确提供了输出。
A simplified derivation of superconvergent perturbation for quantum system by means of unitary transformation directly are given .
直接用 酉变换给出量子系统超收敛微扰的简化推导。
Time reversal T is not unitary .
时间反演T不是 幺 正的。
Your belief in a unitary movement of life is just a groundless belief lacking any certainty .
你对 宇宙 整体运行的信念不过是无根据的盲信,缺少确定性。
Research on Unitary Space-Time Modulation and Coding in MIMO Communication Systems
无线MIMO通信系统中 酉空时编码调制技术研究
The heating plate has unique unitary structure meeting the requirement of food sanitation and avoiding its leakage .
加热板为国内独 一无三的 整体形结构,符合食品卫生要求和杜绝了加热了加热板的渗漏。
The unitary iris image is carried out through the transformation from Cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates .
然后采用极坐标转换对虹膜图像进行 归一化。
The prerequisite is that the unitary national interests must not be hurt .
条件是不能损害 统一的国家的利益。