With the help of Bell-state measurements an arbitrary three-particle state can be perfectly teleported if the receiver introduces a collective unitary transformation .
在贝尔态测量后,如果接收者引入一个联合 幺 正 变换,传递可以顺利实现。
Based on supersymmetric mechanics it is introduced supersymmetric unitary transformation to diagonalize the Hamiltonian .
根据超对称量子力学理论,引入了超对称 幺 正 变换使其哈密顿量对角化。
Simulation of Unitary Transformation ROOT-MUSIC Algorithm of Searching Step by Step
酉 变换步进搜索求根MUSIC算法的研究与仿真
The first time the real-time unitary transformation was realized in free-space quantum communication experiment .
首次在自由空间量子通信实验中实现实时同步 幺 正 变换。
Unitary transformation and general linear transformation by the optical method (ⅳ) the pattern recognition and projection operator
用光学方法实现 么 正 变换及一般线性变换(Ⅳ)图形识别及投影算子
The variational relations of the internal excited states of polaron with coupling strength and magnetic field were derived by using the linear combination operator and unitary transformation methods .
应用线性组合算符和 幺 正 变换方法,得出了极化子内部激发态与耦合强度和磁场的关系。
With a unitary transformation the Schrodinger equation is transformed into the standard Mathieu equation in the generalized momentum presentation . The energy spectrum and the wave functions of the system are obtained .
在广义动量表象中,通过 幺 正 变换,系统的薛定谔方程转化为标准的马丢(Mathieu)方程的形式,在WKM近似下,计算了系统的能谱和电流的量子涨落。
The first one is the modification of the minimum variance method the method uses the real-valued covariance matrix constructed from the unitary transformation of the conventional array covariance matrix to improve the estimation performance in the small snapshot numbers and coherent sources environment ;
在方位上,针对传统最小方差法在快拍数较少,信号源相干时估计性能下降的问题,提出了一种对阵列协方差矩阵进行 酉 变换构造实数协方差矩阵的方法,改进了传统的最小方差法;
A Kind of Dirac Operator in Hyperbolic Complex Space and Unitary Transformation
一类双曲型Dirac算符及 幺 正 变换
In section 1 based on a Hamiltonian of the electron-LO phonon system the properties of the ground state energy and binding energy of the weak-coupling polaron in a parabolic quantum dot is studies for the first time by using a linear combination operator and a unitary transformation method .
在第一节中从电子-LO声子系的哈密顿出发首次采用线性组合算符和 幺 正 变换方法,研究抛物量子点中弱耦合极化子的基态能量和结合能的性质。
Thus in this thesis we will made a detailed introduction of our method & perturbation based on unitary transformation and apply it to several models to investigate the Non-Markovian decoherence and disentanglement dynamics of dissipation two-state system .
本文中,我们介绍一种新的解析方法-基于 幺 正 变换下的微扰理论,并且把此理论应用到具体的实验模型中,推导了耗散二能级系统非马尔可夫退相干和退纠缠动力学。
In the process only the unitary transformation and Hadamard transformation are nsed .
在此过程中我们只使用了 幺 正 变换和Hadamard变换,而不需要经典通信。
The relation of inner product is used to make transformation in unitary space sufficient conditions for linear transformation and to induce a series of necessary conditions for unitary transformation Hermite transformation and anti Hermitian transformation .
利用内积关系给出了酉空间的变换是线性变换的一系列充分条件,并导出了 酉 变换、厄米特变换和反厄米特变换的一系列充要条件。
The properties of polaron with electron-LO-phonon weak-coupling in cylindrical quantum dot which was in quantum well and parabolic potential were investigated by using the linear combination operator and unitary transformation methods .
应用线性组合算符方法和 幺 正 变换方法,研究在抛物势作用下的柱型量子点中极化子的性质。
An analytical results based on an unitary transformation are also given which could not modify the RWA picture essentially .
我们也给出了 幺 正 变换方法的解析结果,但是这个方法不能够从本质上修正RWA下的结论。
The unitary transformation we named U transformation is same for different quantum state belonging to Bob .
不管Bob拥有的粒子处于何种量子态上,本文首先进行一个 唯一确定的 幺 正 变换 U1(我们称之为U变换);
Invariant-Related Unitary Transformation Method and Evolution of the Third-Quantized Wave Function of the Universe
与不变量有关的 幺 正 变换方法和三次量子化宇宙波函数的演化
Thirdly it is to introduce image unitary transformation in detail to provide definition and mathematical representation of unitary transformation to simply illuminate the useful properties of unitary matrix and transformation and to study some common transformation formulas and the transform kernel .
接着对图像的 酉 变换进行了详细的介绍,给出了酉变换的定义及其数学表示形式,简单介绍了酉矩阵和酉变换有用的性质,还重点研究了一些常见酉变换的变换公式及其变换核。
The discussions and results mentioned above can also be transplanted to unitary transformation .
上述研讨与结果也可平行地移植到 酉 变换上去。
The circuitry of quantum communication is provided and the author obtains Bell radix and quantum gate for corresponding unitary transformation matrix by the circuitry .
给出了实现通信的量子线路,并以该线路为基础计算了Bell基及对应的 幺 正 变换矩阵和量子门。
By exploiting a general unitary transformation the fidelity of clones is derived .
利用一般的 量子克隆 幺 正 变换 形式,得到克隆的保真度。
By using inner product of unitary space concept of generalized orthogonal basis is given and the relations of generalized orthogonal basis generalized unitary transformation and unitary matrix is studied . Some new results have been obtained .
在酉空间中利用内积给出了广义正交基的概念,研究它与广义 酉 变换、酉矩阵之间的关系,获得了一些新的结果,推广了酉空间的规范正交基、 酉 变换等结果。
Finally a guantum logical circuit which can carry out the unitary transformation is given .
最后,给出了实现这种传递的 里子逻辑电路。
In chapter 5 we define quantum binary symmetric channels via the invariance of fidelity under unitary transformation of input density operators .
第五章通过量子保真度(fidelity)在输入信号的 幺 正 变换下的不变性定义了量子二进制对称信道。
The vibration frequency and effective mass of strong - and weak-coupling bound polaron was derived by using improved linear combination operator and unitary transformation methods .
采用改进的线性组合符和 么 正 变换方法导出强、弱耦合束缚极化子的振动频率和有效质量。
Meanwhile the unitary transformation in GDE is optimized to lower the system requirement for calculation .
同时,对盖氏圆算法的 酉 变换过程进行了优化,降低了系统的运算量。
Further theoretical analysis indicates that there is a conversation law only when unitary transformation symmetry group exist .
进一步的理论分析表明,只有存在一个 幺 正 变换对称群时,才有一个守恒定律。
We have derived the variational relation of the ground-state energy of the bound polaron in external field in quantum well with the Coulomb bound potential external field and the well-width by using linear combination operator and unitary transformation methods .
采用线性组合算符及 幺 正 变换方法导出了量子阱中束缚极化子的基态能量与库仑束缚势、外场和阱宽之间的变化关系。
A simplified derivation of superconvergent perturbation for quantum system by means of unitary transformation directly are given .
直接用 酉 变换给出量子系统超收敛微扰的简化推导。
On the process of unitary transformation we find two kinds of unitary operators and select the best one .
在 量子化的过程中,确立了两种形式的 幺正算符,并且找到了使计算简化的最佳形式,实现了对介观电路哈密顿的量子化。
美[ˈjunɪˌtɛri ˌtrænsfɚˈmeʃən]英[ˈju:nitəri ˌtrænsfəˈmeɪʃən]