vacuum crystallization


  • Development of Vacuum Crystallization Technology for Titanium White Production Plant

    钛白粉生产中 真空 结晶工艺技术的开发

  • The mathematical model of batch crystallization process was simplified by Laplace transformation method and the crystallization kinetics parameters of sodium salt of penicillin G in the vacuum evaporative crystallization process were determined .

    运用Laplace变换法,简化了间歇结晶过程的数学模型,并计算了青霉素G钠盐在加与不加媒晶剂两种情况下, 真空闪蒸 结晶过程的动力学参数;

  • Design of vacuum condensation crystallization boiler

    真空浓缩 结晶锅的设计

  • While preserving the advantages of the original Witten process for manufacturing DMT an improved Witten process has been developed featuring the use of new reactors and advanced separation technology including mixed oxidation mixed esterification vacuum crystallization special rectification and fractional crystallization .

    保持原有Witen法流程技术优势的前提下,采用先进的反应器和分离技术,开发了以混合氧化、混合酯化、 减压 结晶、特殊精馏和分步结晶为主要特征的Improved-Witen法DMT生产新工艺。

  • All the sputtering process is completed within the same vacuum chamber at room temperature poly-Si layer by Cu induced silicon crystallization is designed as the top layer for its good light transmittance . This multilayer is absolutely insulative after annealing .

    全部溅射过程在室温下同一 真空室中连续完成,其中poly-Si借鉴前一部分论文工作中Cu诱导硅 晶化的研究结果,利用poly-Si良好的透光性作为复合膜顶层,复合膜退火后完全绝缘。

  • Design Summary of Potassium Nitrate Unit by Vacuum Crystallization and Metathesis Method

    真空 结晶复分解法硝酸钾装置设计总结

  • It is possible to obtain highly qualitative investment castings by means of vacuum pouring and crystallization under pressure reasonable design of gating system selection of wax and binder with better performance .

    采用 真空浇注及压力 结晶技术,设计合理的浇注系统,选用性能优良的蜡料和粘结剂,能够获得优质的精密铸件。

  • Measures of vacuum improvement in distillation in crystallization process of benzylpenicillin sodium

    青霉素钠 减压共沸蒸馏 结晶法中提高 真空 的措施

  • A Vacuum Directional Crystallization Furnace with Tri-chambers Dust and Flue Gas Control of Crystal Silicon Smelting Furnace

    三室 真空连续定向 结晶炉结晶硅冶炼炉烟尘的治理

  • Moreover the film deposited at argon oxygen ratio of6 ∶ 1 and annealed in vacuum at500 ℃ shows good crystallization with preferred growth ( 002 ) direction .

    在氩氧体积比6∶1条件下制备的薄膜,经 真空500℃退火后具有较好的 结晶和明显的(002)择优取向。

  • Compared to the conventional freezing crystallization vacuum crystallization technology has lower investment and operating cost higher production capacity and crystallization efficiency and lower energy consumption .

    真空 结晶工艺相对传统冷冻结晶工艺具有投资和运行费用低、结晶效率高、生产能力大、节能降耗等优点。

  • Microwave thermal effect was applied in vacuum evaporative sucrose crystallization .

    采用微波热效应方法对蔗糖溶液进行 真空蒸发 结晶

  • Purification of artificial musk DDHI by combined vacuum distillation melt crystallization technology

    减压精馏-熔融 结晶耦合装置提纯人造麝香的研究

  • In order to evaluate microcrystalline waxes in vacuum residues a simple and convenient method for determining their potential contents by using elution adsorption chromatography and fractional crystallization has been proposed .

    本文提出了一种简便的吸附柱色谱-两步 结晶的实验室测定 渣油中微晶蜡潜含量的方法。

  • The combined vacuum distillation and melt crystallization technology was used to purify DDHI from artificial musk .

    通过 减压精馏熔融 结晶耦合技术研究提高人造麝香(DDHI)含量的原理和工艺流程。

  • Employing the self-built direct contact membrane distillation separator and vacuum membrane distillation device the processes of concentration and crystallization of the treatment wastewater containing potassium carbonate are studied .

    采用自制板式直接接触式膜蒸馏器和 真空 减压式膜蒸馏器,研究了含碳酸钾废水溶液的浓缩 结晶过程。

  • Widely used in chemical industry food building materials and other departments especially in a vacuum crystallization drying filtration evaporation and other processes in the more appropriate .

    广泛应用于化工,食品,建材等部门,特别是在 真空 结晶,干燥,过滤,蒸发等工艺过程中更为适宜。