


  • The pathology shows the glomerular destroyed membrane widen tubular intracellular cell disorders and vacuolization .

    肾脏病理学显示肾小球病变 严重,肾小球系膜增宽,肾小管 内皮细胞 排列紊乱, 空泡 变性

  • But in anther cells of male sterile lines there were less organelles more vacuoles and serious mitochondrial vacuolization .

    而不育系花药早期细胞内充满大量液泡,细胞器少,线粒体 空泡 严重。

  • During microspore vacuolization their ribosomes declined in quantity again and their mitochondria and plastids became simplified in their structures ;

    小孢子 液泡 过程中核糖体再次减少,同时线粒体和质体结构简化;

  • Treated with Shenmai injection it could alleviate cardiomyocyte degeneration in infarcted region ; myofibril and intercalated disk were more regularly than the model group . Mitochondria swelled crista lightly ruptured even vacuolization but it was more alleviated than model group in corresponding time .

    参麦注射液治疗后,梗死区心肌细胞变性程度减轻,肌原纤维排列较模型组规则,闰盘较整齐,线粒体虽仍有肿胀、轻度峭断裂甚至 空泡 ,但较相应时间点模型组明显减轻。

  • Under electron microscope lead acetate induced nuclear pyknosis mitochondrial swelling and vacuolization cell blebbing .

    电镜下观察,乙酸铅能使细胞核固缩,线粒体肿胀、正常结构消失并 伴有 空泡 ,胞 出现鼓泡现象,但内质 未见异常。

  • There are dense pyknotic nucleus clumping of nuclear chromatin swelling mitochondria light matrix shortened cristae severe vacuolization of the mitochondria and rupture of cell membrane .

    细胞核固缩,异染色质块状聚集浓染,线粒体 圆,基质 淡,线粒体嵴 短变少甚至消失,在极度肿胀时,线粒体 转化为小 空泡 结构,并有细胞膜破损 现象

  • Microvesicles were observed in acinar and islet cells . In some local areas the acinar vacuolization was extensive .

    腺泡和胰岛细胞周围可见到大量微泡,局部还可见广泛的 空泡 形成

  • Swelling of cristae of mitochondria deformation and vacuolization of mitochondria ;

    线粒体嵴突膨胀和线粒体变形及 空泡

  • Results There were swelling and deformation of pacemaker cells ( p cells ) and mitochondrial swelling and vacuolization in cardiac conduct system .

    结果心传导系统的P细胞(起搏细胞)肿胀、变形, 内线粒体肿胀、 空泡

  • Found by observing the ultrastructure of granulosa cells granulosa cells after chemotherapy significant characteristics of apoptosis the most obvious change significantly reduced the number of mitochondria swelling cristae rupture or vacuolization ; and Cetrorelix mitochondria were increased after combined treatment .

    观察颗粒细胞超微结构发现,化疗后颗粒细胞出现明显凋亡特征,最明显的改变为线粒体数目减少、结构肿胀、嵴断裂甚至 空泡 ;而西曲瑞克联合用药后线粒体数量增加,结构较完整。

  • The glial cell vacuolization degree in foot process layer at different ischemic time points .

    电镜观察不同缺血时间点胶质细胞足突层 空泡 程度。

  • Mitochondria appeared vacuolization mitochondrial cristae and membrane disappeared .

    线粒体 空泡 ,嵴和膜消失。

  • The tubular vacuolization and dilation here is a result of ethylene glycol poisoning .

    乙二醇中毒引起肾小管扩张和 空泡 改变

  • Mitochondria of Chinese medicine group are a slight swelling vacuolization membrane and nucleus did not change significantly it had clearly improved compared with model group . 4 .

    中药组、西药组与对照组相比,线粒体均出现了轻微的肿胀, 空泡 ,胞膜和胞核变化不明显,与模型组相比有明显改善。

  • Endothelial cells of the arterioles proliferated as tall column swelling vacuolization and pinocytosis vesicles in the cellular mitochondria were found ;

    小动脉血管内皮细胞增生呈高柱状,细胞线粒体肿胀、 空泡 ,吞饮小泡多见;

  • Condyloma accuminatum has prominent koilocytosis in the upper epidermis that is not found in verruciform xanthoma . There is vacuolization and dissolution of epidermal cells along the basal layer along with lymphocytes .

    尖锐湿疣在上表皮可见明显的挖空细胞,无泡沫细胞的聚集。在基底层有上皮细胞的 空泡 形成或溶解,并伴淋巴细胞浸润。

  • CONCLUSION : STZ can induce chemical insulitis and autoimmune insulitis destroy both alpha and deltas cells and make vacuolization and fibrosis in islets .

    结论STZ可同时诱发化学性胰岛炎和自身免疫性胰岛炎,破坏α细胞和β细胞,使 胰岛出现空洞 形成和组织纤维化。

  • Normal structure of renal tubule was observed in sham operation . There was vacuolization of renal tubule in CHF group and the pathological change of renal tubule in losartan potassium group eased but there were still changes of oedema and degeneration under light microscope . 7 .

    假手术组小鼠肾小管结构也正常;CHF组小鼠肾小管上皮细胞 可见 空泡 形成;氯沙坦钾组小鼠肾组织病理改变较CHF组有所减轻,但肾小管上皮细胞仍可见水肿、变性改变。

  • Electronmicroscope observation revealed an extensive vacuolization in proximal tubular cells and formation of myeloid bodies in lysosome .

    光镜发现近端小管上皮细胞有大量 空泡和溶酶体髓样体形成。

  • There is vacuolization and dissolution of epidermal cells along the basal layer along with lymphocytes .

    在基底层有上皮细胞的 空泡 形成或溶解,并伴淋巴细胞浸润。

  • The cardiac muscle cells in the atrial and the ventricular walls exhibited obvious swelling and deformation blurred cross striation intracytoplasmic structural destruction of myofibrils messy microfilaments mitochondrial swelling vacuolization and even dissolution .

    心房和心室壁的心肌细胞明显肿胀变形,横纹不明显,胞质内肌原纤维结构破坏,肌丝散乱,线粒体肿胀, 空泡 ,甚至溶解;

  • Slight chondriosomes of Small intestine epithelium cell of middle dosage group are intumescent and has vacuolization some cristae are broken .

    中剂量组的小鼠小肠上皮细胞内的线粒体肿胀、 空泡 少见,可见少量线粒体内的嵴结构断裂。

  • 3 ) Vacuolization ( Types 1 and 6 TECs in 100HI );

    3)胞质 空泡 (100HI的1型、6型TEC);

  • Liver cells showed cloudy swelling and vacuolization as well as honeycomb-like lesion formation ;

    肝细胞示浊肿及 空泡 变性,并有灶性蜂窝状病变形成;