


  • Study on Synthesis and application of Urushiol hydroquinone resin


  • Synthesis and Properties of urushiol - based emulsifier


  • The oxidative polymerization process of urushiol with copper ( ⅱ ) – amine complexes as catalyst were studied by IR and the properties of coating film were determined .

    用红外光谱法研究了Cu(Ⅱ)-胺配合物催化 生漆 的氧化聚合过程,考察了生漆 成膜性能、涂膜的热 稳定性 化学介质性能。

  • Urushiol compositions of Chinese lacquer samples from 60 single trees were determined by GC .

    本文 作者用气相色谱法测定了约60个单株生漆样品的 组成;

  • NMR Studies on Crown Ether Compounds of Saturated Urushiol in Raw Lacquer of China

    中国生漆饱和 冠醚化合物的核磁共振研究

  • The composition boiling water resistance steam resistance and other physical properties of a silicone modified urushiol resin corrosion protective paint have been described .

    介绍了以有机硅改性 树脂为基料的防腐涂料的构成,及其耐沸水性、耐水蒸汽性及其他理化性能。

  • Application of urushiol resin in electrochemical determination of copper in water


  • Synthesis and characterization on URUSHIOL TITANIUM nickel polymer


  • Study on Urushiol / Fluoro-siloxane Resin Polymers and Their Compound Material System

    氟树脂改性 聚合物及其复合体系的研究

  • A series of urushiol-metal polymers were synthesized and their properties were characterized by IR method in which ( urushiol ) Fe-C polymer was used as catalyst to synthesize isoamyl acetate .

    合成了5种漆酚金属聚合物,对它们依次进行红外光谱分析,并用这一系列聚合物作为催化剂合成醋酸异戊酯,筛选出了最佳 金属聚合物催化剂 UR-Fe-C

  • Urushiol praseodymium polymer ( PUPr ) was prepared by hot polymerization from PrCl_3 and urushiol .

    PrCl3与漆酚经热聚合制成 镨聚合物(PUPr)。

  • Catalytical Oxidation of Monosubstituted Benzene by Hydrogen Peroxide in the Presence of Fe ~ ( 3 + ) and urushiol

    Fe~(3+)和 催化过氧化氢对单取代苯的氧化

  • The progress in the study on SATURATED URUSHIOL crown ethers

    饱和 冠醚的研究进展

  • Fabrication of Functional Multilayer Films Based on Urushiol and Tyrosine Through Layer-by-layer Assembly

    层层自组装构筑 和酪氨酸基功能膜

  • The sap of lacquer tree contains 7 % - 9 % of polymeric urushiol .

    原始漆树液中内含7%~9% 聚合物。

  • The interpenetrating polymer network ( IPN ) of urushiol formaldehyde condensation polymer ( UF ) and alkyd resin ( AR ) has been prepared . Its physico - mechanical properties solvent resistance resistance to ultraviolet ray and dynamic mechanical properties have been also studied .

    本文制备了 甲醛聚合物(UF)与醇酸树脂(AR)组成的同步互穿网络共混物,并对共混物涂膜的物理机械性能,抗溶剂性能和动态力学性能进行了研究。

  • Relationship between urushiol composition and film properties of Chinese lacquer

    生漆 组成和漆膜性能关系的研究

  • The products of monosubstituted benzene catalytically oxidized by H_2O_2 in the presence of Fe ~ ( 3 + ) and urushiol were studied .

    本文研究了Fe~(3+)和 催化H2O2氧化单取代苯的产物。

  • A Study on Synthesis Characterization and Property of Polymer of Urushiol Borate

    硼酸 酯聚合物的合成、表征及其特性研究

  • In this paper study on esterification reaction catalyzed with polymer compound of urushiol and metal salt was studied .

    探讨了 金属盐高分子复合 试剂催化酯化反应的情况。

  • Effective separation of urushiol in raw lacquer has been carried out by both the solvent extraction and column chromatography As a result of this the purity of urushiol has risen from 78.8 % to 98.6 % .

    通过溶剂萃取和柱层析对 生漆 进行了有效的分离,柱层析后的漆酚纯度由原生漆中的78.8%提高到98.6%。

  • The synthesis structural characteristics and properties of urushiol copper chelate polymers have been studied .

    本文研究 铜螯合高聚物的合成制备方法及其特性。

  • Study on the Formation of Urushiol Quinone Ferrous Chelate


  • The dryness mechanism of urushiol catalyzed by PrCl_3 was studied by visible spectrophotometry XPS UV and IR .

    用可见分光光度法、电子能谱、紫外和红外光谱等方法研究U在 PrCl3作用下的固化成膜历程。

  • A new research area of Chinese lacquer chemistry I.Synthesis and applications of SATURATED URUSHIOL crown ethers

    生漆化学的一个新研究领域Ⅰ.饱和 冠醚的合成及应用

  • Study on properties of Urushiol lanthanum chelate and its influence on properties of modified urushiol paint film


  • Study on modification of urushiol formaldehyde condensation polymer with aniline

    苯胺改性 甲醛缩聚物的研究

  • Urushiol manganese polymer ( PUM ) has been synthesized from manganous Sulfate and urushiol-sodium prepared by the reaction of urushiol with sodium hydrate .

    本文 研究将漆 与氢氧化钠反应生成漆酚钠后,再与硫酸锰反应合成 锰聚合物(PUM)的方法和工艺条件;

  • In this paper coordination reaction of urushiol with ferrous sulfate was studied with analytical methods of UV-Vis spectra IR spectra DTA and magnetic susceptibility .

    采用UV-Vis、IR、DTA-TG、磁化率测定等分析手段和有关的 化学方法,研究 与硫酸亚铁的反应特性。