


  • Observation on Uroschesis in the Emergency Treatment of Organophosphorus Insecticides Poisoning

    抢救有机磷杀虫药中毒中 尿 潴留的观察

  • Observation and Nursing of central Venous Catheterization Using in Treating Acute Uroschesis

    中心静脉导管用于治疗急性 尿 潴留的观察与护理

  • Observations on the Efficacy of Acupuncture Plus Massotherapy in Treating Anorectal Postoperative Uroschesis

    针刺加推拿治疗肛肠病术后 尿 潴留疗效观察

  • Point Injection for 73 Cases of Postoperative Uroschesis

    穴位注射治疗术后 尿 潴留73例

  • Conclusions : Moxibustion and psychological care is more effective in treating elderly patients with postoperative uroschesis .

    结论:隔姜灸配合情志调护 安全有效地治疗老年病人术后 尿 潴留

  • The Relative Factors Analysis of Uroschesis after Lumbar Vertebrae Traction

    腰椎牵引 病人 尿 潴留相关因素分析

  • Objective To study the cause of uroschesis after lumbar vertebrae traction and the nursing countermeasures decreasing the times of urethral catheterization .

    探讨腰椎牵引 患者 尿 潴留原因与减少导尿 几率的护理对策。

  • Clinical Observation on Ache-relieving Pump Postoperative Uroschesis Treated by Acupuncture and Moxibustion

    针灸治疗应用镇痛泵术后 尿 潴留临床观察

  • Disadvantages of saddle anaesthesia : possible postoperative headache high incidence of uroschesis and possible hearing impairment .

    鞍麻的缺点:术后头痛、 尿 潴留的发生率较高,可能造成听力损害。

  • Objective In order to decrease uroschesis happen after indwelling catheter extraction post-hysterectomy .

    目的减少子宫切除术后留置尿管拔除后 尿 潴留的发生。

  • The Clinical Research on Acupoint Injecting Prevent Uroschesis after the Procedure for Prolapse and Hemorrhoids

    穴位注射法预防痔上粘膜环形切除钉合术后 尿 潴留的临床研究

  • Prognostic Affect of Uroschesis on Cerebral Hemorrhage Patients and lts Nursing Care

    尿 潴留对脑出血病人预后的影响及其护理

  • Treatment and Effect Analysis on Complicating Uroschesis after Radical Correction of Uterine Cervix Cancer

    宫颈癌根治术后并发 尿 潴留 临床干预及效果分析

  • Analysis of the Relative Factors of Uroschesis and Nursing after Renopuncture

    肾穿刺术后 尿 潴留相关因素分析及护理

  • Conclusion It is an optimum method to treat postoperative acute uroschesis after vertebrae lumbales operation with block therapy of sacral canal because of reliable curative effect high rate of success and little sufferings .

    结论应用骶管封闭治疗腰椎管术后急性 尿 潴留是一种疗效高、痛苦小的治疗方法。

  • Conclusion Acupressure is a effective method to relief the uroschesis after operation for anorectal diseases .

    结论穴位按压是解除肛肠病患者术后 尿 潴留的有效疗法。

  • Nursing Intervention of Postoperative Uroschesis in the Patients with Prolapse of Lumbar Intervertebral Disc

    腰椎间盘突出症病人术后 预防 尿 潴留的护理干预

  • Observations on Electroacupuncture plus Ginger-separated Moxibustion for Treatment of Cervical Carcinoma Radical Postoperative Uroschesis

    电针配合隔姜灸治疗宫颈癌根治术后 尿 潴留疗效观察

  • Objective To investigate the efficacy of electroacupuncture plus mild moxibustion for treating anorectal postoperative uroschesis .

    目的观察电针结合温灸治疗肛肠病人术后 尿 潴留的疗效。

  • Objective : To explore the efficacy of hot-magnetic therapy in the treatment of uroschesis after electro-prostatectomy and nursing methods .

    目的:探讨热磁疗法治疗前列腺电切术后 尿 潴留的效果及护理方法。

  • Clinical Observation on Treatment of 43 Cases of Postpartum Uroschesis with Acupuncture plus Scallion-salt Separated Moxibustion

    针刺加葱盐外敷灸治疗产后 尿 潴留43例临床观察

  • Objective : To explore the influence of urination training in bed before percutaneous coronary intervention ( PCI ) on the occurrence of uroschesis and hemorrhage in the puncture site after PCI .

    目的:探讨术前床上排尿训练对经皮冠脉介入术后 尿 潴留及穿刺处出血的影响。

  • Postoperative complications included dysaesthesias of lower limbs in 20 cases ( 37.7 % ) muscle weakness in 5 cases ( 9.4 % ) without transient urinary incontinence and transient uroschesis .

    术后发生下肢感觉障碍20例(37.7%),肌力下降5例(9.4%),随访期间均见好转。术后无一过性尿失禁及 尿 潴留 发生

  • Clinical Observation of Prostatic Hyperplasia Treated with Uroschesis _Reliving Capsule


  • Effect of Evidence Based Nursing on Preventing Postoperative Uroschesis in Patients with Cervical Carcinoma

    循证护理在预防宫颈癌术后 尿 潴留中的应用

  • Patients in Group A had remarkable uroschesis and hypotension ( P < 0.01 ) while patient in Group C had sleepiness and dizziness ( P < 0.05 ) .

    A组 病人 尿 潴留和低血压明显(P<0.01);而C组病人 后瞌睡、头昏明显(P<0.05);

  • Objective To explore the preventive methods of uroschesis after radical surgery of gynecological malignant neoplasms .

    目的探讨妇科恶性肿瘤根治术后 尿 潴留的预防措施。

  • Objective : To study on the clinical effect of elderly patients with postoperative uroschesis .

    目的:研究 中医 护理 技术 治疗老年病人术后 尿 潴留的临床疗效。

  • Clinical Observation on the Treatment of 40 Cases of Acute Uroschesis Because of Using Ease Pain Pump After Operation With Acupuncture and Neostigmine

    针灸联合新斯的明治疗镇痛泵术后急性 尿 潴留40例临床观察

  • Effect of Nursing on Incidence Rate of Uroschesis in Patients with Mixture Indicator after Operation

    护理干预对混合痔 尿 潴留发生率的影响