She was a woman utterly without self-knowledge .
她是一个 完全没有自知之明的女人。
They are utterly devoid of conscience they even humiliated these defenseless civilians .
欺辱这些手无寸铁的平民,这些人真是 丧尽天良。
No-one knows where they stand with him ; he is utterly unpredictable
谁也不知道他怎样看待他们;他是个 完全不可捉摸的人。
He was utterly indomitable .
他 毫不 气馁。
These are utterly prejudiced views .
这些看法 太主观了。
He is utterly unpredictable .
他是个 高深莫测的人。
This was utterly beyond her comprehension .
这让她 完全无法理解。
Everything about the country seemed utterly different from what I 'd experienced before
这个国家的一切似乎与我以前的经历 完全不同。
We are utterly disappointed with ( or in ) you .
我们对你 太失望了。
You couldn 't be more mistaken Alex . You 've utterly misread the situation .
亚历克斯,你真是 大错特错,你对局势的判断根本不对。
She loved to ride ; on horseback she was reckless and utterly without fear
她喜欢骑马;在马背上,她纵横驰骋, 毫无畏惧。
They are utterly incompatible with each other .
他们 毫不相容。
I am utterly ashamed of you .
我 实在为你感到 害臊。
They were utterly unfit to govern America
他们 完全 没有能力治理美国。
The tower was surmounted by an enormous statue utterly out of scale with the building .
那座塔的顶部矗立着一尊巨型雕像,与整个建筑 完全不成比例。
Utterly routed the enemy fled in confusion .
敌军被打得 溃不成军,狼狈逃窜。
The script is utterly banal . It is incredible that human minds can put such muck on to paper .
这个剧本是 十足的平庸之作,难以想象有人会写出这样的垃圾。
He acknowledged that Mr Taylor 's colour and ethnic origins were utterly irrelevant in the circumstances .
他承认在这种情况下泰勒先生的肤色和种族出身 完全无关紧要。
The place seemed to be utterly bereft of human life .
这个地方似乎 根本没有人烟。
Tom was utterly indiscreet and could never keep a secret .
汤姆言语很不 谨慎, 什么时候也别想他守住秘密。
It is utterly unbecoming of him to do such a thing .
干这种事与他的 身分极不相称。
She bloomed into an utterly beautiful creature .
她出落得 亭亭玉立。
He is utterly absorbed by the film 's show unfolding .
影片的情节慢慢展开,他 完全被迷住了。
I left eventually at six o'clock feeling utterly dispirited and depressed .
我一直到6点才 极度沮丧和郁闷地离去。
He is utterly ignorant of staff stave w_776 .
他对 五线谱一窍不通。
The new laws coming in are utterly ridiculous
新颁布的法律荒唐 至极 。
His whereabouts have been utterly unknown so far .
迄今他的下落 全然未知。
She felt it would be utterly mortifying to be seen in such company as his by anyone .
她觉得要是让人看到她和他在一起,会 非常没面子。
The enemy was utterly routed .
敌人被打得 落花流水。
He was utterly infatuated with her
他 完全被她迷住了。