On balance even the most venal political neophyte may decide it is easier to make money by getting a proper job .
总的来说,对于初入政界的人来说,即使是最 唯利是图的人也可能做出这样的判断:从事一个适当的职业更容易赚钱。
A person regarded as malicious or treacherous . Ellis was a venal sly man .
奸诈者被认为是阴险或狡诈的人埃利斯是个 贪财、奸诈的人。
The relationship of the accessory renal artery with the ureter and the inferior venal cava was discussed .
援引 本文 材料对肾副动脉与输尿管及 下腔静脉的 位置关系的 临床 意义作了初步探讨。
I never intimidate ordinary folks . I only intimidate those venal officials . I thought the veiled threat of war was bluff .
我认为那含蓄的战争恫吓是 吓唬人的。
A venal moving-van company had revealed her address .
一家 唯利是图的搬运汽车公司还是把她的住址泄露了。
MPs were shown to be hopelessly out of touch and in some cases venal .
英国议员在丑闻中表现得不可理喻,在某些情况下甚至是 贪赃枉法。
Objective To evaluate the clinical diagnosis value of color Doppler ultrasound by retrospectively analyzing its findings of left renal venal entrapment syndrome .
目的通过回顾分析 23例左肾 静脉压迫征,探讨彩超对其诊断价值。
Corruptible judges ; dishonest politicians ; a purchasable senator ; a venal police officer .
可收买的法官;可 买通的政客;可收买的参议员;可 贿赂的警官。
A more obviously venal motive is that green investing is good for the image & unusually the World Bank publishes the names of investors in its green offerings .
还有个更 现实的动机就是,绿色投资有助于 提升形象&世行一 改 清高 做派,会在发行绿色债券的 时候公布投资人的名单。
Ian Trimmer is corrupt and thoroughly venal .
伊恩·特里默 贪污 受贿,是 个 彻头彻尾的贪官。
I never intimidate ordinary folks . I only intimidate those venal officials .
我从来不吓唬老百姓,只吓唬那些 贪官污吏。
Objective To find a simple effective surgical method to deal with venal ulcer in lower limbs .
目的探讨治疗下肢 静脉溃疡有效、简单的方法。
They are accused of being involved in venal practices .
他们被指控参与 行贿 受贿。
Those looking for a higher moral purpose in this catalog of wonders may note how often these lives have been cut short by venal inadequate or positively clueless medical care .
那些寻求更高的道德目的可以说明这个目录奇观多久这些生命已经缩短 巧取豪夺,不足,积极不明或医疗。
As that monstrosity of venal lust is no longer possible it is no longer needed .
以金钱 去 购买 淫欲 的 丑事既然不可能再存在下去,那么也就不再有需要了。
I know which lords are brave and which are craven which are loyal and which are venal . I can deliver allies to her .
我知道 如何 区分勇武的领主和那些胆小鬼们,哪些是忠 犬而哪些 仅 是 些 墙头草,我可以为她征召到同盟。
Like the rest of us they are ignorant partial venal and vain .
与我们这些凡人一样,他们无知、片面、 见利忘义,还爱慕虚荣。
Ellis was a venal sly man .
埃利斯是个 贪财、奸诈的人。