venomous spider

[ˈvɛnəməs ˈspaɪdɚ][ˈvenəməs ˈspaidə]


  • In addition 41 venomous proteins identified were of unknown function and on average about half of high-quality MS / MS spectra gave no signification search results most likely due to the lack of a specific database for spider venom .

    此外,在鉴定的毒素蛋白质中有41 功能未知。而且大约有一半以上的高质量的MS/MS数据得不到明显的鉴定结果,这很可能是没有特定的 蜘蛛毒素蛋白质数据库的缘故。

  • Venomous New World spider ; the female is black with an hourglass-shaped red mark on the underside of the abdomen .

    西半球 有毒 蜘蛛;雌体为黑色且腹部下方有沙漏状的红色斑点。