



  • Role of Vasodilator Stimulated Phosphoprotein Phosphorylation in Intestinal Barrier Dysfunction Following Hemorrhagic Shock in Rats

    血管 扩张刺激磷蛋白磷酸化在失血性休克大鼠肠屏障功能障碍中的作用

  • A vasodilator that is sometimes used to treat angina pectoris .

    用来治疗心绞痛的 血管 扩张 神经

  • Conclusion : Combined with fentanyl midazolam has more profound vasodilator action than that of etomidate .

    结论:与依托咪酯相比咪唑安定与芬太尼合用有较强的 协同 血管作用。

  • A vasodilator that is released by cells in the human immune system as part of an allergic reaction ; also affects the amount of stomach acid released .

    被人类免疫系统的细胞释放的 血管 扩张 神经 药物;也能影响胃酸释放的含量。

  • As a vasodilator ADM inhibits proliferation of VSMC .

    ADM具有 血管、抑制平滑肌细胞增殖的作用。

  • Impact of Excess Use Vasodilator Agent on Acute Cerebral Infarction

    过度使用 血管 扩张 治疗对急性脑梗死疗效的影响

  • Results The infection of patients should be prevented and controlled the vasodilator should be given in the myocardial insufficiency promptly .

    结果:应积极预防和控制感染, 纠正心功能不全及早使用 血管活性 药物及对症处理。

  • Coronary heart treatment to relieve cramps early to be the main factors mainly medical drug therapy such as vascular spasm agent and vasodilator .

    冠状动脉硬化性心脏的治疗,早期应以解除痉挛因素为主,主要是内科药物治疗,如血管解痉剂和 扩张

  • A heavy yellow poisonous oily explosive liquid obtained by nitrating glycerol ; used in making explosives and medically as a vasodilator .

    一种重的、黄色有毒油状爆炸性液体,由甘油硝化制成,用于制炸药,医学上用作 血管 舒张

  • On the other hand it may represent a direct vasodilator action unrelated to cholinergic blockade .

    这可能是一种与胆碱能阻断无关的直接 血管 扩张作用。

  • Objective : To study the functional changes of the peripherial vasodilator nerve of diabetic rats in different disease period .

    目的:研究不同病期的糖尿病大鼠外周 血管 舒张神经是否发生病变。

  • Background : Inhaled NO is a selective pulmonary vasodilator with biologic effects in remote vascular beds .

    背景:吸入型NO是一种对远距离血管床有生物学效应的肺动脉 扩张

  • Rabbit thoracic aortic rings were used to investigate the vasodilator mechanisms of scopolamine .

    用离体血管环研究了东莨菪碱 血管 作用的机制。

  • Pulmonary vasodilator action of ligustrazine in hypoxic rats and ferrets

    川芎嗪对缺氧大鼠和雪貂肺 血管 舒张作用

  • This paper reports the vasodilator treatment in 41 cases of heart failure and cardiogenic shock complicating acute myocardial infarction .

    本文为急性心肌梗塞 心衰及休克41例采用 血管 扩张 治疗的 经验 总结

  • The kallikrein system which produces the potent vasodilator bradykinin is beginning to be studied .

    血管舒缓素系统产生强力的 血管 扩张 物质缓激肽,有人正开始这种研究。

  • To validate the hemodynamic effects and high selectivity of ATP as a pulmonary vasodilator .

    验证ATP作为肺 血管 扩张 的血流动力学效应及其高度选择性;

  • Overexpression of these cytokines plays an important role in the phenotype of vascular wall cells including cell proliferation and matrix protein expression as well as response to vasoconstrictor and the vasodilator vascular changes .

    这些细胞因子的过度表达对血管壁细胞的表型,包括细胞增殖和基质蛋白的表达,以及对缩血管和 血管 物质反应的改变都起了重要的作用。

  • Changes of vasoconstrictor and vasodilator functions of isolated thoracic aorta rings in rats with obstructive jaundice

    阻塞性黄疸大鼠离体胸主动脉收缩与 舒张功能的变化

  • It is also a ­ peripheral arterial vasodilator that ­ reduces periph ­ eral vascular resistance and BP .

    这也是周边动脉 血管 扩张 ,降低周围血管阻力和血压。

  • Early use of anticoagulants thrombolytic agents and vasodilator drug therapy clinical symptoms can increase .

    早期使用抗凝剂、溶栓剂及 血管药物治疗后,可使临床症状加重。

  • Another 19 cases ( 20 eye ) were assigned as the control group and treated with vasodilator and corticosteroid .

    对照组19例20眼,用 血管 扩张 和皮质类固醇激素治疗,观察两组疗效。

  • Clinical Efficacy of Vasodilator in Acute Heart Failure and Its Effect on BNP Level

    血管 扩张 治疗急性心力衰竭的临床疗效以及对患者BNP水平的影响

  • The therapy involves vasodilator gene therapy and Chinese traditional medicine .

    药物治疗包括 血管 扩张 、基因治疗和中医中药。

  • Study of the action and relativity of hemodynamics and hemorrheology of vasodilator in rats

    血管 对大鼠血液动力学和流变学作用及相关性的研究

  • Group A was treated with small dose dopamine on the basis of digitals diuretic and vasodilator therapy .

    其中A组50例在洋地黄、利尿剂和 血管 扩张 治疗的基础上,加用小剂量多巴胺注射液静滴;

  • The chief treatment was PEEP + diuretic + hormone and ultrafiltration assisting cardiac tonic and vasodilator .

    经PEEP+利尿药+激素和超滤器为主,辅以强心、 血管 协同治疗。

  • A hypoxia model for evaluating the cochlear effect of vasodilator

    缺氧模型用于 耳蜗效应评定的研究

  • Conclusion : PAMP is a vasodilator peptide ;

    结论:PAMP是一种 血管肽;