


  • Even up till now TOYOTA main type Camry is considered as very vapidity and not Cool enough type .

    即使到现在,丰田的主要车型Camry(凯美瑞),还被认为是太 乏味,不够“酷”。

  • Her counterpart left in vain and vapidity .


  • Tim Pawlenty seen as one of the more serious candidates for the Republican nomination meaning somebody capable of discussing policy set out an economic plan as he called it that was stunning in its vapidity .

    被认为 本着较严肃态度参加共和党总统候选人提名 也就是说,此人有能力讨论政策 蒂姆波伦蒂(timpawlenty),制定了一项经济计划(他自己是 这么叫的

  • Writing is regarded as baldness and vapidity by most students because most of methods of English writing teaching are teach and learn that is teacher introduce the writing theory analyze example and then students was given task to finished .

    写作在英语教学中是被认为 非常 枯燥的,因为大部分的写作教学都是填鸭 的教学方法,教师讲解写作的理论知识,分析范文,给学生布置写作的 要求批改讲评作业。

  • The emulsion can substitute the antirust water and antirust oil as rust preventing for iron casting which has the characteristics of noninflammable vapidity low toxic and low pollution . The emulsion can prevent iron casting in exterior from rustiness for 18 days during rainy period .

    此乳状液可替代防锈水和防锈油作铸铁件的工序间防锈产品,具有不易燃、 无味、低毒、低污染的优点,可用于铸铁件室外梅雨季节的防锈,防锈期可达18d。

  • An - other is study and ambition pressure including vapidity in life uncertainty of aims and examinations ;

    二是学业理想压力,包括生活 乏味压力、目标不明压力和考试压力;