varactor tuning


  • Especially with the decrease of the thickness of the gate oxide an irregular change of the varactor 's tuning range is observed which is due to the gate depletion of polysilicon .

    模拟中,还观察到了当栅氧厚度很薄时,多晶硅栅耗尽导致的 电容的变化范围不规则变化的现象。

  • The output powers of the fundament signal and the second harmonic signal are low . The varactor diode does not implement electric tuning effectively . Further study should be carried out .

    两路信号的输出功率较低, 没能有效的实现电 调谐的功能,有待进一步地研究。

  • Because the wideband voltage-controlled oscillator which using the varactor diode as a tuning device has the advantage of small size low cost flexible design it represent a significant proportion at wideband voltage-controlled oscillators .

    二极管作为 调谐器件的表贴型宽带压控振荡器因体积小、成本低、设计灵活等优点,在宽带压控振荡器中占有很大比例。

  • A switched varactor array is proposed to suppress tuning gain fluctuation for the performance of the phase locked loop ( PLL ) .

    该振荡器 包含了一个开关 可变 电容阵列,用以抑制 调谐增益的变化。

  • A varactor is used to tune the frequency of the VCO and optimization is processed to get broad tuning band .

    VCO采用 二极管进行 并联电调谐,并优化电路以获取较宽的 调谐频带。

  • Through switching the different microstrip capacitance connected with the varactor the VCO can output three frequency bands . The total tuning range of the three bands is more one octave .

    通过切换微带电容,使得振荡器具有三个频段的振荡输出, 实现跨倍频程的 调谐范围,其中 调谐电压为 0-5V