vascular lesion

[ˈvæskjəlɚ ˈliʒən][ˈvæskjələ ˈli:ʒən]

[医] 血管损害

  • Determining the content of TG CHO HDL-C and LDL-C of blood serum and histopathologic change of arteriovascular to evaluate effect by CPM acting on metabolic disorder and vascular lesion .

    用血液中TG、CHO、HDL-C和LDL-C的含量以及动脉血管的病理组织学变化考察药物对糖尿病所致脂类代谢紊乱和 血管 病变的作用。

  • Objective To sum up the features of clinic colonoscope and pathological histology in the elderly patients with colonic vascular lesion .

    目的总结老年人结肠 血管 病变的临床、结肠镜及病理组织学特点。

  • Common pathogenesis research on the vessel-collateral lesion of 3469 patients with vascular lesion based on the distributing regularity of syndromes

    基于3469例 血管 病变患者证候分布规律的脉络病变共性病机探讨人畜共患戊型肝炎的流行病学调查分析

  • Objective To assess the value of interventional diagnostic and therapeutic methods for vascular lesion in head and neck .

    目的评价介入诊疗技术在头颈部 血管 疾病中的诊断和治疗价值。

  • Results CHD with DM had much great extent of coronary vessel involvement and more diffuse vascular lesion .

    结果冠心病并发2型糖尿病患者3支病变及弥漫性 病变

  • The relation between platelet indices and vascular lesion in patients with T_2DM

    2型糖尿病患者 血管 病变与血小板参数变化的观察

  • Objectives To explore the expression of lectin-like oxidized low-density lipoprotein receptor-1 ( LOX-1 ) in vascular wall of the immature rabbits with early atherosclerosis ( AS ) induced by high-cholesterol diet and the effect of its over-expression on the pathogenesis and progress of atherosclerotic vascular lesion .

    目的探讨高胆固醇饮食诱导的早期动脉粥样硬化(AS)幼兔血管壁低密度脂蛋白受体-1(LOX-1)的表达水平及其在粥样硬化 血管 病变发生发展中的作用。

  • Tumor were 6 cases ( leiomyoma or leiomyosarcoma 5 adenoma 1 ) . Vascular lesion were 11 cases ( AVM 6 small intestinal telangiectasia 4 gastric varices 1 ) .

    其中肿瘤6例(胃肠平滑肌瘤或肉瘤5例,腺瘤1例), 血管 病变11例(AVM6例,小肠毛细血管扩张症4症,胃底静脉曲张1例);

  • Clinical Analysis on Colonic Vascular Lesion in the Elderly

    老年人结肠 血管 病变临床分析

  • Early recognition and early correction of the vascular lesion should help to rescue the patient and lessen the neurological complications .

    早期确认这类 血管 病灶 尽速施予矫正手术,不仅可以拯救受害者,并可减少可能产生的神经学后遗症。

  • Vascular lesion and its mechanisms in spleen under statement of portal hypertension

    门静脉高压症患者脾内 血管 病变及其发病机制的研究

  • Relationship between mucosal vascular lesion and gastric carcinoma in chronic atrophic gastritis of mice

    大鼠慢性萎缩性胃炎时粘膜 血管 病变与胃癌的关系

  • After implantation of the stent restenosis in the vascular lesion and stent fracture are the major barriers to the success of the surgery as clinical report .

    当前,血管支架植入 病变 血管后容易发生血管内再狭窄与支架的断裂,是影响血管支架手术取得成功的主要障碍。

  • Conclusion MRA is accurate and reliable in evaluating vascular lesion in the body and can replace XRA in many cases .

    结论MRA对体部 血管 病变诊断的符合率较高,在许多病例能代替XRA。

  • The pancreatic vascular lesion is the main pathogenic mechanism in SLE acute pancreatitis .

    胰腺 血管 病变是导致胰腺炎的主要致病机制;

  • Hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage ( HICH ) denotes the disease of intracerebral hemorrhage induced by cerebral vascular lesion due to hypertension .

    高血压脑出血是指高血压病导致脑 血管 病变而发生的脑内出血。

  • Clinical study and reclassification of the vascular lesion in patients with Budd-Chiari syndrome

    Budd-Chiari综合征 血管 病变的分型与临床研究

  • Objective To investigate pathogenesy and therapeutic prospect of diabetes mellitus accompanied lower limb vascular lesion .

    目的介绍糖尿病合并下肢 血管 病变的发病机理及治疗进展。

  • Conclusions Renal interstitum vascular lesion is a quite common finding in children with purpura nephritis and it parallels the glomerular lesions and tubulerinterstitial lesions .

    结论肾间质 血管 损害在绝大多数紫癜性肾炎患儿中存在,且与肾小球、肾小管间质病变呈正相关关系。

  • Application of interventional diagnostic and therapeutic technique for vascular lesion and malignant tumor

    介入诊疗技术在 血管 病变和恶性肿瘤中的应用价值

  • Conclusions The cerebral flow stress imaging is helpful in detecting the occult foci and increases the sensitivity of detection of cerebral vascular lesion .

    结论脑负荷显像有助于发现隐匿性病灶,提高检出脑 血管 病变的灵敏度。

  • Conclusion : Significant correlation was found between the stage of brain vascular lesion and the prognostic result .

    结论:研究发现预后结果与术前脑 血管 损害分期有相关性, 期预后好,智商高。

  • Significance of Plasma and intraglomerular thrombomodulin in lupus nephritis with vascular lesion

    血栓调节蛋白检测在狼疮性肾炎 血管 病变中的意义

  • Minimally invasive vascular surgery which cures with the access of a catheter to the vascular lesion area of human body is a revolutionary breakthrough in modern medicinal treatment . It is superior to the traditional cardiac surgery & less bleeding and postoperative injury shorter healing stage .

    借助于导管进入人体 血管 病变部位进行治疗的血管微创介入手术是现代医学治疗方式的一项革命性突破,它具有传统外科手术无法比拟的优点,即手术出血少,创伤小,愈合期短等。

  • Objective To investigate the relationship between high - sensitivity C-reactive protein ( hsCRP ) and carotid atherosclerosis in elderly hypertensive patients and to deepen recognition of peripheral vascular lesion induced by hypertension .

    目的了解炎症标记物超敏C反应蛋白(hsCRP)与老年高血压患者颈动脉粥样硬化发生之间的关系,进一步加深对高血压导致外周 血管 病变的认识。

  • Insular cortex infarction in acute middle cerebral artery territory stroke : Predictor of stroke severity and vascular lesion

    岛叶皮质梗死可预测急性大脑中动脉局部卒中时的卒中严重程度和 血管 病变

  • Conclusion Pathogenesis of CSS may be related to the disturbance of cardiac innervation neural and humoral regulation vascular lesion hemodynamic disorders which may result from the lesion in specific part of brain .

    结论其发生机制可能与脑特定部位受损导致对心脏神经支配紊乱,神经、体液调节障碍, 血管 病变及血流动力学变化等有关。

  • Diagnosis and therapy of diabetes mellitus accompanied lower limb vascular lesion

    糖尿病性下肢 血管 病变的诊断与治疗进展