virial equation


  • In this paper according to virial equation of state for real gas the high temperature psychrometric chart of humid air is analyzed .

    本文根据实际气体的压缩因子和 维利 状态 方程,对湿空气的高温焓湿图进行了分析。

  • We have investigated the methods of calculating the virial coefficients in the equation of state of gases and proposed four rules for determining the number of terms in the equation of state .

    我们对计算气体物态 方程 中维 系数的方法作了全面的探讨,提出了如何判定物态方程中项数的四个原则。

  • The state equation has been established for the moist combustion gas as a two terms Virial equation .

    将湿燃气当做 实际气体考虑,用两项 维里 方程 对比态形式建立了湿燃气的 状态 方程

  • The relation between chemical potential and composition was calculated using different equation of state namely Peng-Robinson Redlich-Kwong Van der Waals and Virial equations . The average deviation is less than 5 % .

    结果表明采用Peng-Robinson、Redlich-Kwong及vanderwaals 方程计算化学势与组分关系而得到的模拟结果优于 Virial方程,且平均误差在5%之内。

  • Based on the virial theorem and the similarity assumption a new equation of state for detonation products VLW EOS has been proposed .

    Virial)理论和相似假设出发,建立了爆轰产物物态 方程,命名为VLW物态 方程

  • The third virial coefficients of humid air are estimated with the equation of corresponding state with four characteristic parameters .

    蒸汽和湿空气的 三维 系数也进行了预估 计算

  • A new virial equation of state and its application in gun propellant gas calculations

    新的 状态 方程及其在火药燃气中的应用

  • The compressibility factor of the vapor was calculated by the Virial equation and the second virial coefficient was determined by the Vetere model .

    通过 Virial 方程和Vetere模型分别计算了气相的压缩因子和第二维里系数,从而估算了BC的蒸发焓。

  • A new method for analyzing and determining the thermodynamic parameters of the Multi-Filling process of a cylinder with different real gases & development of cubic reduced virial equation of state

    多元变组分充气过程的热力学分析及其参数确定的新方法&三次 状态 方程的开发与应用

  • However the Langmuir equation and the Virial equation can only be applied above a lower limit temperature .

    Langmuir 方程113K以上温度下 能作为等温线 模型,但在更低的温度下 绝不适用;

  • By improving the molecular interaction energy model an equation for coordination number of pure fluid at high temperature was obtained with the help of the radial distribution function theory and virial equation .

    从改进的势能函数出发,由径向分布函数理论和 方程导出高温下纯流体配位数的 计算公式,并与Sandler法结合 求得 简化 扰动 状态方程。

  • A new correlation for determining the compression temperature of real gases in chemical machinerys & development of cubic reduced virial equation of state in a new approach

    确定化工机械实际气体压缩温度的新关联式&三次 状态 方程开发新途径

  • Derivation of quadratic virial equation of state by modified canonical ensemble method

    改进的正则系综法对二阶 Virial 方程的推导

  • Considered the interactions among all charged colloidal particles derived a symmetrical Poisson Boltzmann ( PB ) Equation using a Virial Expansion of Ornstein Zernike Equation .

    考虑到胶体分散系中所有带电胶粒(胶体粒子)之间的作用,由 Ornstein-Zernike方程的 展开式导出了对称的Poisson-Boltzmann 方程

  • Development of a cubic reduced virial equation of state for gas mixtures in chemical machinery

    三次 对比 状态 方程对化工机械 实际混合气体的开发

  • The Virial equation was used to calculate the fugacity coefficients of vapor phase and Antoine equation was used for the saturated vapor pressure of benzene and toluene .

    维利 方程计算汽相的逸度系数,用Antoine方程计算饱和蒸汽压,用NRTL方程计算液相的活度系数。

  • According to the principle of corresponding state a generalized second virial coefficient correlation equation was given from saturated P-V-T data of eight freons and virial equation truncated to two terms .

    根据对比态原理,从八个氟引昂饱和的PVT数据及二项截断的 方程出发,建立普遍化的第二维里系数关联式。

  • A virial equation of state for molecular aggregation ( model for aggregated hard spherical molecules )

    分子聚集 状态 方程(聚集硬球分子模型)

  • The method scan be applied to calculating repulsive potential function between other close shell atoms and Virial state equation under high temperature .

    本方法也可以用来计算高温下其他闭合壳层原子间的排斥势函数及高温下的 状态 方程

  • The new correlations for determining two derivative parameters & enthalpy and entropy of real gases by using a new CUBIC REDUCED VIRIAL EQUATION OF STATE

    应用三次 状态 方程确定实际气体导出参数&焓与熵值的新关联式

  • Estimation of thermophysical properties of working substances by using the virial equation of molecular aggregation

    应用分子聚集 方程推算工质热物理性质

  • The second virial coefficient and the state equation of nonideal gases

    非理想气体的第 二维 系数及物态 方程

  • Based on the hard-spheres model the new style virial equation of state for hard-spheres with higher order is derived again and the new pade style expression is also presented .

    作者基于硬球模型,重新研究了virial形式的高阶理论 状态 方程,并给出了新的Pade形式表达式。

  • Based on the Clausius-Clapeyron equation the Virial equation and the newest phase equilibrium equations of helium-3 two important properties on the phase equilibrium curves that is the vaporization heat and the melting heat have been calculated .

    基于Clausius-Clapeyron方程、 方程和最新开发的氦-3相平衡曲线方程计算了氦-3在平衡曲线上的两个重要性质:汽化热(0K~3.3157K)和熔解热(0.001K~35K)。

  • Repulsive potential function between helium-argon atoms and virial state equation for helium-argon gases under high temperature

    高温下氦氩原子间的排斥势函数与氦氩气体的 状态 方程