


  • It is inconceivable the agony with which this public veneration tortured him !

    公众对 他的 景仰 如何折磨着他,那痛苦是难以 想见的!

  • Protestants will not typically call the respect or honor that they may have for Mary veneration because of the special religious significance that this term has in the Catholic practice .

    新教徒对于玛丽亚 崇拜方面,并不典型地称呼“尊重”或者“尊敬”,因为这个术语特别的宗教意义已经在天主教的实践 里面了。

  • I acquired lasting respect for tradition and veneration for the past .

    开始对传统和历史 产生了持久的 敬慕

  • That Tholomyes is astounding said the others with veneration what trousers !

    这个 多罗米埃真是特别,”大家都肃然起敬地那样说,“他竟穿那样的裤子!

  • The Olympics are not simply athletic championships but embody a sense of honor a sense of art and literature and a veneration of beauty .

    奥林匹克运动会不仅仅是体育竞赛,它还包含着一种荣誉感和对美的 崇敬,并且与文化艺术 融为一体

  • And happiness of the nation I have acquired an habitual attachment to it and veneration for it .

    及国家幸福的影响,我业已 满怀 喜爱 崇敬

  • The emphasis of red colour in chinese culture originated from the han-chinese culture 's veneration towards red colour .

    本命年的红色讲究应该是源于中国汉民族传统文化对于红色的 崇拜

  • He never separated the memory of this man from the memory of his father and he associated them in his veneration .

    他从不把对这人的追念和对他父亲的追念分开来,他把他俩合并在他 崇敬 心中

  • But in the US a generalised attachment to liberty has somehow turned into an unquestioning veneration of the constitution that has become almost quasi-religious .

    但是在美国,凡事都扯上自由在某种程度上变成了一种对宪法的绝对 崇拜,这差不多已经变成一种准宗教情结了。

  • The orthodox distinguish between worship and veneration but do not accept a sort of hyper - veneration only for the theotokos .

    东正教也对崇拜和 尊敬作出了区分,但并不接受一种“宣传人员”仅是对神的母亲的尊敬。

  • Secular historians would link the veneration of Mary to the pre-Christian cult of female divinities such as the Egyptians ' isis-who was conceived by her followers as a Madonna figure nursing a holy child-or the Romans ' Diana .

    历史学家则把圣母玛丽的 尊崇与某些基督教之前宗教的女性神祗联系起来,如埃及的伊西斯神;追随者心目中,她是哺育着神圣婴孩的女性形象。

  • This change is remarkable in light of extensive government efforts during that same time-period to extirpate veneration of Marian images and to direct Christian worship to the written word .

    这个转变是值得注意的,就是在那个时期,根据政府的广大努力,消灭了玛丽亚肖像的 崇拜,直接向耶稣祷告写入了法令。

  • You see a source of veneration with which Aristotle was held in the later medieval period .

    你就会发现亚里士多德,在中世纪后期有 尊崇了。

  • Feeling or manifesting veneration .

    感觉 尊敬或表现出 尊敬

  • After the reforms of King Josiah there was a threat that the veneration of Sophia would come to a halt-there was even more of a threat when patriarchal Christianity took over the world .

    约书亚国王的改革之后,对索菲娅 崇拜产生了威胁,不得不终止&这甚至比父权制的基督教接管世界的威胁更加大。

  • I remember vividly another evening when something led us to talk of dante 's veneration for virgil .

    我记得很清楚,另一天晚上,不知什么使我们谈起但丁对维吉尔的 崇拜

  • In defiant opposition to his father he greatly admired Shamil and regarded him with the fervent veneration that was generally felt for him in the mountains .

    在父亲反对他的叛逆羡慕 沙米利和敬仰,把他与一般的火热他认为在山上。

  • A memorial was erected in veneration of the dead of both world wars .

    兴建一座 纪念碑以纪念两次世界大战的死者。

  • A religion native to Japan characterized by veneration of nature spirits and ancestors and by a lack of formal dogma .

    日本本土的一种宗教,以其对自然中的神灵和祖先的 尊敬为特征,该宗教没有正规的教义。

  • Each time you mention the name of the lord you must do it with veneration .

    任何的时间,提到上帝的名字应该有 尊重

  • I believe if there are three words in the English language for which she has a respect amounting almost to veneration those words are Dombey and Son .

    我相信,在我国的语言中,如有四个字她尊敬得几乎达到了 崇拜的地步的话,那么这四个字就是董贝父子。

  • On this showing Catholic traditionalists would argue that there is no conflation of the human and divine levels in their veneration of Mary .

    这就表现出天主教传统会争论在他们 崇拜的玛丽亚里面,并没有人神异文合并。

  • Burning incense is a kind of offering expressing gratitude and veneration to the Buddha .

    烧香是一种对佛陀表达感激及 尊敬之情的供品。

  • This statue is an object of religious veneration .

    这座塑像是宗教 崇拜的对象。

  • Yet what is the fury of fans if not the flip side of veneration ?

    但是在巴西球迷愤怒的另 一面呢?

  • These adjectives mean having or showing a belief in and veneration for God or a divine power especially as it is reflected in the practice of religion .

    这些形容词都意味着有或显示出对上帝或神圣力量的信仰和 尊敬,特别反映在宗教行为上。

  • This scripture has always been held in the greatest veneration in Mahayana countries .

    这经文一直关押在大乘佛教国家的最大的 尊敬

  • She was a tiny little woman to inspire so much veneration .

    一个像她 那样身材纤细的女人 居然能赢得我们如此 尊敬

  • Mother Theresa has become and object of widespread veneration because ofher unceasing work for the poor .

    特丽萨修道院院长因为不停地为穷苦人工作,已经成为广 敬仰的人。