verbal form

[ˈvɚbəl fɔrm][ˈvə:bəl fɔ:m]

[法] 口头方式

  • However certain verbal elements and nominal elements with specific syntactic status can only form a V-N construction with a specific syntactic status .

    但具有特定句法地位的 动词 成分和名词性成分组合时不会产生歧义。

  • The Verbal Conditional Form of Civil Documents Written in Turpan

    吐鲁番回鹘文世俗文书 动词条件 研究

  • The structure-building right perches itself in rhetoric illusion with verbal rights as its form of expressing .

    建构权栖身于修辞幻象中,以 话语权为外在表现 形式

  • In the verbal communication the same language form can have different functions for different communicative environments ;

    同一语言功能在不同 交际环境中也可用不同的语言 形式表达,而社交中的 行为 规范 不容 违犯的。

  • All the studies focused on the verbal form of teacher talk . While words and verbalisms may be the preferred symbols of classroom instruction they do not represent the only means of instructing .

    这些研究的共同之处在于强调教师话语的 语言 形式。尽管话语是教师课堂教学的主要形式,但并不是唯一形式。

  • The context is an important factor of the stylistic only in the particular context taking specific language means to do the verbal communication activities can form a certain stylistic .

    语体的一个重要构成因素便是语境,只有在特定的语境中,采用特定的语言手段进行 言语交际活动才能 形成一定的语体。

  • The usage translation of verbal form in English for science and technology

    科技英语文体中 动词 形态的用法及翻译

  • However a special research of verbal humor an important form of humor which mainly exists in conversations is comparatively rarely conducted .

    然而,作为幽默的一种重要 形式,专门针对 言语幽默的相关研究却没有得到足够重视。

  • Where there is difficulty in writing an indictment the litigant may file a suit in verbal form which the people 's court shall record and notify the adverse litigant .

    书写起诉状确有困难的,可以 口头起诉, 人民法院记入笔录,并告知对方当事人。

  • Lies-telling is a human behavior which means someone purposefully conceals or falsifies the facts or emotional information through verbal or non verbal way in order to induce others to form a belief which the communicator himself thinks is false .

    说谎,是指通过言语或非 言语的方式,有目的地隐瞒、伪造有关事实或情绪的信息,以诱导他人 形成或维持一种沟通者本人认为是假的信念。

  • William Faulkner a renowned writer as well as stylist is known especially for his remarkable achievement in the verbal form of his fictions .

    威廉·福克纳是杰出的作家,也是伟大的文体家,他在小说 形式上的杰出贡献是 举世公认的。

  • Verbal Communicative Competence in a Foreign Language : A Personal Experience Perspective ; Word had become reality form and substance had merged .

    语言成了现实, 形式和实质已融为一体。

  • Address form is an important part of human verbal communication . Address form is the most widely used and most frequent words . In Intercultural Communication address form is often transformed the information to the other people .

    称谓 言语交际 活动中的重要组成部分,是 语言交际中使用最广泛、最频繁的词语,在跨文化 言语交际中, 称谓语往往是首先传达给对方的信息。

  • After the careful analysis on the method and content of citizens ' participation in legislation it finds that the participation is only in the verbal form to express their legislative will to the legislature which is expression on legislation in essence .

    认真剖析公民参与立法的行为方式和行为内容,发现参与立法只是以 言语 方式向立法机关表达立法意愿,其实质仍然是立法表达。

  • To express the opinions on the result of the cases on my behalf in verbal form as well as in written form ;

    代表我表达对案件处理的意见, 出具对案件处理的意见书。

  • At Chinese juridical practice all the testimony and other verbal evidence just as the statement of the accused and the statement of the victim appear in the contentious procedure in the form of investigation files in which they are recorded .

    在中国司法实践中,证人证言和其他 言词证据,例如被告人陈述、被害人陈述等,都是以案卷笔录为 载体存在于刑事诉讼中的。

  • Verbal communication is the most fundamental form of human communication .

    言语交际是人类最基本的交际 形式之一。

  • And the author studies the verbal root + zi / er / tou with multi-angle emphasizing on the integration of form and meaning static and dynamic study description and interpretation .

    在研究中尽可能的做到 形式与意义相结合,静态与动态研究相结合,描写性与解释性相结合,对 动词 词根+‘子/儿/头’式结构进行多角度的考察。

  • The dissertation describe and explain unbalance of verbal subject sentences and verbal object sentences in syntax semantic pragmatic chapter and cognitive construe with the academic idea that different form different significance .

    本文坚持 形式不同则意义不同的学术理念,对谓词性主语句与 词性宾语句在句法、语义、语用篇章和认知识解上的不对称性作出了描写与解释。

  • 2 ) The linked use of He and the other parts of speech & noun adjective ( adjective comparative degree ) numeral adverb ( adverbial comparative degree ) pronoun verb and verbal non_changeable form .

    HE和其他词类&名词、形容词(形容词比较级)、数词、副词(副词比较级)、代词、动词及其 变位 形式(形动词、副 动词)的连用;

  • Defining Dahua as a profane narrative practice the verbal use of Dahua is exactly a metaphorical form to imply the embarrassed surviving environment of the refined literature .

    将大话界定为一种亵渎性的叙述行为,大话的 动词化,正是高雅文学尴尬生存环境的隐喻 形式

  • Gal Laox Which is translated into mandarin Chinese as Grand Song of Ethnic Dong Minority is a unique verbal art form in the southern Dong minority area .

    嘎老汉译称为侗族大歌,是侗族南部地区所特有的 口头艺术 形式

  • About a Verbal Form in the Uigur Language

    维吾尔语中的第二性副 动词 形式

  • Analyses of verbal humor in conversational form are commonplace in books and papers on pragmatics .

    在各种语用学研究的相关书籍和论文当中,常常可以看到对以会话 形式出现的 言语幽默进行的分析。

  • ASPECT is a verbal grammatical category which studies aspect from the combination of form and meaning .

    体态是 动词的语法范畴,即从 形式与意义结合这一角度研究英语动词的体。

  • In verbal communication address form reflects not only various social features such as age identity occupation and status but also the interpersonal relationships and emotional attitudes of both interlocutors .

    言语交际中, 称呼语不仅反映了交际双方的社会特征,如年龄、身份、职业、地位,也折射出双方的人际关系、情感态度等。

  • In the actual verbal communication as the effect of context the target language may appear various variations and form a temporary pragmatic meaning apart from its static meaning .

    在实际的 言语交际中,目的词除表达一定的语备意义外,又由于语境因素的影响,会发生某种变异, 形成临时性的语用词义。

  • The carriers of communicative information include verbal communicative symbols and non-verbal communicative symbols . Sub-language is the symbolic form that does not belong to verbal communicative symbols and it plays an important role in human communicative activities .

    交际信息的载体包括 言语交际符号和非言语交际符号,副语言是言语交际符号以外的符号 形式,它在人类交际活动中发挥着重要作用。