Nor age to blanch thy vermeil hue .
花 尚未 放, 竟漂白了你的 鲜艳。
This colored glaze is vermeil and flamboyant the glaze surface is smooth and luminous the pigment can satisfy slap-up ceramic decorations request that the firing temperature between 1200 ℃ and 1250 ℃ .
在1200℃ &1250℃下用制备的颜料进行了陶瓷颜料着色的 检测,结果 表明,色釉 鲜红艳丽,釉面平整光亮,完全能满足高温烧成高档装饰陶瓷的要求。
Next glossa body is intumescent show vermeil ( pinkish red ) at the same time strut of bacterium shape tit hyperaemia .
然后舌体肿大,呈 鲜 红色(品红),同时菌状乳头肿胀、充血。