Verbal protocol method requires subjects to verbalize the internal processes of human beings ' complex mind activities and provide a new perspective and an effective way to probe cognitive processes .
口语报告法,将内部操作的复杂心理活动 外部 语言化,从而为探测人类认知过程提供了全新视角和有效途径。
Children of his age group don 't usually verbalize at this stage .
他这个年龄组的儿童在这一阶段通常不会 用 言语 表达 思想。
It 's a freeing feeling when all of a sudden one day you 're able to verbalize exactly how you feel in a verse chorus verse bridge chorus pattern .
那是一种很自由的感觉,当某一天,某一刻,你能将你 当时的想法 放进 歌词。
All the participants are asked to write a composition and verbalize their mental activities while composing the writing task .
所有被试需完成一篇作文,同时 说出其 构思 过程的心理活动。
The teacher avoids most direct instruction and attempts to lead the student through questions and activities to discover discuss appreciate and verbalize the new knowledge .
老师应避免直接指导学生 而是 应该试图通过提问和各种 练习活动来引导学生去发现、讨论、领会和 用 自己 的 语言 去 表达新的知识。
On the output side the machine must be able to verbalize ; it has to take documents from the World Wide Web find the appropriate information and turn it into well-formed sentences .
在输出端,仪器必须能 说,能从网络上 拿来文件,找到合适的信息,并转换成合适的句子。
They feel something they verbalize it . Then be it pulling someone for not working hard or congratulating someone on their wonderful performance .
他们 把感觉 用 语言 表达 出来。有人不努力工作就督促他,有人做得很好就祝贺他。
He found it hard to verbalize his feelings towards his son .
他发觉很难 用 语言 来 表述他对儿子的感情。
All of them were required to finish a writing task respectively and try to verbalize their thoughts in the writing processes at the same time .
他们分别完成一个英语写作任务,同时把写作时产生的所有 想法 说 出来。
All of them were required to read an easy text and a difficult text respectively and at the same time to try to verbalize all of their thoughts in the reading processes .
要求他们分别阅读难度不同的两篇文章,同时 尽量 把阅读时产生的所有想法都 说 出来。
Some concepts are difficult to verbalize .
一些概念很难 用辞 来 表达。
The gift was so apparently an offering of love he could not verbalize that I would throw my arms around him and kiss him & an act that undoubtedly perpetuated his behavior .
这礼物显然 通报着他不善 用言辞 表达的爱。 这时我便会搂住父亲,吻他&这亲近的举动无疑会使他 再度细腻。
But if you are afraid of being misunderstood verbalize your feelings to the person you 're hugging .
不过,如果你怕造成误会,就 用 言语向你所拥抱的人 表达 出自己的情感。