


  • Second Attitude theory is adopted to study how positive interactive meaning is realized in the verbiage .

    其次,运用态度理论来分析 如何在文字中 构建积极的互动意义。

  • Diverging from the profit to discuss enterprises ' value is all empty verbiage . How to promote enterprise 's value while creating customer 's value is an awkward problem that enterprises generally face .

    如何实现在创造顾客价值的同时也提升企业自身价值,这是企业普遍面临的 两难问题。

  • Slough off unimportant verbiage .

    删除无关紧要的 空话

  • But when programmers want to write simple test code without all the verbiage involved in a doctest then test functions are a wonderful way to write .

    但是,如果程序员希望编写简单的测试代码,不愿意考虑 doctest涉及的乱七八糟的东西,那么测试函数是很好的方法。

  • TO REGULATE THE MAIN PART TO CUT OFF THE VERBIAGE & On the Logical Structure of Liu Xie 's Wen Xin Diao Long · Rang Cai Pian

    规范本体剪截 & 论刘勰《文心雕龙·熔裁篇》的逻辑结构

  • To sweep away such verbiage should help the victorious prosecution of the war of resistance .

    扫除这些 空谈,对于进行胜利的抗日战争,应该是有好处的。

  • But lurking beneath the verbiage are two economic realities largely ignored by both political parties .

    然而, 长篇大论的背后,潜藏着 美国两大政党都几乎忽略了的两个经济现实。

  • Only by the economic investigation can the advertising writing not be just empty verbiage .

    指出经济调查的 成果 决定广告写作 水平

  • Third the image and the verbiage co-instantiate with each other in constructing the interactive meaning .

    第三,图像和 文本彼此相互作用,共同构建互动意义。

  • His characteristic fiction often seems to be constructed as collage & a pasting together of fragments gathered from the chaotic verbiage of American culture .

    他那具有显著特征的小说似乎是拚贴而成的&把来自于美国文化中的 冗长混乱的片段聚集在一起,粘贴起来。

  • It takes account of its audience offering explanations where requisite and avoiding specialized jargon and unnecessary verbiage .

    它考虑到了其读者,提供了必要的解释,并避免专业术语和不必要的 空话

  • He was a more than commonly candid English gentleman in his avowed dislike of the poet 's nonsense verbiage and verse .

    他比一般无偏见的英国绅士更加公然地宣称:他讨厌诗人的言之无物、 冗词 赘语 咬文嚼字

  • Once the BOM is completed you can start writing rules using the verbiage provided in the BOM .

    BOM完成后,您可开始使用BOM中提供的 措辞编写规则。

  • Fourth stress the actual combat and effectiveness of strategy the purpose to regard strategy implementation as planning and implementing to the business planning to be had thus avoided the cavity of planning just empty verbiage ;

    突出战略的实战性和可操作性,把战略实施作为规划的目的并落实到业务规划上,从而避免了规划的空洞、 言之无物

  • Second positive attitude is created through the verbiage .

    第二,在 文本中生成积极的态度。

  • In the IT industry developers have generated many innovative ideas ; some are used for years before verbiage is invented to describe them .

    在IT行业中,开发人员想到了很多新的创意:有些 创意在使用 专业词汇对它们进行描述之前已经运用了很多年。

  • The speaker lost himself in verbiage .

    那个人演讲 叠床架屋 兴头 十足

  • Use concise military verbiage - G.S.Patton .

    使用简明军事 用语&巴顿。

  • Lots of verbiage about why your run-time bots won 't work on the destination server .

    关于实时运行组件无法在目的服务器工作的 废话

  • The positive attitude indicated both in the image and the verbiage arouses the viewers ' interest and stimulates their desire to buy .

    图像和 文本所表达的积极态度引起观看者兴趣和购买欲。

  • But in China such patriotic verbiage is also a reminder of times not entirely departed when little other public speech was permitted .

    但在中国,这种爱国主义 言论也让人们想起了并不遥远的 过去,当时不同 看法的公开言论几乎都受到了禁止。

  • When the UN in 2000 set a millennial development goal of halving the percentage of humans living in extreme poverty by 2015 most people thought it was just pompous verbiage .

    2000年,联合国制定了一个千年发展目标,计划到2015年将生活在极度贫困之中的人口比例减少一半。当时多数人认为,这只是一种夸大其词的 空话

  • Verily this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose so let me simply add that it 's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.

    当然,我这段莫名其妙的 杂碎汤带来的是最冗长的自我介绍。所以现在长话短说:能遇见您是我天大的荣幸,您可以叫我“V”。

  • Stripped of their pretentious verbiage his statements come dangerously close to inviting racial hatred .

    抛开 那些夸大其词的 冗词 赘语 不论,他的言论有 挑起种族仇恨的危险。

  • To measure some of the more significant verbiage a minimum length of10 is required for the word to be graphed .

    要计算最常见的 用语,单词的长度至少为10才能生成图像。