A sharp controversy has broken out over newspaper reports that a top Japanese virologist has alleged China is concealing hundreds of human deaths from bird flu .
有报纸报道说一位日本 著名 的 病毒 学家声称中国隐瞒了数百名人感染禽流感死亡的病例。围绕这一报道出现了强烈的争议。
The veterinary virologist and the clinician are naturally interested in effectively combating a viral infection .
兽医 病毒 学家和临床医师对有效地制止病毒的感染自然会感兴趣。
A team led by virologist Kathleen Collins of the University of Michigan Ann Arbor now has evidence that HIV hangs out inside bone marrow .
一个由密歇根大学 病毒 学家 凯思琳·科林斯 带领的研究小组安恩·阿伯已经发现了HIV生存在骨髓里的证据。
Among Osterhaus 's co-authors are Klaus St ö hr the World Health Organization 's ( WHO ) leading influenza expert and Malik Pieris the virologist who led Hong Kong 's efforts to control SARS .
奥斯特豪斯的共同作者中包括世界卫生组织首席流感专家克劳斯·施托尔(KlausStohr)和领导香港非典战役的 马立克·皮尔利斯(MalikPieris)。
Despite all of this study researchers have missed a curious feature of the virus 's biology says virologist Geoffrey Smith of Imperial College London .
伦敦帝国理工学院的 病毒 学家 杰弗里·史密斯说,尽管对 痘苗 病毒进行了很多研究,研究人员却忽视了这种病毒生态中一个奇怪的特征。
In1973 virologist Zeng Yi revealed a link between NPC and Epstein-Barr virus infection .
1973年, 病毒 学家曾毅院士发现了鼻咽癌与EB病毒感染之间的关系。
A PAHO team of experts including an epidemiologist clinician / virologist risk communicator immunization advisers and emergency management experts was deployed to Paraguay on15 February .
泛美卫生组织于2月15日向巴拉圭派遣了一支由一名流行病学家、一名医生兼 病毒 学家、一名危险通报 专员、 几 名免疫顾问和突发事件管理专家组成的专家工作队。
Current knowledge of Ebola is still too limited because of a lack of facilities agrees Jens Kuhn a virologist and biosafety expert at Harvard Medical School who was not involved with the research .
哈佛大学医学院的另一位科学家 JensKuhn也表示赞同,就是因为缺乏合适的设备和装置,目前关于埃博拉病毒知识太局限了;他本人并未参加这项研究。
The virologist from the National Institute of Infectious Diseases ( NIID ) Japan is working with the Central Laboratory and the National Hospital Dili for further laboratory investigations .
来自日本国家传染病研究所的一 名 病毒 学家正在与帝力的中心实验室和国立医院一起工作,开展进一步实验室调查。
Guan Yi a virologist and professor of microbiology at the University of Hong Kong who led the research said that the new strain is unlikely to be caused by viral mutation .
这项研究是在香港大学 病毒学家、微生物学教授 管 轶的带领下进行的,他表示,这一新的毒株不太可能是由病毒变异造成的。
Fang Zhaoyan a virologist at the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention believes Chinese scientists and vaccine makers have the capacity to lower costs of the rotavirus vaccine .
中国疾病预防控制中心 病毒研究所的轮状病毒疫苗专家 方肇寅相信,中国科学家和疫苗生产企业有能力降低轮状病毒疫苗的成本。
I told you my father was this famous virologist .
我告诉过你我爸爸是 病毒 学家。
An entomologist and a virologist from the National Institute of infectious diseases japan partners in the Global Outbreak Alert and response network are assisting the Ministry of health timor-leste .
全球疾病暴发预警和应对网络的合作者,来自日本国家传染病研究所的一名昆虫学家和一名 病毒 学家正在协助东帝汶卫生部。
Joseph Fair an American virologist who worked in the region in 2004 says the villagers – fearful of Ebola witchcraft and unknown foreigners showing up in space suits – were trying to cut themselves off from the outside world .
2004年曾在该地区工作过的美国 病毒 学家 约瑟夫•费尔(JosephFair)表示,埃博拉、巫术及身着 ‘太空服’出现的陌生外国人让村民们心生恐惧,他们正试图切断与外界的联系。
A few months later virologist Yi Guan from the University of Hong Kong in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region China investigated a renewed outbreak of SARS .
几个月后,中国香港特别行政区香港大学 病毒 学家 管 轶 博士对再次出现的严重急性呼吸道综合征疫情进行了调查。
At this stage the evidence is anecdotal said Lin-Fa Wang a bat virologist at the Duke-NUS Graduate School in Singapore and the Australian Animal Health Laboratory in Geelong .
现阶段,还只有零星的证据,新加坡杜克-国大医学研究生院和澳大利亚吉朗的澳大利亚动物卫生实验室的蝙蝠 病毒 学家王林发(音译, Lin-FaWang)说。
You connected thetwelve monkeys with a famous virologist and his son .
你查出十二猴子军和 病毒 学家父子有关。
In a new study Mary Warrell a clinical virologist from the Oxford Vaccine Group at the UK-based University of Oxford and colleagues evaluated another method .
在这项新的研究中,来自英国牛津大学牛津疫苗研究组的临床 病毒 学家MaryWarrell及其同事评估了另外一种方法。
The virologist is supporting the Ministry in laboratory detection of dengue and helping with the collection and identification of the predominant strain in circulation .
病毒 学家正在登革热实验室检验方面支持卫生部,帮助收集和确认传播的主要菌株。
According to virologist Shahid Jameel two major problems in India are a lack of public communication and a lack of laboratories to detect infections .
病毒 学家 ShahidJameel认为,印度面临的两个主要问题分别是缺乏公众沟通和缺乏检测禽流感感染的实验室。
A team from the Global Outbreak Alert and response network including a virologist logistician entomologist geographic information specialist and epidemiologists are expected shortly to assist in controlling the outbreak .
来自全球疫情警报和反应网络的一个小组包括一名 病毒 学家、后勤专家、昆虫学家、地理信息专家和流行病学家,预期不久将协助控制暴发。
The problem with the subunit approach is that its effects don 't last said William Halford a virologist at Montana State University in Bozeman .
蒙大纳州大学 病毒学家 Halford在Bozeman称,使用亚单位法的问题是效力不能持久。