Exercise creates its own virtuous circle . Once you start a programme and do it regularly you 'll feel so good you 'll want to continue .
锻炼身体能够形成一种 良性循环。一旦你开始一项锻炼计划并持之以恒,你会感觉良好并坚持下去。
I cleaned the flat which left me feeling virtuous .
我打扫了整个公寓,这让我觉得自己 很 了不起。
Responsibility dialogue action and reporting are the key elements in a virtuous circle through which everyone benefits .
责任、对话、行动和汇报是 良性 循环中的关键组成部分。这个 良性循环使大家都受益。
He mouths virtuous phrases but full of lust and cupidity .
他是满口 仁义道德,一肚子男盗女娼。
Embark on their own core technology business development optimization and industrialization of a virtuous circle .
自主核心技术业务走上开发、优选、产业化的 良性循环。
They parade their virtuous beliefs and hide their vices
他们大秀 美德并掩盖自己的罪恶。
That might make a virtuous circle turn vicious .
这样做可以使一个 良性循环转变成恶性竞争。
She is a virtuous person ;
她是一个 心地 善良的人;
She will make him a virtuous wife .
她将成为他(的) 贤惠的妻子。
When one is surrounded by the virtuous he 'll become upright himself .
You can not sage and virtuous man but you should the righteous and humality ;
你可以不 圣贤,但你应该道义和人道;
Women be not virtuous but they have give us the idea of virtue .
女人并不 贞节,但她们把贞节的观念给了我们。
She follows a religion . she 's become virtuous and has a child .
她信仰了一个宗教,变得 圣洁并有了孩子。
Maybe some of you already saw that I was able to leak some screenshots of the new Virtuous ROM.
也许你已经看到了,我能泄漏一些新的 良性ROM截图。
He is a virtuous man .
他是个有 道德的人。
Used in this sense patriotism is a virtue and a patriot a virtuous man .
用在这个意义上,爱国主义就是一种美德,爱国者就是一个 道德 高尚的人。
He described them as a virtuous and hard-working people .
他把他们描绘成了一个 道德 高尚、勤劳刻苦的民族。
However the events of the last year have turned this seemingly virtuous cycle into a vicious spiral .
然而,去年发生的事件使这种表面上的 良性循环变成了恶性循环。
Louis was shown as an intelligent courageous and virtuous family man .
路易斯在人们眼里是一个智慧、勇敢、 品德 高尚的顾家男人。
Virtue theory is based on a very simple idea - the point of being human is to be virtuous .
优点理论基于一个很简单的想法-是人的点是 善良。
High heaven feels no emotion and helps only the virtuous .
皇天无 亲, 惟 德 是 辅。(《 书经 》)
I am going to live a virtuous life .
我要过一种 有 道德的生活。
Their strong consumer proposition has created a virtuous cycle for value formats .
他们强烈的顾客定位主张已经为价值模式创造了 良性循环。
But if done properly the Chinese strategy produces a virtuous circle .
但是,如果处理得当,中国战略可以产生了一个 良性循环。
And in the past few months there have been signs of an emerging virtuous circle .
在过去的几个月里,经济出现了 良性循环的一些迹象。
Being virtuous we obey them .
我们现在服从他们。因为我们是有 品德的人。
It is creating a virtuous cycle .
这正在形成一个 良性循环。
A sense of gratitude and indebtedness to others is and important wellspring of a generous and virtuous life .
阿债务的感激和对他人的意识和慷慨和 善良生活的重要源泉。