vessel entry

[ˈvɛsəl ˈɛntri][ˈvesəl ˈentri]

[经] 船舶进口报关

  • If there is no change in crew members and passengers the vessel receiving entry and exit quarantine inspections at the same port may get a P.W.E.

    船舶 入境、出境检疫在同一港口实施时,如果船员、旅客没有变动,可以免报船员名单和旅客名单;

  • The quantity of vessel - agency enterprises increased obviously after China 's entry into WTO . Entry into Fortune 500

    特别是 自我加入WTO以后,我国 船代企业的数量增幅很大。入围500大:中国企业的光荣与梦想

  • Three red lights indicate that the vessel is free from quarantinable epidemic disease and is applying for an entry quarantine permit ;

    盏表示:本 没有染疫,请发给 入境检疫证;

  • Passengers or personnel of vehicle vessel or aircraft carrying plants or plant products shall apply for plant quarantine upon arrival at the port of entry .

    旅客或车、 、航空器人员携带植物或植物产品,应于 入境时申请检疫。