


  • By virtue of the method of multiple-scale combined with quasi-discrete approximation we investigated the nonlinear properties of β - FPU with invariable vibratile force . It is shown that dissipation nonlinear Schrodinger equation of β - FPU chain is first obtained analytically .

    利用多重尺度结合准连续性近似方法,我们研究了处于恒定外加激励强度作用下的β-FPU链的非线性特性,首次在β -FPU链中得出了耗散型非线性Schrodinger方程。

  • It is indicated by test that the effect of step type variable parameter vibratile drilling is more superior than that of common drilling at corresponding conditions .

    实验得出, 跃式变参数 振动钻削效果明显优于相应条件下的普通钻

  • The laminated material is an advanced compound material . A new vibratile drilling technology with step type variable parameter is suitable ic process the new laminated material .

    叠层材料是一种先进的复合材料,阶跃式变参数 振动钻削新工艺最适合于加工新型叠层材料。

  • Vibration system is the important component which consists of a frequency variable power a vibratile eccentric and a vibration linkage .

    其中激振系统是设备的关键组成,由变频电源、 偏心轮和激振连杆组成。

  • Experimental Research of Ultrasonic Drilling Vibratile System for Brittleness Material

    脆性材料超声钻孔 振动系统的实验研究

  • Optimal Design of Vibratile Rotary Shaft for the Vibration Roller

    振动压路机 转子轴的优化设计

  • The structural innovation and the crack analysis for the support beam of the vibratile riddle

    振动 支承 横梁 分析及结构改造

  • On the basis of optimized vibratile drilling mono - ma - terial test the optimized value variable parameter is selected for vibratile drilling test of two kinds laminated materials .

    在单材料优化 振动钻削实验的基础上,进行了两种叠层材料按优化值变参数的振动钻削实验。

  • The resistance of graded broken stone to vibratile compacter was used to study the change of compaction state by analyzing the interaction between vibrating compacter and graded broken stone with dynamics .

    通过对压实机具与级配碎石相互作用的动力学分析,得到可以用级配碎石对 压实机具的抗力的变化来表征压实状态的变化。

  • Oil cooler for hydraulic circuit of engineering machinery such as excavator vibratile roller car-lifter & drill rig .

    用于挖掘机、 振动 压路机、汽车起重机、钻井机等工程机械油压系统的油冷却器。

  • Experiment of Influence Factors of Wet-type Vibratile Fiber Grille

    湿式 振动纤维栅 除尘 性能影响因素的实验研究

  • An acting force analysis on vibratile tumbling machine

    振动 机的受力分析