venous thrombosis

[ˈvinəs θrɑmˈbosɪs][ˈvi:nəs θrɔmˈbəusis]


  • Hemodynamic and respiratory effects of amniotic fluid embolism in the pregnant goats venous thrombosis & thrombo phlebitis

    孕羊羊水栓塞后血液动力学、呼吸的改变 静脉 血栓及血栓静脉炎

  • Clinical Application of Permanent Vena Cava Filter in the Treatment of Deep Venous Thrombosis of Lower Extremity

    下肢深 静脉 血栓治疗中永久性下腔静脉滤器的临床应用

  • Objective To investigate the treatment effect of deep venous thrombosis of lower extremities with fibrinolysin .

    目的观察纤溶酶治疗下肢深 静脉 血栓 临床疗效。

  • The clinical application of interventional therapy for lower limb deep venous thrombosis

    介入性综合治疗下肢深 静脉 血栓的临床应用

  • But no serious complications such as deep venous thrombosis or pulmonary embolism were observed .

    术中及术后未见深 静脉 血栓及肺动脉栓塞等严重并发症。

  • Meta-analysis of plasma lipid level and venous thrombosis

    血脂水平与 静脉 血栓 形成关系的Meta分析

  • None of the cases occurred vascular injury marrow infections broken nails and complications such as venous thrombosis .

    没有一例出现血管损伤、髓腔感染、断钉及 静脉 血栓等并发症。

  • A Case-control Study on the Risk Factors of Lower Extremity Deep Venous Thrombosis

    下肢深 静脉 血栓 形成 发病危险因素的病例对照研究

  • The Experimental and Clinical Study on Dahuang Zhe Chong Pill in Sequelae of the Deep Venous Thrombosis

    大黄蟅虫丸治疗 下肢静脉 血栓 形成后遗症的实验和临床研究

  • After retransplantation two of three patients lost their graft owing to bleeding and venous thrombosis .

    再移植后,2例由于出血和 静脉 血栓 形成而再次丢失移植物。

  • Risk factor of venous thrombosis and pulmonary thromboembolism were inquired .

    调查 静脉 血栓 形成和肺栓塞相关危险因素。

  • Conclusion : Cerebral venous thrombosis ( CVT ) around gestation period was rare and serious danger .

    目的:探讨妊娠期脑 静脉 血栓的诊断与治疗方法。

  • Adverse reaction observation of popliteal vein intervening thrombolysis in the treatment of deep venous thrombosis

    腘静脉介入溶栓治疗 下肢静脉 血栓的不良反应观察

  • Nursing care of 25 patients with acute lower limb deep venous thrombosis undergoing femoral vein embolectomy combined with interventional therapy

    25例血管介入联合股静脉切开取栓术治疗急性下肢深 静脉 血栓的护理

  • Effect of posture intervention on the lower extremity deep venous thrombosis after cesarean section

    体位干预对剖宫产术后下肢深 静脉 血栓 形成的影响

  • Transcatheter Thrombolysis via the Popliteal Vein for 35 Patients with Acute Lower Limb Deep Venous Thrombosis

    经腘静脉灌注溶栓治疗急性下肢深 静脉 血栓 形成35例

  • Interventional Treatment of Acute Pulmonary Embolism Complicated with Lower Extremity Deep Venous Thrombosis

    急性肺栓塞合并下肢深 静脉 血栓 形成的介入治疗

  • Doppler-ultrasound revealed a deep venous thrombosis in the left popliteal and calf vein .

    多谱勒超音波发现深部的左膕静脉和小腿 静脉血栓 形成

  • In a normal medical examination following the accident doctors discovered the blood clot between her brain and her skull a sinus venous thrombosis .

    在事故之后的一项常规医疗检查中,医生发现她大脑和颅骨间有血凝块,确诊为 静脉血栓

  • Conclusion Color Doppler ultrasound is an accurate noninvasive method in diagnosing deep venous thrombosis of lower limbs .

    论断彩色多普勒超声能无创、正确地诊断下肢深 静脉 血栓

  • Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension with Cerebral Venous Thrombosis

    自发性低颅压综合征伴脑 静脉 系统 血栓 形成

  • Clinical effect study on treatment of lower extremity deep venous thrombosis with QiZhi Granules ;

    研究紫芪颗粒剂对氢化 可的松致免疫低下小鼠免疫功能的影响。

  • Research of correlation factor about deep venous thrombosis postoperative pacemaker implantation

    起搏器植入术后深 静脉 血栓 形成相关因素研究

  • Objective : Through analysis of nursing process to find out evidences for preventing and nursing the lower extremity deep venous thrombosis in post-operative in old patients .

    目的:通过对老年人腹部手术后下肢深 静脉 血栓 形成患者 临床护理过程分析,为老年人腹部手术后下肢深 静脉 血栓 形成的预防和护理提供依据。

  • Objective : To evaluate the clinical effect of catheterization via the small saphenous vein in transcatheter thrombolysis in treatment for lower limb acute mix-deep venous thrombosis .

    目的探讨经小隐静脉途径置管直接溶栓治疗急性混合型下肢深 静脉 血栓 形成的临床应用价值。

  • Results 20 / 31 patients nuclein venous thrombosis of lower extremity phlebography are masculine .

    结果核素下肢 静脉造影阳性 20/31例。

  • Is It Necessary To Prevent Venous Thrombosis After Resection Of Hepatocellular Carcinoma ?

    预防肝癌切除术后的 静脉 血栓 形成是不是很重要?

  • Prevention and treatment for deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary thromboembolism in postoperative gynecologic cancer patients

    妇科肿瘤术后深 静脉 血栓和肺栓塞的防治

  • Application of ultrasonography in regional thrombolysis interventional therapy of lower extremity deep venous thrombosis

    超声影像在局部溶栓介入治疗下肢深 静脉 血栓的应用

  • Measurement : Prospectively diagnosed and confirmed symptomatic deep venous thrombosis or pulmonary embolism .

    测量指标――预期诊断和被证实为有症状的深部 静脉 血栓 形成或者肺栓塞。