venter imus

[医] 腹腔

  • The 5-Fu + CF two weeks treatment the association venter imus chemotherapy to treat the advanced stage tractus alimentarius tumor

    5-Fu+CF 双周 疗法 联合 腹腔化疗治疗晚期 消化 肿瘤

  • Two group marrow toxicity resemble but association venter imus chemotherapy group phlebitis 、 tractus alimentarius reaction have to lighten obviously .

    两组骨髓毒性相似,而联合 腹腔化疗组静脉炎、消化道反应明显减轻。

  • The association venter imus chemotherapy group meso life span for 15.6 months one year survival rate to contras P > 0.05 phase contrast not to have statistical significance .

    联合 腹腔化疗组中位生存期 15.6月,1年生存率为42.3%,对照组中位生存期11.2月,1年生存率25.9%,两组1年生存率比较,P>0.05,相差无统计学意义。

  • Two group effective power to contrast p < 0.05 two weeks treatment association venter imus chemotherapy group have utility contrast vein chemotherapy group .

    2组有效率比较,P<0.05, 双周疗法 联合 腹腔化疗组 静脉化疗组有效。