Red flocked wallpaper and a Victorian decor set the tone .
全红的墙纸和 维多利亚 时代风格的装修决定了情调。
Conrad 's novel epitomized both the good and the evil in Victorian society .
康拉德的小说典型地反映了 维多利亚 时代社会的善与恶。
In Victorian times people were phobic about getting on trains . They weren 't used to it .
在 维多利亚时代,人们对坐火车怕得要命。他们对此还不习惯。
His opinions about sex are very Victorian .
他对性的看法是非常 维多利亚 式的。
Victorian cut glass is perhaps the most underpriced area of the antique glass market .
维多利亚 时代的雕花玻璃器皿或许是古玩玻璃器皿市场上价值被低估得最严重的一个品种。
Our house was originally victorian but it has had a lot of alterations made to it .
我们的房子原先是 维多利亚 时代的,不过已经对其进行了许多改造。
His novels bring to life the Victorian age .
他的小说把 维多利亚时代的生活写活了。
The Victorian architecture and cobbled streets of this port town are truly picturesque .
这座港口城市的 维多利亚 式建筑和用圆石铺成的街道真是美丽如画。
Barry and Fuseli are hardly household names ; indeed since Victorian times they have been virtually ignored .
巴里和富塞利这两个名字算不上家喻户晓,实际上自 维多利亚时代以来,世人对他们已经不闻不问。
During the Victorian Age of the late 19th century taking a bath on Saturday night became common .
回9世纪晚期的 维多利亚时代,在星期六晚上洗澡开始很普遍了。
There are some delightful Victorian houses fronting onto the pavement .
面对人行道有一些漂亮的 维多利亚 时代的房子。
Victorian houses can seem cold with their lofty ceilings and rambling rooms .
维多利亚 式房屋屋顶高耸,房间布局凌乱,因此可能会显得较为阴冷。
He has gone off Dickens and the other Victorian novelists .
他不再爱读狄更斯和其他 维多利亚 时代小说家的作品了。
She had brought a book a feminist critique of Victorian lady novelists .
她带来了一本书,这本书从女性主义视角对 维多利亚 时代女性小说家进行了评论。
They came across a bone which had been lying on a museum shelf since Victorian times .
他们碰到一块骨化石,它自 维多利亚时代起就一直躺在博物馆的架子上。
As a Victorian woman writer Emily Bront expressed her concerns about the fate of nature and woman in Wuthering Heights .
作为 维多利亚 时代的女性作家,艾米莉。勃朗特在《呼啸山庄》中表达了对自然和女性命运的关注。
Forbidding Victorian architecture and statues .
维多利亚 时代令人生畏的建筑和雕像。
A return to Victorian values Slowly Julian 's toes came to life .
恢复到 维多利亚 时代的标准慢慢地,朱利安的脚趾恢复了知觉。
Victorian values are much misunderstood
维多利亚 时代的价值观受到了严重误解。
The book is a gem of Victorian idiosyncrasy .
这本书展现了 维多利亚 时代特色的精华。
My grandfather was very Victorian .
我的祖父非常 传统。
This thesis has put its focus on the aristocratic characters depicted in the Victorian novels .
本文将重点放在了 维多利亚小说中描绘的贵族阶级人物身上。
In my dream I 'm trapped in a large beautiful Victorian house .
在我的梦中,我被困在一个大,美丽的 维多利亚 时代的房子里。
The novels reflect the values of Victorian society .
这些小说反映了 维多利亚 时代的社会价值观。
We have a lovely old Victorian house .
我们有一栋漂亮的 维多利亚 时代的老房子。
A modern prison has replaced the Victorian one .
一所现代化的监狱取代了那所 维多利亚 时代的监狱。
Although born into aristocracy he was critical of the Victorian class system .
他虽然生于贵族世家,但却对 维多利亚 时期的阶级体制表示不满。
The wall caved in to reveal a blocked-up Victorian fireplace
墙坍塌了,露出砌在里面的 维多利亚 时代的壁炉。
The most prominent poets of the Victorian period had all but faded from the scene .
I sat by her bedside reading aloud to her from her favorite distraction & Victorian novels .
我坐在她的床边朗读她从她最喜欢分心的 维多利亚 式小说。
美[vɪkˈtɔriən, -ˈtor-]英[vɪkˈtɔ:riən]