( British ) a parsonage ( especially one provided for the holder of a benefice ) . The whole of their drive to the Vicarage was spent by him in expressing his discontent .
(英国英语)一所牧师住宅(它是作为牧师俸给之一部分土地)。他们 坐 马车 到 牧师 住宅的整个 路程,完全消磨在发泄他的不满 上面。
I 'll now call at the vicarage and report to you in due course .
我现在要 去 教区 牧师 家 拜访,然后 适时向你汇报情况。
And to the family at the Vicarage therefore as to her own parents since her marriage she was virtually non-existent .
因此她感到,自从她结婚以来,她对于 牧师 住宅 那一家人 来说,就像对她自己的家一样,实质上是不存在的。
Surely she might summon the courage of solicitude call at the Vicarage for intelligence and express her grief at his silence .
她一定要把自己渴望的勇气鼓 起来, 到 牧师 住宅 去 打听 消息,对他的沉默表示自己的悲哀。
Every time that he returned hither he was conscious of this divergence and since he had last shared in the Vicarage life it had grown even more distinctly foreign to his own than usual .
从前他每次回到 家 里,都意识到这种分歧,但是自从上次 回家 住了 几 天以后,他 现在 感触 到这种分歧明显变得比过去更大了,他和他们越来越陌生了。
The taxi swung in through the gates of the vicarage .
出租车拐进了 教区 牧师 住宅的大门。
His sister was in receipt of a yearly income of five hundred francs which sufficed for her personal wants at the vicarage .
他的妹子每年领着五百法郎的养老金,正够她个人 住在 神甫 家 里 的 费用。
As two boys were passing the vicarage the vicar leaned over the wall and showed them a ball .
当两个小男孩走过一 位 教区 牧师 的 住宅 时,牧师从墙内探 出身来,拿出一个球,给他们看。
I 'm going to the vicarage to borrow from the poor box .
我去 牧师那里从那个 捐款箱 里借。
The visitor presented himself at the vicarage .
来访的客人 到了教区 牧师 的 住宅。
Following Salomon kalou 's last gasp heroics at Vicarage road Jose Mourinho admitted that Chelsea were just minutes from handing the Premiership title to Manchester united .
在 维卡拉奇路球场 卡劳最后时刻打进绝杀球后,何塞?穆里尼奥承认切尔西只差几分钟就将冠军拱手送给了曼联。
The whole of their drive to the Vicarage was spent by him in expressing his discontent .
他们 坐 马车 到 牧师 住宅的整个 路程,完全消磨在发泄他的不满 上面。
That film was so scary it made the last thriller I saw look like a vicarage tea-party .
那部电影如此可怕,相比之下,我上一次看的恐怖片就显得 平淡无奇了。
Graham Taylor he did not like managing England but nearly everything he touched at Vicarage Road turned to gold .
格拉汉姆.泰勒不愿意执教国家队,但是他在 维卡其路能够点石成金。
Past the manor house and up to the vicarage .
通过郡长家 直达 牧师 住处。
She always called at the vicarage whenever she was in the area
只要她在那一带,她总会 去拜访 教区 牧师。
His brothers had already left the vicarage to proceed on a walking tour in the north whence one was to return to his college and the other to his curacy .
他的两个哥哥早已经离开 牧师 住宅,往北徒步旅行去了,旅行完了,就一个回他的学院,另一个回到他的副牧师职位上去。
This they addressed to Angel Clare at the only place they had ever heard him to be connected with Emminster Vicarage ;
她们把这封给安琪尔·克莱尔的信寄到了爱敏寺的 牧师 住宅,这是她们从前听说的和他有关的地方。
The large redbrick vicarage was built in the days of more fecund clergy .
那幢 牧师 住的红砖大屋是个多子女的牧师 在职时修建的。
It 's an all too convenient journalistic fiction that grubbing around for a late winner at Vicarage Road is somehow beneath players of this calibre and wage bracket .
这实在是一个太合适的报章杂志式小说了。乱翻一 通 然后 终于 找到在 维卡 拉格路的迟来的入球,某种程度上实在有失这些球员的水准和薪酬等级。
However about noon she paused by a gate on the edge of the basin in which Emminster and its Vicarage lay .
大约到了中午,她在一处低地边上的栅栏门旁歇了下来, 爱敏寺和 牧师 住宅就在下面的低地 里。
It was impossible to think of returning to the Vicarage .
再想回到 牧师 住宅是不可能了。