video mode

[ˈvɪdiˌo mod][ˈvidiəu məud]


  • A mechanism was developed that used the temporally scalable and error resilient video coding mode of the H.263 + Codec together with the Diffserv QoS architecture .

    263+时域和抗误码的 视频编码 模式与基于区分服务QoS相结合的机制。

  • The video server mode server mode embedded in hardware video recorder and digital network mode and the model selection of video system in Tianjin Iron & Steel Co. Ltd are introduced .

    介绍了 视频服务器 方式、硬盘录像机内嵌视频服务器方式、数字网络方式的特点,及天津钢铁有限公司视频系统的选型。

  • The specified video mode is not supported .

    翻译的意思是:指定 视频 模式不支持. 游戏现在 运行软件 模式

  • In the recent decade development process the traffic information collection has mainly a sense coil ultrasonic radar microwave infrared and video capture mode .

    在近几十年的发展过程中,交通信息采集主要有地感线圈,超声波,雷达,微波,红外线和 视频等采集 方式

  • The paper has realized a type of remote network surveillance system based on FPGA and has solved several problems including video capture color mode transition resolution change video data transition and moving-target detection .

    本文主要研究内容包括 视频采集、颜色 模式转换、分辨率转换、图像数据的传输和运动目标检测等问题。

  • Free video splitting mode lets you enjoy pleasure from video splitting .

    免费 视频分割 模式,让您享受从视频分裂的快感。

  • The paper also introduces the solution of this video monitoring mode .

    本文同时介绍了该 视频监控 模式的监控系统的解决方案。

  • Study on the Internet Video Commercial Mode Based the United Services Platform

    基于统一平台的互联网 视频业务 模式研究

  • The video signal mode include analog signal digital signal analog and digital signal coexist in one system .

    视频信号可分 :模拟信号、模拟和数字信号并存、数字信号。

  • This second driver provides the generic interface for drawing in video mode .

    这个第二层驱动程序提供了 视频 模式中绘图的常规接口。

  • It also display the name and number be dial and the audio and video mode used

    同时它也将显示所拨的名字与号码及所使用的音频和 视频 模式

  • Because the users demand more and more personalized services mobilephone video can be a new mode of transmission that provide users with a real-time interactive and personalized multimedia entertainment .

    由于手机用户对个性化服务的需求越来越强烈,因此,手机多媒体 影视应运而生,成为能为用户带来实时、互动和个性化娱乐的新的多媒体传播 方式

  • First of all this paper analyzes video training teaching mode and makes a needs analysis on it which lies foundation on remote video training systems ' analysis and design .

    首先,分析了 视频实训教学 模式,并对 视频实训教学进行了需求分析,为远程视频实训系统的系统分析和设计奠定了基础。

  • A novel sectorial self-scanning photodiode array ( SSPA ) featuring high sensitivity small photosensing area and serial video output mode can be used as a substitute for a conventional photodiode array with semicircular concentric annular detectors in the laser diffraction particle analyzer .

    研制出新型扇形自扫描光电二极管列阵( SSPA),其响应度高、管芯面积小、光电信号串行输出,在激光微(雾)粒测试仪中代替通用的同心半圆环带光电列阵。

  • The new models have a dedicated iFrame video recording mode that uses the same format that is used to edit on a computer to speed up the process .

    新机型有一个专门的iFrame 录像 模式,采用相同的格式计算机上编辑,以加快处理速度。

  • Optimal rate control for video coding with considering mode selection factors

    视频编码中考虑 模式选择的位率优化控制

  • Fast Video Coding Mode Selection Algorithm Based on Adaptive Thresholds

    基于自适应门限的 视频编码 模式快速选择算法

  • Optimization for AVS Video Encoder and Research on Mode Decision

    AVS 视频编码器优化及 模式选择算法研究

  • Video conference is a communication mode with multipoint to multipoint which requires high bandwidth for every member in the conference but the bandwidth in the Internet is limited .

    视频会议多点到多点的群组通信 方式,对于视频会议的任何一个成员都要占用带宽,对带宽有很高要求,而网络资源是有限的。

  • By analyzing existing long range video transmiting mode and working principle a Gigabit Ethernet interface circuit is designed .

    通过分析现有的 视频数据远距离传输 方式及工作原理,设计了基于千兆以太网的远距离传输电路。

  • This platform aims to solve the video business platform for their respective standing video production mode existing problems to avoid the business requirements and video production of forced separation .

    这个平台旨在解决视频业务平台各自为站的 视频生产 模式下存在的问题,避免了业务需求和视频生产的强制分离。

  • The specific framebuffer video mode at boot time is set by parameters passed to the kernel by the bootloader kboot .

    这个引导时特定的framebuffer 视频 模式可以通过引导启动程序kboot传递给内核的参数进行设置。

  • With the development of the technology of computer multimedi 、 video compression coding and network communication digital video surveillance system rises rapidly it gradually replaced analog video surveillance transmitter mode which make video image segmentation matrix and video recorder as the core the transmitter as supplement .

    随着计算机多媒体技术、视频压缩编码技术,网络通讯技术的发展,数字视频监控系统迅速崛起,逐渐地取代了以视频矩阵图像分割器、录像机为核心,辅以其它传送器的模拟 视频监控 模式

  • The smart video tracking synthesizes subjects of mode recognition machine vision image processing artificial intelligence etc. So it becomes a research method with great application value .

    智能 视频跟踪是 模式识别,机器视觉,图像处理,人工智能等多学科的综合,是一个很有应用价值的研究方法。

  • Ability to play video in full screen mode without the jagged edges of the demonstration due to an increase in the image .

    是否有能力在全屏 模式下的 视频演示的锯齿状边缘,是由于在图像增加。

  • An attempt has been made to connect to a session whose video mode is not supported by the current client .

    试图连接到其 视频 模式不受当前客户端支持的会话。

  • A method to design a random clock error test bench in verilog was introduced which combines the simulating verification of the video mode detector .

    结合 视频 模式识别模块的仿真验证,介绍了一种基于Verilog的随机时钟误差测试平台的设计方法。

  • You can find a list of Linux video mode numbers here .

    您能够在这找到Linux 视频 模式编号列表。

  • Added trackball support video scaling option portrait mode .

    时间轨迹球支持, 视频缩放选项,肖像 模式