The underwater visibility is referred as a factor which affects the lights intensity in this mode which makes the underwater scene realistic graphics much better .
在该模型中,将水下场景 能见度作为光强的影响 因素考虑进来,使水下场景绘制更具真实感。
The factors which impact visibility are induced into 6 species by factor analysis : F1-general meteorological factor ;
利用 因子分析方法,将影响 能见度的诸多因子归纳总结为6类公因子,即:(1)公因子F1,代表常规气象因子;
A new state transition probability rule that put the sensitivity of the candidate buses as the visibility factor is brought forward and the ant colony optimization search strategy is improved .
把 能见度 因子取为候选节点的灵敏度采用了一种新的状态转移概率规则,同时改进了蚁群优化算法的搜索策略。
In addition the authors considered that the ratio of AOD to visibility could roundly reflect the factor change in both horizontal and vertical directions so it was reasonable to measure the intensity of dusty weather .
另外笔者认为AOD与水平 能见度之比值能够较全面地考虑水平和垂直两个方向的 要素变化,衡量沙尘天气强度更具有合理意义,值得更深一步的探讨。
To some degree retrofitting is required in the interests of improved visibility although major weight is given to the cost factor .
在一定程度上,需要为提高 空气 透明度改造原来的设施,但花费上的 考虑仍是重点。
Applying Visibility Factor to Calculating the Atmosphere Stability Parameter and Comparing with National Standard Classification Method
运用 能见度 因子对大气稳定度参数的计算及和国标分类法的对比
美[ˌvɪzəˈbɪlɪti ˈfæktɚ]英[ˌvɪzəˈbɪlɪti: ˈfæktə]