


  • Inmates who encourage women into acts of indecency can lose their visitation privileges for weeks Wedding said .

    伟丁指出,鼓动妇女做出下流动作的囚犯将失去数周的被 探视权利。

  • The famine was a visitation of God for their sins .

    那次荒 是上帝对他们罪孽的 惩罚

  • She thought her dream was a visitation from god .

    她认为她的梦是上帝 赐予 信息

  • The church is subject to visitation by our local bishop .

    这个教堂受我们当地主教的 巡视

  • By comparing the empirical result with the result come from questionnaire and visitation the validity and feasibility of this research are validated basically to identifying of theme .

    实证分析结果与问卷结果和 访谈结论所进行的综合分析和判断结果相比较,初步验证了本研究方法对于主题识别的有效性和可行性。

  • The villagers thought that the storm was a visitation of God .

    村民们认为这场风暴是上帝对 他们 惩罚

  • He explained that the hospoital had strict policies about visitation .

    他解释说医院对 探视有严格的规定。

  • You will have supervised visitation rights every saturday .

    你每星期六在监督 人员 陪同下有权 孩子

  • The relationship between the Palins and Johnston since then has often been strained mostly over visitation issues .

    佩林家与庄士敦之间的关系此后经常处于紧张之中,主要是因为 探视问题。

  • A nation at war has the right of visitation of the neutral ships .

    一个处于战争中的国家有 视察中立国船只之权。

  • Compared with ADO the way of visitation to data in ADO .

    ADO.NET中的数据 访问方式与ADO相比发生很大的变化。

  • Was allowed visitation rights as long as he came to terms .

    只要他在 我们 这里就允许他 观察

  • So why would we give him visitation ?

    我们怎么会让他 探视呢?

  • If you are willing to serve in the visitation ministry please contact Pastor Chan or Helen Chao .

    如愿意参加 探访工作,请与牧师或赵海伦联系。

  • I mean establishing consumer visitation rights far beyond an800-number and a standard website .

    这意味着,要接受顾客的 探视权利,不仅仅使用800业务号码和标准网站。

  • Multi-colored sites have the lowest visitation time as a combination of warm and cool colors confuses the user .

    五彩斑斓的网站往往是 访问时间最短的,因为暖色和冷色的交叉使用会让用户变的迷茫。

  • Please pray for this saturday 's visitation .

    请为本周六的 互访祷告。

  • Jean repeatedly blocked the children from visiting their father until a visitation agreement was finally reached .

    Jean反复阻碍三个孩子看望他们的父亲,直到他们达成 探望协议。

  • It is no longer in use as Earth has since become a hotbed of alien visitation .

    由于地球已经变成外星 访客的温床,那个卫星已经没在使用了。

  • They believed the plague was a visitation of god .

    他们认为这场瘟疫是上帝的 惩罚

  • Next to agriculture is of course the visitation that we have here .

    次于农业的当然就是我们这儿的 参观 旅游

  • He was clearly within his rights to ask for visitation .

    他要求一个 探访的权利。

  • House-to-house visitation has been carried on under the regulations of the General Board of Health

    根据卫生委员会的规定,挨家挨户的 探访持续进行了下去。

  • We had to sue her to get limited visitation with our own grandson .

    为了看 孙子我们不得不起诉她。

  • Home visitation by police and social workers

    警察和社工进行家庭 探访

  • The young people have claimed almost daily visitations from the Virgin Mary .

    这些年轻人说几乎每天都会 看到圣母马利亚 显圣

  • The hospital has a pet visitation policy but it 's for dogs and cats not horses .

    这家医院有宠物 探访政策,但是对猫狗有 规定而没有 规定马。

  • They had another visitation from Essex police .

    埃塞克斯的警察再次 拜访了他们。

  • I had visitation rights .

    我有 探视权。

  • For their day is come the time of their visitation .

    他们有 了, 因为 追讨他们的日子已经来到。