Still the idea that thanking people with things can vex them is quite hard to swallow if you love to buy gifts and I for one am loath to stop .
不过,如果你喜欢买礼物,那么可能很难接受用礼物 表达谢意会 惹恼别人的观点,我就不愿停手。
Interior Structure of B - vex Hull
B- 凸包的内部结构
This issue looks likely to continue to vex the government .
看来这件事 还会继续 使政府 恼火。
Widowed daughters-in-law or sons-in-law who have made the predominant contributions in maintaining their parents-in-law shall in relationship to their parents-in-law be regarded as successors first in order . Col. 3:21 Fathers do not vex your children that they may not be disheartened .
丧偶儿媳对公、婆,丧偶女婿对岳父、岳母,尽了主要赡养义务的,作为第一顺序继承人。西三21作父亲的,不要 惹你们儿女的气,免得他们灰心丧志。
' Then ' said Good Mrs. Brown taking her own seat on the bones ' don 't vex me .
那么,善良的布朗太太在骨头上坐下来,说道,别 惹我 恼火。
And I 'll never never oh never while I have my senses do an act or say a word to vex him .
而且我永远不永远不啊,在我还有知觉时,我永远不会作一件事或说一个字使他 烦恼。
Vin Vex and Vex / Vin significantly elevated in patients with obstructive pulmonary abnormalities compared with those in controls ( P < 0.058 ) .
阻塞性肺通气功能障碍者Vin、 Vex、Vex/Vin均有显著升高(P<0.058),与PFT的表现相一致。
Sufficient Optimality Condition of Nonsmooth V - ρ - in vex Multiobjective Programming
复合V-ρ 不变 凸多目标规划最优充分性条件
That is so vex 'd with watching and with tears ?
看得真呢,它日夜都泪水 汪汪?
Manually maintained by Middleton updates are sometimes slow ; and Vex .
网站由 Middleton手工维护,有时候更新很慢;
Waltz nymph for quick jigs vex Bud .
女神,轻快的 华 而 滋 激怒了巴德。
Hereafter we must be cautious how we vex her .
从今以后,我们一定要小心不 去 惹她了。
Col.3:21 Fathers do not vex your children that they may not be disheartened .
西三21作父亲的,不要 惹你们儿女的气,免得他们灰心丧志。
In this paper we established full condition That B vex function is convex function . We gived the characteristic character of Clarke invariant convex function .
本文建立了 B- 凸函数为凸函数的充分条件,给出了Clarke不变凸函数的一个特征性质。
Mond Weir Duality and Wolf Duality Multiobjective Programming for B vex
B 凸 函数 下多目标规划的Mond-Weir对偶和Wolf对偶
There was another grave problem to vex him .
还有一个 使他 困惑的严重问题。
Everything about her vexed him .
有关她的一切都 令他 困惑。
How long will ye vex my soul and break me in pieces with words ?
你们 搅扰我的心,用言语压碎我,要到几时呢。
It vexed me to think of others gossiping behind my back
一想到别人在背后说我闲话,我就 很 恼火 。
A lack of proper signage the absence of left-turn lanes terrifying traffic circles for which the right of way seems to go to the fastest driver and an unpredictable public transit system can vex the visitor .
缺乏恰当的引导标识,没有左转道,似乎 只有 反应最敏捷的司机才能 搞定的环形交叉路口,和一个 让外地人 头痛的公共交通系统。
The essence of B vex functions
B- 凸函数的本质
I hope not else he will vex my father .
我希望不是,否则他要 惹恼我父亲了。
Thou shalt neither vex a stranger nor oppress him : for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt .
21不可 亏负寄居的,也不可欺压他,因为你们在埃及地也作过寄居的。
Still another is that strident frustrated and impatient shoppers vex shop owners and make them even less hospitable-especially at busier times of the year like Christmas .
此外,一些吵闹的、失望的、没有耐心的购买者经常 惹恼店主并使其变得更加不友好,尤其是在像圣诞节这样一年之中比较繁忙的时节。
Quick wafting zephyrs vex bold Jim .
疾风 使大胆的吉姆烦恼不已。
The envy also of Ephraim shall depart and the adversaries of Judah shall be cut off : Ephraim shall not envy Judah and Judah shall not vex Ephraim .
以法莲的嫉妒就必消散, 扰害犹大的必被剪除。以法莲必不嫉妒犹大,犹大也不 扰 害以法莲。
The notoriously foul-mouthed Ramsay has not sworn at all for the first 20 minutes of our meal but this issue seems to vex him more than most and acts as an ice-breaker .
以满口脏话著称的拉姆齐,在我们这顿饭的头20分钟里根本没有骂人,但是这个问题似乎 前所未有 地 激怒他了,起到了破冰作用。