

vt.& vi.(使)振动[颤动]摆动犹豫激动

  • The whole station seemed to vibrate as the express train rushed through .

    快车飞驰而 过时,整个车站都好像 震动起来

  • This makes some tiny bones in your middle ears vibrate .

    这又使中耳内一些细小的骨头 振动

  • The bar then absorbs energy from the wave and this makes it vibrate .

    铝棒会从 引力波中吸收能量并 产生 振动

  • So any electric current will then cause the fibers to vibrate .

    因此,任何电流都会导致纤维 颤动

  • I thought I set it to vibrate .

    我明明设成 振动

  • He heard a strange sound that seemed to vibrate through the ceiling over his head .

    他听见一个奇怪的声音仿佛 颤动着透过他头顶上方的天花板。

  • We also ask you to ensure that your mobile phones are switched off or turned to vibrate mode .

    为了会议的顺利进行,请关闭您的手机,或把手机 调到 震动状态。

  • The ground shook and the cliffs seemed to vibrate

    大地在摇晃,悬崖好像在 颤动

  • Sounds are produced by objects that vibrate at a rate that the ear can detect .

    物体以人耳能感觉的速率 振动而产生声音。

  • The curious feature of superstrings however is that they can only vibrate in10 dimensions .

    超弦好奇的特点,但是,他们只能在10个方面的 震动

  • Sound waves vibrate a piezoelectric crystal that generates a varying voltage .

    声波 震动压电晶体产生各种电压。

  • The radio waves cause molecules in the food to vibrate .

    无线电波使食物中的分子 发生 振动

  • ' Opium ' is a provocative sensual and voluptuous fragrance which makes all your senses vibrate .

    “鸦片”是一种刺激性的、能引起感官快感的香料,能使你所有的感官 兴奋 起来

  • My voice of speaking English can vibrate the whole room can you do that ?

    我讲英语的嗓音可以 整个房间 感到 颤动,你能做到吗?

  • The atoms in diamonds vibrate at very high frequencies .

    钻石中的原子以很高的频率 振动

  • The air in the desert seemed to vibrate in the midday heat .

    沙漠里的空气在正午时刻被热气熏蒸 颤动 起来

  • Watch a string vibrate in slow motion .

    观察慢运动中 振动的弹簧。

  • You have read that sound makes air vibrate thus making sound waves .

    你已经知道,声音使空气 振动,从而产生了声波。

  • When the top head is struck the snares vibrate against the bottom head producing a cracking sound .

    当顶部的圈套击中头部 震动对底部产生开裂音头。

  • These fundamental qualities can also vibrate at faster or slower frequencies through the powers of2 or duality .

    这12种基本的特性还可以以2的幂或着对偶二元性来以更快或更慢的 波动频率来 波动

  • Molecules rotate and vibrate by virtue of their heat .

    分子因热 效应发生转动和 振动

  • If I could sing your name right now the cells in your body would vibrate with remembrance .

    如果我可以立刻唱你的名字,在你的身体的细胞将会以记忆 振动

  • A pair of joined reeds that vibrate together to produce the sound in some woodwinds .

    在木管乐器中连在一块产生声音的一对 簧片

  • The traffic makes the whole house vibrate .

    路上的车辆使整个房子都 震动了。

  • The noise vibrated the table .

    噪音 使桌子 颤动 起来

  • Vibrating they can always vibrate harder translate faster .

    振动,它们总能更强烈地 振动,更快地平移。

  • The ear has a set of filaments to vibrate in resonance with incoming sound-waves .

    耳朵里有一组 细丝能和进入的声波 产生共振。

  • Rotating records cause a stylus to vibrate and the vibrations are amplified acoustically or electronically .

    旋转唱片使唱针 振动并且使振动在听觉上放大。

  • Tom 's heavy footsteps upstairs make the old house vibrate .

    楼上汤姆的沉重脚步 振动了整幢旧楼房。

  • I have got to set this thing on vibrate .

    我一定得把这玩意设为 振动