



  • His handling of the meeting is quite a virtuoso performance .


  • And in time Paganini resumed his career as a touring virtuoso .

    帕格尼尼终于重操他的巡回 演奏 旧业

  • A household name at home after millions tuned into his Chinese New Year TV gala the boy hails from the southern city of Xiamen and moved to Shanghai to study with the Conservatory 's Australian Chinese virtuoso William Chen .

    在国内,数百万人看到他的贺岁电视演出之后,这个男孩的名字就家喻户晓了。他来自中国南部城市厦门,后来迁到上海,师从澳籍华裔 艺术家威廉•陈(WilliamChen)。

  • Only the intervention of the Grand Duchess and the girl 's assurance that she had been unharmed by the presumed madman prevented damage to the dashing virtuoso 's career .

    幸好公爵夫人出面干预,那个姑娘也保证,她没有被这个冒失 伤害,才没有对这个英俊潇洒的 艺术 大师的事业 构成损害。

  • One of the most active of the saxophone virtuoso and education in china .

    中国最活跃的萨克斯 演奏 和教育者之一。

  • He was gaining a reputation as a remarkable virtuoso .

    作为一位 技艺非凡的 大师,他声誉

  • Clay was a virtuoso of politics .

    克莱是个 政坛 老手

  • He was a virtuoso of the Jazz guitar .

    他是一 爵士吉他 大师

  • Melchior Krafft was a virtuoso his father Jean Michel a famous conductor .

    曼希沃是一 演奏 ,他的父亲约翰·米希尔是著名的乐队指挥。

  • ( of lyric singing or a lyric singer ) marked by florid virtuoso trills and runs .

    (花腔的歌声或抒情的 花腔歌手)具有华丽的 装饰性的声音颤动和滑声特征的。

  • A cello trumpet etc virtuoso

    大提琴、小号等 演奏

  • Koji Tsumoto the guitar virtuoso from Japan in beijing !

    津本幸司,居住在北京的日本吉他 大师

  • But what actually killed the great virtuoso ?

    但是究竟是什么杀死了这位伟大的 音乐家呢?

  • In literature Basho developed poetic forms later called haiku and Ihara Saikaku composed virtuoso comic linked-verse and humorous novels .

    在文学方面,江户时代见证了松尾芭蕉手中俳句的发展,还有匠心独具的喜剧式连环诗作及 井原西鹤的幽默小说。

  • He is such a professional guitarist a real virtuoso in guitar playing !

    他是一个很专业的吉他手,一个真正的 演奏

  • He is going to be a great virtuoso .

    他会成为一个伟大的 艺术家

  • Paganini had led a wild life as a youth . And in time Paganini resumed his career as a touring virtuoso .

    帕格尼尼青年时代生活放荡。帕格尼尼终于重操他的巡回 演奏 旧业

  • A consummate artist ; consummate skill ; a masterful speaker ; masterful technique ; a masterly performance of the sonata ; a virtuoso performance .

    一位技艺高超的画家;超凡的技艺;一名傲慢的演说家;高超的技艺;奏鸣曲的熟练表演; 名师 演奏

  • England 's football fans were hoping for a virtuoso performance against Cameroon .

    英格兰队的球迷期待着该队与喀麦隆队能够 上演一场 精彩 对决

  • His disturbed state of mind during the SARS epidemic lead to a series of virtuoso paper-cuts that explored to the full the range of effects available in his chosen means of expression .

    在非典时期他困扰的心境使其创作了一系列 个性鲜明、 技巧 精湛的剪纸作品。这些作品极尽各式效果,探索了他所选用的表现手法。

  • He was a virtuoso on both banjo and guitar and also recorded on mandolin and lute .

    他是一个 两班卓琴和吉他 演奏 ,并在曼陀林有琵琶记录。

  • A virtuoso must first be an excellent technician who has made the basic practices habitual .

    艺术品 鉴赏家必须首先成为一名出色的技术师,具备基本的实践习惯。

  • His father was a virtuoso horn player who belonged to the court orchestra .

    他的父亲是宫廷乐队中一个 技巧 精湛的圆号 演奏家。

  • Holland would never dare cast himself as a virtuoso pianist .

    霍兰永远不敢说自己是 钢琴 名家

  • She may be accounted a true virtuoso .

    她可说是一位真正的 演奏

  • If you 're a virtuoso your tools of the trade effortlessly channel your intent spirit and expression to your medium .

    如果您是一位 艺术品 鉴赏家,您的交易工具可以毫不费力地引导您的意图、精神、以及对媒介的表达。

  • A virtuoso is one who is expert in playing a musical instrument .

    音乐 大师是指在演奏某乐器方面是专家的人。