via overland

[ˈvaɪə ˈovɚˌlənd][ˈvaiə ˈəʊvəˌlænd]

[经] 经由陆路

  • Sediment and phosphorus losses via overland runoff from erosion plots under different land uses were studied in an agricultural watershed in the Taihu Lake area in eastern China .

    选取太湖流域典型小流域, 通过 长期观测,研究了自然降雨过程引起不同农地利用方式下的地表径流氮流失特征。

  • The goods are to be shipped to Vancouver thence via Overland to Montreal .

    货物由船运到温哥华,再 温哥华 陆运至蒙特利尔。

  • Phosphorus exports via overland runoff under different land uses and their seasonal pattern

    不同土地利用 方式下的 地表径流磷输出及其季节性分布特征

  • The experiment indicates that it is feasible to restore and reconstruct wetlands through approaches centering on the surface flow restoration . Nitrogen Exports via Overland Runoff under Different Land Uses and Their Seasonal Pattern

    试验表明,以恢复地表径流为核心措施的湿地恢复与重建具有可行性。不同农地利用方式下 地表径流 氮的输出特征

  • If the spraying or spreading occurs shortly before or during a rainstorm fecal microbes from the waste can enter nearby streams via overland runoff .

    如果这种喷洒或散置, 凑巧在豪雨之前或期间进行,粪便细菌便可 经由 地面迳流进入邻近的溪流。